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The module of digital assets covers Resources, Digital Twins, and BIM Data.

In the Digital Assets module, the directory is a key tool for managing digital twin assets and resources. The directory bar displays all the directories that users can access, making it convenient for users to manage digital twin assets, resources, etc.

The directory provides rich management functions:

  • Create a new directory: Users can create new directories as needed and define who is visible to these directories.
  • Delete directories: Users who possess deletion permission can delete customized public directories to better organize and manage digital assets.
  • Directory sorting: Provides sorting functions by modification date, creation date, name, etc., supporting both ascending and descending order.

Directory type

The digital asset directory is divided into the following four types:



Department directory

With the creation of departments, the system will automatically establish corresponding directories for the unified organization and management of departmental data and resources. Department directories will be automatically deleted when departments are deleted.

User private directory

Personal storage space, named “My Space”, accessible and viewable only by the user themselves.

Public directories created by users

They are established by users with the permission to create new primary directories and are suitable for resource sharing and collaboration.

DLC resource directory

Public Directory and its subdirectories store digital twin resources launched by DataMesh. In the Resources, the DLC resource directory contains DLC model resources; in the Digital Twins, the DLC resource directory contains digital twin templates, digital twins, scenes, and attribute groups.

User permission

Explanation of permissions in the chart:

  • : Granted permission
  • ❌: No permission

Department directory permission


Regular User


View directory

Create subdirectories

Resources management

✅ (View, upload, download, edit, move)

✅ (View, upload, download, edit, move)

Create department directory

✅ (Automatically create via the creation of department)

Delete department directory

✅ (Automatically delete via the deletion of department)

DLC resource directory permission


All users

View directory and resources

Use resources (eg. Use models in the DLC to edit scenario)

Delete resources

Delete directories

User private directory permission


Individual users

View directory and resources

Create subdirectories

Manage resources

Permission for public directories created by users



Users visible to the directory

Company administrator

View directories

Edit visibility

Add subdirectories

Delete directories

Manage resources

Note: Deleting a directory will automatically delete its subdirectories.

The Resources includes documents, images, videos, audio files, models uploaded by users, as well as scenario files created by DataMesh Studio. Users can load and use files from the Resources in DataMesh client products.

You can select Digital Assets > Resources in the functional module navigation bar to enter the resources page. The resources page supports operations such as uploading and downloading resource files.

Below are the operation instructions for the Resources page:

  • Upload resources: On the Resources page, you can click the upload button to upload your resource files. For more information about uploading resources, please refer to Upload Resources.
  • Filter resources: Click to filter resources by tags and types.
    • After selecting a tag, the resource list will display all resources with that tag.
    • You can view resources by type, including scenario, model, and document.
  • Resource search: You can use the search box to search for resources, and the search location option before the search box allows you to choose whether to conduct a global search or a search in the current directory.
  • Resource operations: After selecting a resource file, you can choose to download, delete, or move the resource file. Note: When the user does not have operation permission, the operation option button is grayed out.
  • View resource details: Click the resource details button  to view resource file details.
  • Rename resource files: Click the resource’s edit button , you can rename the resource.

Upload resources

You can upload different types of files to the DataMesh FactVerse platform, each with its respective size limit.

File Type

File Extension

Size limit





.mp4, .mov



.mp3, .ogg



.png, .jpg


3D model

glb, fbx, 3mf, obj, ply, stl, rvt


Simulation data script file



Customizable resources



Upload customizable resources

Customizable resources include advanced resources, widgets, and personalized scenes, which usually require DataMesh to provide corresponding development support to achieve the desired customization functions and effects.

The ZIP file of customized resources needs to be uploaded to the FactVerse platform through DataMesh Importer, and the accelerated model files will be displayed as files with the extension “.dmasset”.

Upload documents, videos, audio, images, 3D models, data script files

Users can upload documents, videos, audio, pictures, 3D models, and data script files as needed.


The steps for uploading resources are as follows:

1. Select the directory where you want to store the resource on the Resources page, and then click the Upload button.

2. Click or drag files to the upload window. You can upload up to 10 files at a time.

3. Click the Upload button to start uploading files.

4. Click the Upload details button on the top navigation bar to view upload details of the files.

If a file being uploaded has the same name as a file in the directory, it will result in an upload failure. You can rename the file in the Upload details window and then upload it again.

