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Learning Management

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The Learning Management module in DataMesh FactVerse includes training group management, courseware management, training task management, and other functions, making it convenient for corporate trainers to carry out learning and training work. Users can manage training groups and courseware, assign training tasks, and view the completion status of training tasks.

    • Training group management: Users can create and manage different training groups, assign trainees and courseware, and easily organize and schedule training tasks.
    • Courseware management: Supports the creation of training courseware and the association of training materials (scenarios or scenes) to the courseware.
    • Scene role management: Supports creating and managing different roles for DataMesh Simulator training, corresponding to digital twins in the scene, such as operators, drivers, excavators, tower cranes, etc.
    • Individual performance: Displays each trainee’s progress and performance in training tasks, helping trainers track and evaluate trainees’ learning progress.
    • Overall performance: Provides overall performance statistics for each courseware, helping trainers gain a comprehensive understanding of the overall course mastery and training effectiveness.

The Training Group Management feature helps corporate trainers efficiently organize and manage training groups, enabling more effective allocation and management of training tasks.

Click on Learn Management > Training Group Management in the function navigation bar to enter the Training Group Management page.

The Training Group Management page includes the Serial No., Group name, Group type (Internal training group, temporary training group), Group mode(Training mode, Free mode), and Maximum members information.

Operations supported on the Training Group Management page:

    • Create a new group
    • View training group details
    • Delete a group
    • Fuzzy search: Enter characters and click search, search results are based on character relevance.
    • Page turning: Click the page-turning icon to flip left and right.

Create an internal training group

The internal training group is used for training users within the enterprise. The steps to create an internal training group are as follows:

1. On the Training Group Management page, click New to open the new group page.

2. In the New window, select the Internal training group and fill in the Group name, Maximum members, and other information.

    • Group type (required): Internal training group, temporary training group.
    • Group Mode (Required): It can be divided into Free mode and Task mode.
      • Free mode
        • Features: Trainees can freely choose courses and engage in targeted learning to improve learning efficiency.
        • Performance records: Scores in Free mode groups are not included in statistics or records.
        • Access permissions: Trainees do not need to be manually added; all users within the organization can access the group.
        • Location: In the training mode of DataMesh One, Free mode groups can be found under the Free Training module.
      • Task mode
        • Features: Trainees in Task mode groups can assess their skill proficiency through learning and examination tasks.
        • Performance records: Scores in Task Mode groups are recorded in both the client end and the FactVerse platform.
        • Access permissions: The trainer needs to manually add trainees; only members of the group can participate in learning and examination tasks.
        • Location: In the training mode of DataMesh One, Task mode groups can be found under the “My Tasks” module.
    • Group name (required): Must start or end with Chinese, Japanese, English or numbers, special symbols are not supported.
    • Cycle: The time period during which the group is active. Only groups within the valid period are displayed on the client.
    • Bind courseware: Bind the courseware that needs to be studied and assessed; multiple selections are allowed. By default, courseware is sorted according to the binding order, but users can adjust the courseware order on the group details page. This order determines the display sequence of the courseware in the client.
    • Maximum members (required): Positive integer between 1 and 400.
    • Group description: Text information within 300 characters.

3. Click the Confirm button to complete the creation of an internal training group.

Create a temporary training group

Temporary training groups are used for learning or exam tasks organized by external personnel of the enterprise. The steps to create a temporary training group are as follows:

1. On the Training Group Management page, click New to open the new group page.

2. In the New window, select the Temporary training group and fill in the group information. Note: The group mode for temporary groups is Task mode only.

3. Click the Confirm button to complete the creation of an internal training group.

Manage group members in task mode

When the training group is set to Task mode, the trainer can manage group members to ensure that the designated training tasks are assigned to the appropriate members. Below are the specific steps:

1. On the Training Group Management page, click the details button for the training group to open the group details page.

2. Add group members: In the User section, click to add group members.

    • Internal training group members: Use the organization’s FactVerse account.
    • Temporary Training Group Members: Requires entering the trainee’s account and trainee ID (8-11 digits).

3. Remove group members: Click the delete button to remove members who are no longer needed.

4. Edit temporary group member information: Supports editing the information of members in temporary training groups to ensure accurate member information.

Manage training group courseware

Managing training group courseware helps trainers efficiently organize and arrange training content. The specific steps are as follows:

1. On the Training Group Management page, click the details button for the training group to open the group details page.

2. Courseware operations:

a) Add courseware: Click the add button in the courseware section to add more courseware.
b) Adjust courseware order:
• Use the up and down arrows to adjust the courseware order.
• Use the drag icon to move the courseware to a specified position.
c) Delete courseware: Click the delete button to remove unwanted courseware.

Use QR code of temporary training group

On the details page of the temporary training group, you can find a QR code that facilitates the login for members to engage in learning and training tasks.

