NTT DOCOMO Begins Sales of DataMesh Director

NTT DOCOMO started to sell DataMesh Director to enterprise customers from January 31, 2022, as a collaborative solution for 5G in Japan. The solution was selected as the Most Valuable Solution Award winner in the “docomo 5G DX AWARDS® 2021”.

Its main feature is that users can create Digital Twin + XR content (AR/MR content) as quickly as editing PowerPoint, and project it in conjunction with real space with just one click.

Especially in the construction and manufacturing industries, the introduction of XR promises to give team members an instant, common visual understanding of work schedules and status. By eliminating the added cost of complex XR programming requirements and reducing the lengthy time for XR customization implementations, DataMesh Director makes it possible for XR solutions to be used daily within the enterprise.

XR content created with DataMesh Director overlaid on real buildings to check the progress

A specific example of the effect of the solution’s introduction is the improvement of construction efficiency and reduction of project management costs in the construction industry. With DataMesh Director, this complex approach, which once required repeated confirmation of design drawings for construction management, is now eliminated, accelerating the common understanding of work procedures by all parties involved through the sharing of stereoscopic projections of real space. Even some examples show that the total project duration has been reduced by 60-70% by preventing errors and reducing rework.

DOCOMO will provide DataMesh Director in conjunction with 5G, which enables stable transmission of XR content to tablets, smart glasses, and other devices through high-bandwidth, low-latency communications. 5G makes it possible for all parties to agree on work information anytime and anywhere.

DOCOMO will continue to contribute to creating new value and solving social problems by providing products, technologies, and services that utilize 5G networks, including this solution, in an effort to make customers’ lives more convenient and fulfilling.

Xiaoqi Wang, Managing Director of DataMesh Japan

The in-depth cooperation with NTT DOCOMO, the number one mobile operator in Japan, will further expand the reach of DataMesh Digital Twin products in the Japanese market. Combined with DOCOMO’s 5G network and nationwide sales channels for commercial customers, DataMesh Director is expected to provide powerful support for frontline digital transformation for more Japanese enterprises. We plan to further expand our market share with DOCOMO in traditional industries such as manufacturing and construction in the short term.

We look forward to combining DOCOMO’s infrastructure, big data, and other assets to jointly create an industrial metaverse service that fits the Japanese market in the future.

DataMesh won the 2021 docomo 5G DX AWARDS Top Award

DataMesh has won again! DataMesh Director the digital twin platform by DataMesh 株式会社 (DataMesh) won the highest award in docomo 5G DX AWARDS in 2021 by NTT DOCOMO, INC, and NTT DOCOMO VENTURES, INC. This is the 2nd award won by DataMesh in the week following the 2nd prize in the 2021 HICOOL Global Entrepreneurship Competition.

The award aims to create new solutions for 5G by consolidating and recognizing the unique assets (technology, products, and services) of various companies that are in affinity with 5G. 

The award-winning DataMesh Director digital twin platform solution promotes the “democratization” of XR technology (enable XR to be accessible to everyone).  DataMesh Director enables users without 3D development expertise to quickly participate in the creation and implementation of digital twins and XR content. During the competition, the concept of “democratization of XR”, the accessibility of XR technology, and the ability of the solution to help drive digital transformation across industries was highly appraised. 

Kensho Kashimada, Marketing and Sales Manager, DataMesh.

Overview of the competition


The presentation of the final round

About DataMesh Corporation

Since its incorporation, DataMesh has been providing the world’s most advanced digital twin technology. DataMesh has been nominated for the first time in the Microsoft Partner of the Year Awards 2020 under the Mixed Reality category for its robust performance. Through digitalized matching of products, equipment, work manuals, construction procedures, workflows, etc., strengthen efforts to solve current social problems by achieving “new ways of non-face-to-face working” and “improving the efficiency and effectiveness of front-line workers”.

For more information, please contact our Japan department


Official website:

DataMesh Director 5 Released

After 18 months of polishing, DataMesh Director 5 just gets released! Compared with the earlier version, Director 5 enables users to build better digital twin workflows. Some notable changes:

  • Significantly improved BIM capabilities, allowing digital twin applications to span construction, supervision, and operation
  • Optimized editing experience, making digital twin content generation more convenient
  • Improved enterprise data security feature, making digital twin more secure on the cloud

Looking back at Director 4, we released the SaaS version of DataMesh Digital Twin Cloud Services (DCS) digital twin platform applications. The platform enabled better-standardized support capability in manufacturing training, after-sales, and construction. Our global customers have reached 100. Now with DataMesh Director 5, we will further enhance the ability to build BIM-based large-space digital twin scenarios, the ability to connect BOM and IoT platforms, and the ability to create hybrid deployments. The improvements will enable complex digital twin systems to become readily available anytime, anywhere.

Improved BIM Support

Multi-level sub-object editing and import
In DataMesh Director 5, users can pre-select the structural information of sub-objects when uploading 3D models in the new DataMesh Importer. In this way, DataMesh Studio can handle multi-level sub-object models more efficiently after importing, which is convenient for users to create content based on object structure.

Support multi-space positioning Marker
Under the new positioning mode of DataMesh Studio, multiple positioning markers are now supported within the digital twin scene. Markers can be printed on paper to enable positioning for cell phones and AR glasses. By scanning the Marker, users can quickly create the virtual-real combination of any location in DataMesh One and retrieve the digital twin content in building construction, maintenance, and operation.

Model masking function
When editing a scene, objects can be set to transparent, retaining their spatial location information and outlines, forming a mask for the virtual image behind them. The mask function allows users to accurately present virtual scene content in multiple directions when building scenes while avoiding the obstruction of the virtual image to the line of sight in the experience. Content creators can use it for better expression of large space scenes and fine-grained content.