5. After finishing uploading the resource, the server will accelerate the model files except for .rvt files. The acceleration service is supported by Unity Accelerator. Company administrators can configure the acceleration platform on the Acceleration Service Settings module of Enterprise Settings.

The icon for “Accelerating” is , and the icon for “Acceleration completed” is . Additionally, you can check the acceleration status information of models in the message center.

Manually accelerate model files

FactVerse offers model acceleration services that automatically optimize uploaded models to improve loading and rendering performance on various platforms. Additionally, users can manually trigger acceleration tasks by clicking the Refresh button on the acceleration status after the model upload is complete.

Manual acceleration tasks will enter the acceleration service’s queue. Since acceleration services are shared among multiple users, task completion time is influenced by the number of queued tasks and the size of the model.

If there are many queued tasks or the uploaded model is large, the acceleration task completion time may be longer. Conversely, if there are fewer queued tasks or the uploaded model is smaller, the acceleration task completion time may be faster.

Acceleration status is indicated by:

  • Green dot: Acceleration successfully completed.
  • Red dot: Acceleration failed.
  • Black dot: Waiting for acceleration.

Import files from BIM 360

The DataMesh FactVerse platform supports importing files from Autodesk BIM 360.

Prerequisites: The administrator has configured the Autodesk BIM 360 account in the enterprise settings.

Steps for importing files from BIM360:

1. Select the directory in the Resources page to store the resources, then click the Import from BIM 360 button.

2. In the Hub window, select the BIM360 account, then click Confirm.

3. In the Project window, select the project and click Confirm.

4. In the Folder window, select the folder, then click Confirm.

5. In the project window, select the .rvt file to upload, then click Confirm to complete the file import.

RVT file conversion

You can convert RVT files to FBX models on the DataMesh FactVerse platform. The converted files can be used directly as model resources in DataMesh Studio or FactVerse Designer.


  • License Requirements: The enterprise subscription license must include the file conversion service for users to be able to use the RVT file conversion feature.
  • Service Dependencies: Our file conversion service relies on Autodesk APS (Autodesk Platform Services). Although we closely monitor their service updates, certain unforeseen upgrades may potentially impact our service. We are actively taking steps to minimize or avoid these effects.

Specifications for the file format conversion feature:

  • Supported file format: RVT files (Revit 2021 – Revit 2023).
  • Conversion to: FBX files (3ds Max 2023).
  • Reduction rate: 10%, 20%, 30%.
  • File size: Currently we only support online conversion and processing of BIM models smaller than 100MB. For conversion and processing requirements of larger models, please contact


1. On the DataMesh FactVerse platform, go to Digital Assets > Resources page.

2. Click the Upload button to upload files or click the Import from BIM 360 button to import files from BIM 360.

3. Click the corresponding conversion icon  for the RVT file to be converted.

4. In the pop-up Model conversion window, select the Convert to, Polygon reduction rate, and Merge rules.

  • Convert to: FBX format
  • Polygon reduction rate: When converting RVT files to FBX format, you can choose an appropriate reduction rate according to specific needs to balance the quality and performance of the model. On the basis of maintaining the original model structure, reduce the total number of polygons of the converted model by the selected percentage to simplify the model, save space, and enhance performance when viewing in the architectural scene.
  • Merge rules: Use this drop-down list to choose the way in which Revit objects are combined. Combining objects can reduce the number of objects in your 3ds Max scene and improve performance. Merge rules include the following options:
    • Do not combine components: Imports each Revit object as a single 3ds Max object.
    • Combine by category: Revit objects in the same category become a single 3ds Max object. The object has the name of the category and is placed on a layer with the same name.
    • Combine by family type: Revit objects belonging to the same Family Type become a single 3ds Max object. The object has the name of the family type and is placed on a layer with the same name.
    • Combine by material: Revit objects with the same material specification are consolidated into a single 3ds Max object. This object shares the same name as the material and is placed on a layer with a matching name. Revit metadata (series and category) does not appear in the 3ds Max Scene Explorer, and multi-dimensional/sub-object material information is lost.

The choice of merging method depends on your application scenario and requirements. If you are concerned about material organization, you can choose “Combine by material.” If you need to retain the original structure and details of the RVT file, you can choose “Do not combine components.”