To log in using the QR code:

1. After creating the temporary training group, the training instructor can add members to the group.

2. In the upper right corner of the basic information section on the details page of the temporary training group, click the QR code icon to open the QR code for that group.

3. Share the QR code along with the corresponding student account and student ID (8-11 digit number) with the members.

4. Members can scan the QR code on DataMesh One to access the external login interface.

5. By logging in with their student account and student ID for that training group, they can access the learning and training content related to the group.

Delete a Group

On the Training Group Management page, click the delete button  to delete the training group.

Note: The group cannot be deleted when the group-bound task is in progress.

Edit basic information

You can edit the basic information of the training group, including the name, cover, maximum numbers, cycle, and description, by following these steps.

1. On the Training Group Management page, click the detail button of the training group you want to edit to open the Training Group Details page.

2. Click the edit button  next to Basic Information.

3. Fill in the basic information about the training group in the Edit window.

4. Click Confirm to complete the editing of the training group’s basic information.

Select Learning Management > Courseware Management in the function navigation bar to enter the Courseware Management page.

The Courseware Management page provides comprehensive management of courseware, helping trainers efficiently organize and maintain training content. The page includes the following information: Serial No., Courseware name, Courseware type, Creation time and Creator.

The page supports the following operations:

    • Create new courseware
    • View courseware details
    • Edit courseware
    • Delete courseware
    • Fuzzy Search
    • Page turning

Create new courseware

The steps to create a new scenario courseware are as follows:

1. On the Courseware Management page, click the New button to open the New courseware window.

    • Cover: Click + to select a local picture as the courseware cover.
    • Courseware type(required):
      • Scenario: Scenario courseware produced by DataMesh Studio, used for training on the DataMesh One platform.
      • Scene: Scene courseware created by FactVerse Designer, used for training on the DataMesh Simulator platform.
    • Courseware name (required): The limit number of characters is 30, must start or end with Chinese, Japanese, English characters or numbers and special characters are not supported.
    • Bind resources (required): Select the scenario or scene that needs to be bound based on the courseware type.
    • Courseware duration: Learners must complete assessments within the specified time limit for the courseware. If the time limit is exceeded, they will be forcibly logged out.

2. Select the courseware type, enter the courseware name, and bind the required scenario or scene for the courseware.

3. Click Confirm to complete the creation of the courseware.

Edit courseware basic information

1. On the Courseware Management page, click the detail button of courseware to open the detail window.

2. Click the edit button in the upper right corner of the basic information section to edit the courseware.

3. In the editing window, you can modify the courseware name, rebind the scenario or scene, and change the courseware duration.

The Scene Role Management function supports the creation and management of different roles for training in the DataMesh Simulator, where scene courseware produced by FactVerse Designer is used. This courseware includes various digital twins, such as excavators, tower cranes, and workers. The roles in scene role management correspond to the digital twins in the scenes. Training instructors can create various roles on the FactVerse platform based on different scenes.

You can select Learning Management > Scene Role Management in the functional module navigation bar to enter the Scene role management page.

The page supports the following operations:

    • Create new scene roles
    • Edit new scene roles
    • Delete new scene roles
    • Fuzzy search
    • page turning

Create a scene role

The steps to create a new scene role are as follows:

1. On the Scene Role Management page, click the New button to open the creation page.

2. On the New page, enter the scene role name.

3. Select an equipment model (optional): In the DataMesh Simulator, courseware must match the equipment model. Therefore, when creating a role for a licensed equipment digital twin, you need to select the equipment model to bind it to the corresponding equipment license.

4. Click Confirm to complete the role creation.

Individual Performance

The Individual Performance module records each student’s exam scores on an individual basis. Through the Individual Performance module, training instructors can gain insights into each student’s exam performance from multiple perspectives and provide targeted improvement plans for individuals.

You can select Learning Management > Individual Performance in the functional module navigation bar to enter the Individual Performance page.

The page supports the following operations:

    • View individual performance details
    • Invalidate personal scores
    • Download the statistics table
    • Fuzzy search
    • Page navigation

Individual performance details

Click the Details button on the Individual Performance page to access the individual performance details page.

The individual performance page is mainly divided into three sections:

1. Data report

The Data Report reflects the students’ overall exam performance. For example, the Pass Rate chart below shows that this student’s total study time was 13 minutes, with a pass rate of 67%. In the student’s Distribution of individual scores chart, the student had scores below 60 once and scores between 61 and 70 twice.

2. Error statistics table

The error statistics table can help identify the student’s weak areas, allowing for the creation of a targeted study plan.

3. Grade list

The grade list records and tracks each exam taken by students, helping to understand their learning outcomes.

Invalidate scores

Training instructors can invalidate a student’s entire exam record or individual exam scores. After invalidating scores, the student can retake the exam.

