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A scenario is a project file created and edited in DataMesh Studio. It consists of multiple scenes, each containing user-added models, pictures, attachments, text, and tools etc. In a scenario, you can configure jumping connections between scenes to enable interactive scene transitions. The scenario file format is .dirpkg and can be created, edited, saved, imported, and exported within DataMesh Studio. Scenario management is available in the Digital Twin service module of the DataMesh FactVerse Services platform.
Create a new scenario
To create a new scenario, click the Create button on the homepage. This will open the scenario editing interface and create a new scenario. By default, each new scenario includes two light sources and one camera.

If you are editing scenario in the edit interface, you can create a new scenario by clicking on the File menu and selecting New Scenario. Note: In this situation, you will be prompted to save the currently edited scenario.

Open a cloud scenario
To open a cloud scenario, follow these steps:
1. Click Open on the homepage.

2. In the Open Scenario window, select a cloud scenario and click Open.

If you are editing a scenario in the edit interface, you can click the File menu and choose Open Scenario to open a cloud scenario. Note: In this situation, you will be prompted to save the currently edited scenario.

Save a scenario
To save a scenario to the DataMesh FactVerse Services platform, follow these steps:
1. In the edit interface of DataMesh Studio, click the save button , or go to the File menu and select Save.
2. If this is your first time saving the scenario, you will be prompted to enter a scenario name, select a storage path, and click the Confirm button in the Save Scenario window to save scenario.

Import a local scenario
To import a local scenario into DataMesh Studio, please follow these steps:
1. On the homepage of DataMesh Studio, click the Import button. This will open a window displaying your local resources.

2. In the local resources window, locate and select the scenario file you want to import, then click the Open (O) button.
3. The scenario will be opened in the DataMesh Studio edit interface, allowing you to view, edit, and save the scenario.
Export a scenario
To export a scenario, follow these steps:
1. Click on the File menu and select Export Scenario. This will open the Export Scenario window.
2. In the Export Scenario window, you can configure the export options, such as selecting to Export Scenario, Export in Paly Resources and Export Resource Acceleration Attachment.

Export Scenario: The exported scenario file only contains the basic scenario file and does not include the resources within the scenario. Note: To import and use this basic scenario file, you must have access to all the resources within the scenario.
Export in Play Resources: The exported scenario includes the basic scenario file and all related original resources (not accelerated). You can directly use the scenario after importing, but the related resources need to be reaccelerated.
Export Resources Acceleration Attachment: The exported scenario includes the basic scenario file, related original resources, and the resources acceleration attachment. You can use the scenario and the accelerated resources directly after importing.
Preview a scenario
DataMesh Studio supports three play modes:
- Preview from the Beginning: In the edit interface, you can play the entire scenario using the following methods:
- Click the Preview menu and select Preview from the Beginning.
- Click the first scene thumbnail to set it as the current scene, and then click the play button
- Preview from Current Scene: In the edit interface, you can play the scenario starting from the current scene using the following methods:
- Select a scene thumbnail and click the play button
- Click the Preview menu and select Preview from Current Scene.
- Select a scene thumbnail and click the play button
- Preview the Current Scene: In the edit interface, select a scene, and click the Preview menu and select Preview the Current Scene to play current selected scene only.
- Preview from Current Scene: In the edit interface, you can play the scenario starting from the current scene using the following methods:
The scenario will be played in full screen. Press Esc on the keyboard or click the close button in the top right corner of DataMesh Studio to exit the play mode.
Change the reflection environment of a scenario
The reflection environment of a scenario in DataMesh Studio refers to the background environment and lighting effects used to simulate light propagation, reflection, and refraction in the virtual scene. It influences the appearance, lighting, and shadow effects of objects, enhancing the overall realism and fidelity of the scenes.
By default, there is no specific reflection effect for newly created scenario in DataMesh Studio. You can create reflection environment of the scenario by choosing indoor or outdoor environments provided by the system, or by using a skybox to create a more authentic and immersive virtual reality experience.
To change the reflection environment, follow these steps:
1. Click the Scenario menu and select Change Reflection Environment. This will open the Select Reflection Environment window.

2. In the Select Reflection Environment window, choose one of the following options:
- None: The default setting, where no specific reflection environment effect is applied.
- Indoor: Suitable for indoor scenes, simulating the light reflection features of an indoor environment.
- Outdoor: Suitable for outdoor scenes, simulating the light reflection features of an outdoor environment.
- Customize: Allows you to select different skybox pictures to create a suitable environment background and sky effect for your scenario, catering to specific scene needs and creative purposes.
3. If you choose the Customize option, follow these additional steps:
i. Prepare six skybox pictures corresponding to the front, back, left, right, top, and bottom views. The pictures should be in PNG format and follow English naming conventions (Front, Back, Left, Right, Top, Bottom).
ii. Compress the pictures into a ZIP file and change the file extension to “.dmcm”.
iii. Go to the Resources page of the DataMesh FactVerse Services platform and upload the .dmcm file.
iv. In DataMesh Studio, click the Scenario menu, select Change Reflection Environment to open the Select Reflection Environment window.
v. In the Select Reflection Environment window, select Customize and locate the uploaded .dmcm file.
vi. After selecting the file, click the Confirm button to finish customizing the reflection environment.