5. Click the Confirm button to start the conversion process.

6. When the conversion status of the file shows “Processing completed,” the file is processed into the corresponding format of the model file and stored in the same directory as the original RVT file.

Delete resources

You can delete one or more resource files at once. Here are the steps to delete a resource:

1. Select the directory where the resource is located on the Resources page, and then check the checkbox in front of the resource file you want to delete.

2. Click the delete button .

3. Click Confirm in the pop-up prompt window to complete the resource deletion.

Note: Deleted files cannot be recovered and will cause scenarios that use these files to be unable to play. Therefore, please make sure that you no longer need these resource files before deleting them.

Download resources

To download resources to your local device:

1. Select the directory where the resource is on the Resources page and check the checkbox in front of the resource file you want to download.

2. Click the Download button .

3. When the browser prompts you to download multiple files, you need to click Allow to complete the download of multiple resources.

Move resources

To move one or more resource files to another storage directory:

1. Select the directory where the resource is on the Resources page and check the checkbox in front of the resource file you want to move. If you want to move multiple files, you can select multiple checkboxes.

2. Click the Move button .

3. In the pop-up window for selecting the directory, select the target folder directory where you want to move the resource.

4. Click the Confirm button to confirm your selection, and the system will move the selected resource files to the target folder.

View resource details

Here are the specific steps:

1. Select the directory where the resource is located on the Resource page, and then click the details button  of the resource file you want to view.

The details of this resource are shown in the following figure:

The Resource Details page displays the following information about the resource:

  • File Name: Resource filename.
  • Directory: Resource storage directory.
  • Size: File size.
  • Number of position QR codes: The number of position QR codes included in the scenario file.
  • Creation time: Resource upload date.
  • Modification time: Resource modification date.
  • Creator: The username of the user who uploaded the resource.
  • Acceleration State: When viewing the details of a model file, the Resource Details page displays the accelerated state information of the model, indicating the progress of utilizing acceleration services on various platforms. The states are as follows: Pending acceleration, Accelerating, Acceleration completed, Acceleration failed (in this state, manual re-acceleration is possible). Note: When manually accelerating, the resource’s acceleration task will enter the acceleration service queue because the service is shared with other users within the organization. The completion time of the acceleration task depends on the number of queued tasks and the size of the model.
  • Tags: Tags are used for the classification of resources, events, and scene projects.
  • Resource QR Code: Clicking on the thumbnail of the QR code in the upper right corner of the general information column opens the QR code for the resource. Users with access permission to the corresponding directory within the same tenant can scan this QR code using DataMesh One to quickly view and access the resource.

Rename resource files

To rename a resource file:

1. Select the directory where the resource is located on the Resources page.

2. Click the edit button  of the resource.

3. Modify the resource name.

4. Click the Finish button   to complete the resource renaming.

You can navigate to the Digital Assets > Digital Twins in the function module navigation bar to access the Digital Twins page.

On the Digital Twins page, users can create and manage digital twin templates, attribute groups, digital twins, resources, behavior trees, scenes, etc., to manage the digital twin content of the virtual world. This provides comprehensive support for enterprises, including training, guidance, experience, monitoring, control, simulation, and other functions.

Here are the operation instructions for the Digital Twins page:

  • Create digital twin content: On the Digital Twins page, you can click the New button to create new templates, digital twins, scenes, or attribute groups.
  • Filter digital twin content: Click the filter button to filter digital twin content by tags or types.
    • After selecting a tag, the resource list will display all digital twin content with that tag.
    • After selecting a type you can view resources by type, including templates, digital twins, scenes, behavior trees, and attribute groups.
  • Search: You can use the search box to search for digital twin content, and you can choose to perform a global search or a search within the current directory.
  • Operations on digital twin content: After checking the checkbox in front of the digital twin content, you can choose to delete or move that digital twin content.
  • View digital twin content details: Click the detail button  of the digital twin content to view its details.


A digital twin template defines a category of digital twins, a template for describing a category of digital twins. Each template contains metadata, behavior trees, and models for a category of digital twins, supporting the creation of similar digital twins.

Create a new template

On the Digital Twins page, you can create a blank template to start defining your digital twin.

