

Digital Twin Template

A digital twin template defines a category of digital twins. Each template includes Metadata, Simulation logic, and Roles for a specific type of digital twins, allowing the creation of similar digital twins using the template.

Metadata represents abstracted structures and their properties. It is derived and summarized from real objects, serving as structured data to describe various characteristics and content of real objects.

Simulation logic or operational logic refers to a series of decision-making processes to realize the operational logic of the digital twin. The simulation logic supported by FactVerse Designer is based on behavior trees to enable discrete simulation. It allows the digital twin to make decisions based on various environmental data.

Roles refer to 3D resources such as models, constituting the three-dimensional appearance of the digital twin template. Digital twins created from a template will inherently possess the appearance defined by this template.

Digital Twin

Digital twin is an equivalent mapping of a specific entity in the physical world in the information world. Each digital twin is a specific instance of a digital twin template.

Digital twin attributes

Attributes refer to the collective nature and features of a digital twin, covering various aspects such as production information, appearance attributes, status information, and purpose-related attributes.

    • Production information attributes: Used to describe the production information of the digital twin, such as model, batch, manufacturer, production date, etc.
    • Appearance attributes: Used to define the visual characteristics of the digital twin, including color, material, size, position, etc.
    • Status attributes: Used to express the operational status of the digital twin, indicating whether it is in operation, experiencing malfunctions, undergoing maintenance, etc.
    • Purpose attributes: Describe the performance and characteristics of the digital twin under specific purposes, such as production and processing efficiency, energy consumption, decibels, temperature during operation, etc.
    • Relationships between digital twins: Additionally, through the attribute pane, you can define relationships between digital twins. For example, specifying production relationships, processing relationships, transportation relationships, storage relationships, and disposal relationships between digital twins.

These attributes need to be defined using appropriate data types, including the following:


Definable attributes


Quantity, frequency, speed, etc.


Temperature, humidity, power consumption, balance, mass, area, etc.


ID, model, etc.


Operational status, check status, execution results, etc.


Placement position, placement angle, path positions, etc.


Placement positions of static items on the ground, target points on the ground, etc.


Moving paths, transfer paths, transport paths, etc.


Production date, maintenance date, etc.


Start time, landing time, stop time, etc.


Appearance colors, status colors, etc.


Error codes and error types, product codes and product categories, etc.

Behavior Tree

A behavior tree is a structure similar to a decision tree used to select appropriate actions based on environmental data. The behaviors in most behavior trees are driven by digital twin data, with the aim of modifying digital twin data. Behavior trees can be bound to digital twins or scenes. The execution process of a behavior tree involves traversing the tree, following a top-down, left-to-right execution sequence.

Behavior tree nodes

In FactVerse Designer, a behavior tree is composed of different types of nodes, including Root Node, Composite Nodes, and Action Nodes.

    1. Root Node: When creating a behavior tree, a root node is automatically generated, serving as the starting point for the execution of the behavior tree. The root node cannot be deleted and can only connect to one child node.
    2. Composite Nodes: Composite Nodes are used to organize and control other nodes. They act as flow control nodes, defining how the branches of the behavior tree are executed based on specific rules. Composite Nodes can be nested within each other. Composite Nodes cannot act as leaf nodes and can have two types of return values: success and failure.
    3. Action Nodes: Action Nodes represent specific behaviors or tasks of the digital twin, such as moving along a path or waiting. Action Nodes are the leaf nodes of the behavior tree, where complex logic can be implemented. When an action node is executed, it performs a specific action and returns one of the following three return values:
      • Success: Indicates that the node has been executed successfully.
      • Running: Indicates that the node is still running, and it will continue to run when the behavior tree is called again.
      • Failure: Indicates that the node has failed to execute.

Node execution rules

    1. The behavior tree is executed from top to bottom and from left to right.
    2. When the behavior tree reaches a terminal state, it returns to the Root Node and starts executing again.
    3. The Root Node can only have one child node.
    4. When a node has child nodes, it executes its child nodes first, from left to right. After all the child nodes have been executed, it moves on to the next node.
    5. The behavior tree runs in a continuous loop according to the specified sequence unless it is in idle mode or has been deleted.

Node operations

Add nodes

Drag and drop nodes from the Node Menu into the Editing area.

Delete nodes

Select the node to be deleted in the Editing area and click the delete button on the toolbar.

Rename nodes

Select the node to be renamed in the Editing area and enter the new name in the node name area above the Attribute Pane.

Connect nodes

To connect Node A with Node B, drag a yellow connection line from the bottom of Node A and connect it to the top of Node B. Release the mouse to complete the connection.

Organize nodes

Select the Root Node and press the “L” key to automatically organize the tree’s format.

Node condition


Node conditions refer to the criteria that must be met for a node to be executed. If the conditions are met, the node is executed; if not, it will not be executed and will return to its parent node.

The icon of conditions in the Behavior Tree Editor:

Condition groups

A condition group consists of multiple conditions within the group, and they are combined with the “AND” relationship. This means that all conditions within the condition group must be met for the node to execute.

The icon of condition groups in the Behavior Tree Editor:  

Multiple condition groups

A node can have multiple condition groups. The relationship between two condition groups is “OR.” This means that as long as one of the condition groups is satisfied, the node can execute.

The icon of condition groups in the Behavior Tree Editor:

Digital twin scene

A digital twin scene is a virtual view of a business environment composed of instances of digital twins. It may also include customized business logic and 3D decorative elements. The core of a digital twin scene is its layout, primarily focusing on how to organize digital twins.