Invalidate all scores

On the Individual performance page, click the ‘Invalidate’ button to invalidate all of the student’s scores.

Invalidate specific score

On the individual performance details page, click the ‘Invalidate’ button next to an individual score in the grade list to invalidate that specific score.

Download statistics table

On the individual performance page and the score breakdown page, training instructors can download the student’s overall learning report, error statistics report, and learning performance report.

Download overall learning report: On the individual performance page, click the ‘Download’ button to download the individual performance report for all students.

Download personal error statistics table: On the individual score breakdown page, in the error statistics report section, click the ‘Download’ button to download the personal error statistics report.

Download personal grade list: On the personal score breakdown page, in the grade list section, click the ‘Download’ button to download the personal grade list.

Overall Performance

Overall Performance records the exam scores of all students within each courseware unit. Through the Overall Performance module, trainers can understand the overall learning effectiveness of the students for the courseware, allowing them to make adjustments to improve students’ grasp of the course content.

You can access the Overall Performance page by selecting Learning Management > Overall Performance from the functional module navigation bar.

Supported operations on the page:

    • View overall performance details
    • Download the statistics table
    • Fuzzy search
    • Page navigation

Overall performance details

Click the Details button on the Overall Performance page to enter the Overall Performance Details page.

The Overall Performance Details page is divided into two main sections:

1. Detail list

The Details List records each assessment of the students and summarizes the overall learning effectiveness of the courseware for all students.

2. Data Reports

The Data Reports section reflects the overall learning outcomes of the courseware. For example, the average score chart below shows that the overall average score for the courseware is 66. The pass rate chart shows a pass rate of 75%. In the distribution of individual student scores, there are 1 instance where scores were below 60, and 3 instances where scores were between 61 and 70.

Download statistics table

On the overall performance page and the score details page, training instructors can download the assessment report and details list for the courseware.

Download the courseware assessment list: On the overall performance page, click the download button to download the assessment report for all courseware.

Download the assessment score details list for courseware: On the details page of the overall performance for courseware, click the download button to download the assessment score details list for that specific courseware.

Example 1: Creating an Internal Training Task Using Scenario Courseware

The basic process for creating an internal training task using scenario courseware is as follows:

Specific steps are as follows:

1. Instructor edits and uploads the scenario: The instructor uses DataMesh Studio to edit and upload the scenario with assessment tasks. For detailed operations, refer to the Assessment section in the DataMesh Studio User Manual.

2. Instructor creates the courseware:

a) The instructor logs into the FactVerse platform.
b) On the Courseware Management page, click the New button to open the new courseware window.
c) In the new courseware window, select the courseware type as “Scenario,” enter the courseware name, and bind the scenario uploaded in Step 1.

3. Instructor creates an internal group:

a) On the Training Group Management page of the FactVerse platform, click the New button.
b) In the New window, select “Internal Training Group” for the Group type, choose “Task Mode” for the group mode, and enter the group name, maximum number of members, set the cycle, and bind the courseware.

c) Open the details page of the newly created group, and click the Add button in the members section to open the select users window.
d) In the Select Users window, select departments and users.

4. Learners complete learning and assessment tasks:

Learners log into DataMesh One’s training mode and complete the learning and assessment tasks. For detailed operations, refer to the Training Mode section in the DataMesh One User Manual.

5. View scores:

The instructor logs into FactVerse, goes to the personal performance and overall performance modules, and views the individual and course-wide exam results of the students.

Example 2: Creating an internal training task using scene courseware

The basic process for creating an internal training task using scene courseware is as follows:

Specific steps are as follows:

1. Instructor creates roles:

a) Instructor logs in to the FactVerse platform.
b) On the Scene Role Management page, click the New button to open the new role window.
c) In the new role window, enter the role name and select the model type.

2. Instructor edits and uploads scene files:

The instructor logs into FactVerse Designer and binds the roles created in Step 1 with the digital twins in the scene. After editing the scene, save and upload it to the FactVerse platform.

3. Instructor creates courseware:

a) On the Courseware Management page of the FactVerse platform, click the New button to open the new courseware window.
b) In the new courseware window, select “Scene” as the courseware type, enter the courseware name, and bind the scene uploaded in Step 2.

4. Instructor creates an internal training group

a) Open the Training Group Management page, and click the New button.
b) In the new window, select “Internal Training Group” for the group type, choose “Task Mode” for the group mode, and enter the group name, maximum number of members, set the cycle, and bind the courseware created in Step 3.

c) Open the details page of the newly created group, and click the Add button in the members section to open the Add Members window.
d) In the Add Members window, select departments and users.

5. Learners complete learning and assessment tasks on the Simulator.

6. View scores:

The instructor logs into the FactVerse platform, navigates to the Individual Performance and Overall Performance modules, and views the individual and course-wide exam results of the students.

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