Here are the steps to create a new template:

1. Select the storage directory for the template on the Digital Twins page.

2. Click the New button.

3. In the New digital twin window, select the Template section.

4. In the New Template window, fill in the template information and click the Confirm button.

  • Name (required): The name of the twin template. It must start with Chinese, Japanese, English, or numbers, and up to 30 characters.
  • Tags: Users can customize tags for template classification.
  • Description: Template description.
  • Thumbnail: Template cover image.

View template details

To view the template details, follow these steps:

1. Select the storage directory for the template on the Digital Twins page.

2. Click the details button  of the template to open the Template Details page.

3. On the Template Details page, you can view the detailed information of the template, and add attribute groups, behavior trees, resources, sub-templates and the associated digital twins (i.e., digital twins created based on this template).

Add a private attribute group

In the Template Details page, you can add a private attribute group to a template to customize the template attributes.

Here are the steps:

1. Select the storage directory for the template on the Digital Twins page.

2. Click the detail button  of the template you want to edit to enter the Template Details page.

3. Click the New button under the attribute column.

4. Fill in the Attribute Group Name (required) in the New Private Attribute Group window and click Confirm to display the new attribute group in the attribute column.

5. Click the add button  of the attribute group.

6. Fill in the attribute information such as Name (required), Data Type, Value Range (required), and Step Size (required) in the New Attribute window.

Name: It must start with Chinese, Japanese, English, or numbers, and up to 30 characters.

Data Type: Please refer to the Data types of attributes.

7. Click Confirm to complete the creation of the attribute.

8. You can repeat Step 5 to Step 7 to create more attributes.

Reference the public attribute group

In the Template Details page, you can reference existing public attribute groups for a template. Please note the following:

1. Pre-create public attribute groups: Make sure that the public attribute groups you want to leverage have been created in advance, either by yourself or by other users. For more information on creating public attribute groups, please refer to Create a public attribute group.

2. Have access rights: Ensure that you have the necessary access rights to the directory where the attribute group belongs.

Here are the steps to leverage a public attribute group for a template:

1. Select the storage directory for the template on the Digital Twins page.

2. Click the detail button  of the template you want to edit to enter the template details page.

3. Below the attribute column, click the Reference button.

4. In the Reference window, fill in the Attribute Group Name, select the directory where the public attribute group to be referenced is located, and select the public attribute group in that directory. Note: A public attribute group has already been created before the operation.

5. Click Confirm, and the referenced attribute group (✩attribute group name) will be displayed in the attribute group list.

Add sub-templates

In the Template Details page, you have the option to add sub-templates to a template, which helps define a specific part of the template’s structure. For example, in a template for an autonomous vehicle, you can add a sub-template for tires to define the tire component of the vehicle.

Here are the steps to add a sub-template:

1. Select the storage directory for the template on the Digital Twins page.

2. Click the details button  of the template you want to edit to enter the Template Details page.

3. Below the Sub-template column, click the Select button.

4. In the Select window, select the desired sub-template.

5. Click Confirm to complete the addition of the sub-template.

Delete a template

You can delete unnecessary templates by following these steps:

1. Select the storage directory for the template on the Digital Twins page.

2. Click the delete button  of the template you want to delete.

3. In the prompt window, click Confirm.

Attribute Groups

An attribute group is a collection of common attributes used to describe a digital twin, which usually correspond to the functionality, characteristics, or information of the digital twin.

You can manage public attribute groups in the Digital Twins page and reference these attribute groups in templates when needed to quickly add attribute groups and improve their reusability and maintainability.

Data types of attributes

Attributes are used to describe the properties or characteristics of a digital twin, which usually correspond to the functionality, characteristics, or information of the digital twin.

The following table shows the data types of attributes used in FactVerse:



Definable attributes


Integer type, used to describe integer physical quantities, such as 1, 2, 5.

•         Value range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647

•         Step size: Add a specified value (i.e., step size) in each operation and repeat the operation.

•         Unit: the measurement unit of attribute data, such as meters, centimeters.

Quantity, frequency, speed, etc.


Describes physical quantities in floating-point format, with 8-byte precision, such as 1.2, 2.5, 3.0. It can be used to represent attributes that require precise numerical representation, such as “time”, “percentage”, and “exchange rate”.

•         Value range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647

•         Step size:  Add a specified value (i.e., step size) in each operation and repeat the operation

•         The measurement unit of attribute data, in string type. For example, meters, centimeters.