Visual datum and ground transparency
Director 5 adds a visual datum concept and provides ground transparency options, enables users to manipulate BIM more efficiently. In DataMesh Studio, the datum can be easily moved by Shift+mouse pull, and the view rotation point is always at the center of the datum. The non-MR mode of One side also supports a similar operation. DataMesh Studio also added a ground transparency option. The transparency of the ground can be adjusted during editing, helping the users view the part below the horizontal plane, for example, buildings and corridors.

Optimized Content Creation Experience

DataMesh Importer
The 3D model and resource import function is now a standalone application, DataMesh Importer, to optimize content creation workflow. You can download it from Microsoft Store and Mac App Store. New content can now be uploaded and optimized without exiting Studio’s editing mode. Self-service 3D model cloud conversion service is currently in internal testing in our Japan region. It will be available in the other regions later this year.

Script objects support quick copy and paste

When editing content in DataMesh Studio, users can now use the object copy and paste shortcut (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V) to improve editing efficiency.

Images and videos ‘Always Facing Viewer’
Director 5 adds camera orientation for image and video controls. When the camera orientation option is checked in the Object panel, images and videos will always face the viewer’s camera view, allowing users to view information from different angles.

Restore camera view
DataMesh Studio adds the ability to restore the recorded camera position. Users can restore the last recorded position of the camera with one click.

Temporary object hiding
This feature enhances the experience of editing the content of complex structural objects. (Does not affect DataMesh One)

Web page embedding in AR
Director 5 provides users with web page embedding capabilities to leverage existing enterprise data dashboards, reports, and office system information. Content creators can now insert Web controls directly into the scene using DataMesh Studio. Using DataMesh One, you can display the corresponding Kanban boards on-site with just one click and no custom development required, making it easier to create digital twin applications.

Optimized scene list performance
In Director 4, editing a single scene refreshes all subsequent scenes. As more and more users started to build complex scripts for playbooks, the performance of DataMesh Studio degrades. Director 5 made several optimizations to the Studio’s scene list. When making changes to the scene content, only the current scene preview gets refreshed.

Improved Enterprise Data Security

Login IP allowlist
IT administrators of enterprise tenants can now adjust who can access the services by setting the login IP allowlist in DCS. This new feature restricts reliable user sources to safeguard enterprise data security.

Hybrid Deployment Support
DataMesh Director 5 supports enterprise SaaS/private hybrid deployment to protect sensitive data from leaking. Hybrid deployment creates a physical boundary of CAD drawings. In this way, content creators can desensitize data within a protected environment, facilitating end-users to use the product in public scenarios.

Australia Region Goes Live
To ensure cross-border data compliance, DataMesh Director 5 adds an Australian region to serve customers in the area. The new region is operated by our Australian partner Holovision 3D locally, which is a professional BIM service provider based in Brisbane. Holovision 3D also provides 3D scanning, surveying, and BIM design services.

Management Process Optimization
DCS portal has been optimized to make the registration and login experience smoother. The max number of trial license users has been increased to 4 per tenant.

WebGL deployment
In Director 5.0, DataMesh One starts to support WebGL deployment (WebXR not yet supported). WebGL experience is related to the user’s browser environment. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with DataMesh if you want to join the private testing.

Customers who have already subscribed to DataMesh Director SaaS service can upgrade the client directly. For platform development, live demo or product quote, please get in touch with us at

DataMesh Director Version 3.2 has been released, more intuitive MR expression from here!

The DataMesh Team has created a new iteration version for the Director. Director version 3.2 upgrades the editing functions to optimizes the MR expression, making it more intuitive and diversified. In addition, adding functions of scatter types, section and upload of graphics and videos, to develop a stronger sense of perspective and enhance the richness of the content. The adoption of new function has finished for the playback.

Editing Function

We have made new adjustments to the functions of the Director, upgraded the function of scatter, section, upload of graphics and videos, and notification. Users can observe the internal structure of the 3D model from every angle. Due to the new explanation with graphics or videos, the MR expression becomes more effective to the viewers, especially in training, guidance and sales support.

The internal structure through the section 

Starting from Director 3.2 version, users can operate the function of section in real time with the simplest way. The section point could be put on any part of the model through moving, dragging and rotating the section frame. Moreover, the eight 3D cube icons are provided on the right side of the page, which changes the direction with the 3D model. Users can quickly and intuitively select the preset section function, making it easier and more direct.

More selection on the Scatter type

Added two more scatter types, ‘Exploded’ and ‘Axial’. The axial type allows users to select the direction of the axial, to left, right, upward, forward or backward. ‘One-click way’ scatters the 3D model, leading to an intuitive expression of the MR.Stronger explanation with Text & Video

Stronger explanation with Text&Video

The 2D resources are available to be uploaded from version 3.2, including graphics and videos, etc. Simply uploading them with ‘one click’ enhances the richness of the content, making the explanation way easier and more direct. Upgrade the details of text box through adding word size, color and alignment. The personalized design makes the appearance more expressive and enhances the user experience. Moreover, new notification function will provide users the first-hand information of Director.

HoloLens 2 and iOS playback

The new version upgrades the playback for adapting to the new functions, and supports different hardware platforms, including HoloLens 2.

HoloLens 2 user could download DataMesh Player in the Microsoft Store. DataMesh Player has been released on the Apple App Store (Please search ‘DataMesh Player’ in the App Store or click to visit ).

Learn more about DataMesh Director:

Configuration Requirement

DataMesh Director 3.2 Version configuration requirements are as follows:

Please note: Starting with version 3.2, Director will remove HoloLens 1 support. The future version will focus on HoloLens 2 and other next-generation AR Glasses.