Temperature, humidity, power consumption, balance, mass, area, etc.


Also known as a text type, used to input text.

•         Data length: The default set value is 10240 bytes.

ID, model, etc.


Also known as the Boolean type, it is a judgment type used for logical judgment.

The value of a bool type attribute is either true (1) or false (0).

Operational status, check status, execution results, etc.


Used to describe physical quantities of three-dimensional space information, such as coordinates, rotation angles, scaling, and other attributes.

•         Application: Position, rotation.

•         Unit: The measurement unit of attribute data, in string type. For example, degrees, cm.

•         Attribute value: In the format of x, y, z.

Placement position, placement angle, path positions, etc.


Color format: The format is R, G, B, A. The first three numbers represent the RGB color values, and the fourth number represents the transparency value.
Value range: Each number is an integer between 0 and 255. For example, 255, 87, 51, 128.

Appearance colors, status colors, etc.


0:x,y,z or 1:x,y,z,  where 0 represents a straight line and 1 represents a curve. The coordinates of two points are separated by the “|” symbol.

For example, 0:0,1,0|0:5,1,0 represents a straight path between the points (0,1,0) and (5,1,0).

Moving paths, transfer paths, transport paths, etc.


Date format: YYYY-MM-DD, for example, 2024-08-09

Production date, maintenance date, etc.


Time format: HH:MM:SS, for example, 14:30:00

Start time, landing time, stop time, etc.


Enum type format: A predefined list of values, for example: [01, 02, 03].

Error codes and error types, product codes and product categories, etc.


Object array format: Used to store an ordered collection of elements, where each element can be of any type but must be of the same type. For example: [1, 2, 3], [“a”, “b”, “c”].

Suitable for storing ordered collections of elements, such as sensor lists, device lists, path points collection, etc.


Key-value pair collection format: {key: value}, where each element can be of any type but must be of the same type. For example: {“ID”: “123”, “Status”: “Normal”}.

Suitable for storing data in a key-value pair structure, suitable for situations where quick lookup, addition, or modification of values based on unique keys is needed. Examples include usernames and their corresponding passwords, configuration options and their values, etc.

Create a public attribute group

The following are the steps to create a new public attribute group:

1. On the Digital Twins page, select the directory for the attribute group.

2. Click the New button.

3. In the New digital twin window, click Attribute group section.

4. In the New public attribute groups window, enter the Attribute Group Name (required), and then click the Confirm button. The newly created attribute group will be displayed on the Digital Twins page.

Note: The attribute group name must start with Chinese, Japanese, English or numbers, and does not support special characters.

5. Click the details button of attribute group to open attribute group details page.

6. Click the New button to add attributes for the attribute group.

7. In the New Attribute window, fill in the attribute information. For example, you can create an attribute for rotation angle:

Name (required): must start with Chinese, Japanese, English or numbers, and not exceed 30 characters.

Data Type: please refer to Data types of attributes.

8. Click Confirm and the newly added attribute will be displayed in the attribute list of the Attribute group details page. You can click the delete button  or edit button  to delete or edit the attributes as needed.

9. You can repeat steps 6-8 to add multiple attributes to the attribute group.

By following the above steps, you can create a new public attribute group and add attributes to it. When creating a digital twin template, you can easily reference the public attribute group and use its attributes to describe the digital twin.

To delete a public attribute group, you can click the delete button  for the attribute group and click Confirm in the prompt window to complete the deletion of the public attribute group.

To edit the name of a public attribute group, you can click the edit button  for the attribute group on the attribute group details page, modify the Attribute group name in the Edit attribute group window, and then click Confirm to complete the editing of the attribute group name.

Digital twin

A digital twin is an equivalent mapping of a physical entity in the digital world. Each digital twin is a specific instance of a digital twin template.

You can create, edit, delete, or view digital twins on the digital twins page.

Create a digital twin

Creating a digital twin means creating a digital twin based on a digital twin template, which can inherit metadata attributes, behavior trees, resources, sub-templates, and associated digital twins from the template.


1. Select the storage directory for the digital twin on the Digital Twin page.

2. Click the New button.

3. In the New digital twin window, select the digital twin section.

4. In the pop-up window, fill in the information for the digital twin.

Name (required): The name of the digital twin.

Template (required): The digital twin template.

Create a Sub Digital Twin: When a template A contains a sub template B, if this configuration is selected when creating a digital twin using template A, the system will create two independent digital twins for template A and sub template B at the same time.

Data Source: The data source of the digital twin can be divided into three types: HTTP, HTTPS, and TCP.

Data Source Address: It can be a real data interface or a simulated data script.

  • Real data interface: Fill in the IP address specified in the MQTT server access information.
  • Simulated data script: The script needs to be uploaded to DataMesh FactVerse, and the storage path should be filled in the data source address. Format specification: SimulationFile:/storage path/filename.iotsim.

5. Click Confirm to complete the creation of the digital twin.

Behavior Tree

The behavior tree is a hierarchical node tree that controls the decision-making process of the digital twin, forming a series of decision logic to realize the operating mechanism of the digital twin. Note: you can create and edit the behavior tree in the FactVerse Designer and delete and move the behavior tree on FactVerse.


The Digital Twins page provides scene management functions that can be used in conjunction with FactVerse Designer.

The scene operation instructions are as follows:

  • Create a new scene project: On the Digital Twins page, you can click the New button to create a new blank scene project. You can then open and edit the scene project using FactVerse Designer.
  • Delete a scene project: Click the delete button corresponding to the scene project to delete it.
  • View scene project details: Click the detail button corresponding to the scene project to open the Scene Details page and view the scene project details.

Creating a new scene


1. On the Digital Twins page, select the storage directory for the scene and click the New button.

2. In the New digital twin window, select the Scene section.

3. In the New Scene window, fill in the information for the scene project.

4. Click Confirm to complete the scene creation.

Viewing scene project details

On the Digital Twins page, click the detail button  corresponding to the scene you want to view to open the Scene Details page.

The Scene Details page displays basic information about the scene, including the scene name, tags, creator, creation time, and description. The bottom of the page includes the functions corresponding to the Digital twin list, Position list, Behavior tree list, and Task List.

Digital twin list

In the Digital twin list section on the Scene Details page, you can perform the following operations:

  • Reference digital twins: You can click the Reference button to reference a digital twin.
  • Delete digital twins’ reference: To remove the reference to a digital twin from the scene project, click the Delete button corresponding to the digital twin.
  • Assign workstation to a referenced digital twin: Click the Assign Workstation button  corresponding to the digital twin to select a pre-built workstation for that digital twin. A digital twin can be bound to one workstation.

The BIM Data service mainly supports the use of DataMesh Inspector. Through BIM Data service, users can create, manage, and browse architectural scene projects, and view and manipulate them in DataMesh Inspector.

To access BIM data, select Digital Assets in the function module navigation bar, then click on BIM Data, and you will enter the BIM Data page. This page shows a list of all architectural scene projects created and publicly displayed under the current directory. You can create new projects, delete and search for building scenes, and view detailed information about them.

Create new architectural scenes:

1. Log into the DataMesh FactVerse platform. In the function module navigation bar, select Digital Assets > BIM Data to enter the BIM Data page.

2. On the BIM Data page, click the New button to open the New window.

In the New window, you need to fill in the following information about the architectural scene:

  • Name (required): The name of the architectural scene.
  • Directory (required): The storage directory for architectural scenes. After you create an architectural scene, the system will create a hidden folder named after the scene within this directory to store the built files and the digital twins of the devices. For example, after the architectural scene “DM Office” is successfully created, a hidden folder named “DM Office” will be automatically created in its directory.
  • Description: You can add some text to describe or characterize the architectural scene.
  • Cover: You can select a standard format image from your local device as the cover of the scene. Choosing the right cover image can enhance the recognizability of the architectural scene.

3. After filling in the architectural scene information, click the Confirm button.

Import scene resources

Scene resources are model resources that constitute scenes, namely RVT files or zip files generated after processing RVT files (including component FBX files and Excel files containing component position rotation information and BIM information).

Note: Before importing scene resources, ensure that you have created the target architectural scene to correctly associate resources with the corresponding scene.

In the DataMesh FactVerse platform, you can import scene resources in two ways:

Method 1: Directly importing architectural scenes from resources

1. In the function module navigation bar, select Digital Assets, then click on Resources to enter the Resources page.

2. On the Resources page, click the import button corresponding to the RVT file you want to import to open the Import into the architectural scene window.

3. In the Import into the architectural scene window, select the architectural scene to import to, then click the Confirm button.

4. In the function module navigation bar, select Digital Assets > BIM Data to enter the BIM data page.

5. Click on the details button  corresponding to the architectural scene to enter the Architectural Scene Details page.

6. After the file is imported into the scene, its status will be “Import successful, waiting for building.”

Method 2: Importing resources from the architectural scene details page

1. In the architectural scene details page, click the Import button to open the Select resource window.

2. In the Select resource window, choose the required resource (RVT file or the .zip file generated through format conversion), then click the Confirm button to import the resource to the architectural scene.

3. After the file is imported, its status will be “Import successful, waiting for building.”

Through the above methods, you can successfully import scene resources into the specified architectural scene.

Scene building

The scene building on the FactVerse platform consists of the following two steps:

  • File format conversion: Using Autodesk APS services, Revit files are automatically converted into a format compatible with DataMesh Inspector, without the need for local software installation. This feature requires the enterprise tenant to have a file conversion service license.
  • Scene merging: The converted .zip files of BIM models from different disciplines are merged into a complete architectural scene, supporting facility management and engineering inspection needs.

The specifications of the file format conversion function are as follows:

  • Supported file format: RVT files (Revit 2021 – Revit 2023).
  • Converted to: FBX files.
  • Average conversion time:
    • 1-200M: Within 3 minutes.
    • 200M-500M: Within 5 minutes.
    • 500M-1G: Within 10 minutes.
    • 1G-3G: Within 30 minutes.


  • License Requirements: The enterprise subscription license must include the file conversion service for users to be able to use the RVT file conversion feature.
  • Service Dependencies: Our file conversion service relies on Autodesk APS (Autodesk Platform Services). Although we closely monitor their service updates, certain unforeseen upgrades may potentially impact our service. We are actively taking steps to minimize or avoid these effects.

Steps for scene building

1. On the architectural scene details page, select the files to be built (files with the status “Import successful, waiting for building”).

2. Click the Build button and confirm the consumption count in the popup prompt. Note: In this version, you don’t need to worry about the consumption count and can confirm the processing directly.

3. Files being built will be unavailable for selection and will show as “Building.” You can manually refresh the page based on the “Estimated Build Completion Time” to check the status.

4. When the file status shows “Build successful,” the file has been successfully built. At this point, you can proceed with subsequent operations, such as importing other building models for incremental building. Once the scene construction is complete, you can use DataMesh Inspector to open the architectural scene for business execution.

5. If the construction fails, hover over the icon next to the failure message to view the prompt and follow the suggestions to resolve the issue.

Scene Construction Failure Prompts and Solutions




APS processing timed out

The model is too large and exceeds the maximum number of models/components allowed in a single APS service request.

There are two conversion options available:

Ÿ   Authorize DataMesh to perform the model conversion.

Ÿ   Purchase a Revit/3ds Max software license and download the plugin from the official website for local conversion

Failed to upload to APS

Network error

Check your network environment to ensure a stable and smooth connection.

Failed to download from APS

Network error

Check your network environment to ensure a stable and smooth connection.

FactVerse processing failed

An exception occurred in the scene construction service deployed on the FactVerse platform.

Contact for support

APS service status error

Anomalies occurred in the service provided by APS, such as service failures or command errors.

Scene build plugin version mismatch

The version of the Revit/3ds Max plugin used for executing the local processing workflow is outdated and needs to be updated.

Click the specified link to download the latest version plugin, and re-execute the local format conversion.

Manage equipment digital twins

Create equipment digital twins

Create equipment digital twins within the architectural scene.

1. Create digital twin template: Use the FactVerse platform or FactVerse Designer to create a digital twin template for the target equipment based on actual business needs. If using preset templates from the Virtual Factory DLC, this step can be skipped.

2. Export Template: Export the Excel template from the architectural scene, which includes sample data.

3. Fill in the Excel template: Refer to the equipment business relationships in your equipment management system (such as Building Management System) to fill in the following information in the template:

  • Digital Twin information:
    • Digital Twin (Required): The name of the digital twin to be created. The created digital twin will be automatically saved in the hidden folder of the architectural scene.
    • Floor: The floor where the equipment is located.
    • System Ownership: The system to which the equipment belongs.
  • Equipment Business Relationships: After adding business relationships, you can view the relationships between equipment in the DataMesh Inspector in conjunction with the real environment.
    • Target digital twin: The digital twin of the equipment that has a business relationship with this equipment.
    • Business Relationship Description: A description of the business logic relationship for the created digital twin.
    • Relationship Type: Relationship types defined based on Brick Schema, with 4 options provided by the system:
      • feeds: Indicates that one device provides services, resources, or data to another device or system. For example, a chiller provides cooling water to an air handling unit.
      • hasPart: Indicates that a device is part of another device or system. For example, an air handling unit may include components like fans and filters.
      • hasPoint: Indicates the relationship between a device and its measurement or control points. For example, an HVAC system may have multiple temperature sensors to monitor temperatures in different areas.
      • hasLocation: Indicates the relationship between a device and its location. For example, a temperature sensor is installed in a specific room to monitor the temperature of that room.
  • Information Required for Creating Digital Twins:
    • Digital Twin Template (Required): The name of the digital twin template used for the equipment, such as a generic cabinet template.
    • Digital Twin Template External ID: If a template with the same name exists in the current tenant’s digital asset catalog, use the External ID to help the system accurately locate the template when creating the digital twin.
  • BIM Component Information: Information about the BIM components that match the digital twin of the equipment.
    • BIM Component Attribute Name (Required): An attribute from the BIM component, such as Element ID or Name, used to bind the digital twin created from this row of information.
    • BIM Component Attribute Value (Required): The attribute value of the BIM component used to bind the digital twin created from this row of information.


  • The two rows highlighted in yellow in the template are example data. To avoid accidental edits, these cells are locked for protection; please start filling in from row 5.
  • Ensure all required information is correctly filled out and check that the format of the template complies with system requirements before importing.

4. Import Excel template: On the Architectural Scene Details page, import the completed Excel template.

The system will generate digital twins for each piece of equipment based on the imported information and associate them with BIM components in the scene. The generated digital twins will appear in the digital twin list in the Equipment relationship panel, and the relationships can be displayed in both relationship diagram and table formats.

View business relationships between digital twins

You can view the business relationships between equipment digital twins to understand their relationships in practical scenarios. Follow these steps to view the business relationships between digital twins:

1. Access the Architectural Scene Details page.

2. Click the Equipment Relationship tab.

3. View business relationship:

  • Relationship Diagram: Click the “Relationship Diagram” icon , and the system will display the connections between the selected digital twin and other digital twins in a graphical format. Through the graphical interface, you can intuitively understand the upstream and downstream relationships, control relationships, etc., between the equipment.
  • Relationship Table: Click the “Relationship Table” icon , and the system will list detailed information about all relevant digital twins in a tabular format, including relationship types, target digital twins, business relationship descriptions, etc.

Edit equipment business relationships

You can edit the business relationships between equipment digital twins to ensure they reflect the actual business logic. The following steps will guide you through editing these relationships:

1. Access the Architectural Scene Details page.

2. Click the Equipment Relationship tab.

3. Click the “Relationship Table” icon to open the relationship table for the digital twins.

4. Edit equipment business relationships:

  • Add relationship:
  1. On the equipment relationship list page for the architectural scene, click the New button to open the creation window.
  2. Select the Target digital twins and Relationship type.
  3. (Optional) Enter a description of the business relationship.
  4. Click Confirm to save the new relationship.
  • Modify relationship:
  1. Locate the relationship entry you want to modify in the relationship table.
  2. Click the edit button to open the Edit window
  3. Update the target digital twin, relationship type, or business relationship description.
  4. Click Confirm to save the changes.
  • Delete relationship:
  1. Find the relationship entry you want to delete in the relationship table.
  2. Click the delete button , and the system will prompt you to confirm the deletion.
  3. Upon confirmation, the relationship will be removed from the list, and the association will no longer be valid.

Edit equipment digital twins

You can edit the basic information of an equipment digital twin to ensure it accurately reflects the actual equipment information. Follow these steps to edit an equipment digital twin:

1. Access the Architectural Scene Details page.

2. Click the Equipment Relationship tab.

3. Click on the detail icon of the digital twin to open the Digital Twin Details page.

4. Click the edit button to modify the name, data source, identifier, or description.

5. After making the changes, click Confirm.

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