Key functions of a digital twin scene include:

  • Positions of digital twins
  • Connection relationships between digital twins
  • Path planning
  • Global operational logic


Before you start using FactVerse Designer, you need to download it first. 


Download address

Windows PC

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Apple Store

System Requirements

To make sure FactVerse Designer works well, the following system configuration are minimum and recommended configuration requirements. 

System Minimum Configuration Recommended Configuration 
Windows PC Software
Window10 or above
Direct3D 11.0 or above
CPU: Intel®Core™i5-6200U 2.30Ghz 
Window10 or above 
Direct3D 11.0 or above 
CPU: Intel®Core™i7-11700 3.60Ghz 
macOS Software
Monterey 12.0.1 
CPU: Intel Core i7 
GPU: Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640 
Monterey 12.0.1 
Chip: Apple M1 

Acquiring Permissions

To obtain access to FactVerse Services and use FactVerse Designer, you must request permission from your enterprise administrator. The administrator will then assign appropriate permissions based on your role and requirements. This process ensures smooth access and usage of FactVerse Designer and other related products and services. 

Once granted the necessary permissions, you can log in and start utilizing FactVerse Designer for your design and simulation needs. 


Regular login

To access FactVerse Designer, you can use your FactVerse user account and password to log in. Here are the steps to log in: 

1. Open the FactVerse Designer login page. 

2. Select Language and Server: On the login page, you can switch the page language to Simplified Chinese, English, Japanese, or Traditional Chinese. Additionally, you can choose the desired server, such as Mainland China, Japan, or Singapore.

3. Private Deployment (Optional): If your organization has deployed a private server, you need to perform the following steps before logging in: 

a). Click on the Private Deployment icon  . 

b). In the pop-up Private Deployment Service dialog, enter your exclusive service code. 

c). Click Confirm to return to the login dialog. 

4. Enter your Account and Password: In the login dialog, enter your FactVerse user account and password. 

5. Click the Sign in button. 

6. If you belong to only one enterprise account, the homepage will be displayed directly. 

7. If you have multiple enterprise accounts, a list of enterprise accounts will be shown. Select the enterprise account you want to use, and then the homepage will be displayed. 

Third-party login

FactVerse Designer supports third-party login using Microsoft’s identity and access management service Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), enhancing the security for users when using FactVerse services. The following are the steps for using third-party login: 

1. Open the FactVerse Designer login page. 

2. Select Language and Server: On the login page, you can choose the desired language and server. 

3. Private Deployment (Optional): If your company has deployed a private server, you need to perform the following steps before logging in: 

a). Click on the Private Deployment icon

b). In the pop-up Private Deployment Service dialog, enter your exclusive service code. 

c). Click Confirm to return to the login dialog. 

4. Click the Microsoft icon and then enter your third-party account credentials for login. 


Upon successful login, you will be directed to FactVerse Designer’s homepage. The homepage provides you with access to the editing interface, allowing you to quickly access recently edited digital twin templates and digital twin scenes. 

In the homepage, you can perform the following actions: 

1. Create digital twin template: You can create brand-new digital twin templates.

2. Open digital twin templates: You can open existing digital twin templates for editing and customization.  

3. Create and open scenes: The homepage provides scene management functionality, allowing you to create new scenes or open existing ones.

4. Import scenes: The import feature is used to import Hands-on Lab scenes, enabling you to use the content from the Hands-on Lab. Please refer to FactVerse Hands-on Lab for guidance on using the Hands-on Lab.

5. Recently edited list: On the homepage, you can see a list of recently edited digital twin templates and scenes. This feature enables you to quickly access recently used templates and scenes, improving your workflow efficiency.

Template Editor

In FactVerse Designer, by clicking the New button on the homepage or opening any digital twin template, you will enter the Template Editor interface. In the Template Editor, you can define a specific type of digital twin in detail, including metadata, logic, and model aspects, among others.


The “Menus” in the Template Editor contain commonly used tools and commands for creating digital twin templates. Below are the functions of each menu:

FileNew: Create a new template. If the current template has not been saved yet, it will prompt you to save it.
Open: Open an existing template from the cloud. If the current template has not been saved yet, it will prompt you to save it.
Save: Save the current template content.
Save as: Choose a location in the cloud directory to save the template and save the current template as a different one.
Close: Close the current template and return to the main page. If the current template has not been saved yet, it will prompt you to save it.
Output: Exit DataMesh FactVerse Designer. If the current template has not been saved yet, it will prompt you to save it.
ToolsMove Gizmo: Used to enable or disable drag navigation, helping users to linearly drag roles in the scene.
Operating Parameter: Displays key data such as memory, Draw Calls, Batches, FPS, and other valuable information.
ViewGround grid: Show or hide the grid for planes at a height of 0 in the scene.
View cube: Show or hide the view cube, viewpoint reset button, and projection switch button in the scene area.
SettingsLanguage: Used to switch languages. Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Japanese.
User Account: Displays the currently logged-in user account.
Logout: Logs out the current user account.
Upload Log: Allows you to upload the latest seven logs to the DataMesh FactVerse Services platform.
About: View the current application’s version number.


In the Template Editor, the “Toolbar” contains commonly used commands as listed in the table below:



Home button: Clicking the home button will navigate to the main page. If there are unsaved modifications to the current template, it will prompt whether to save the current template. 

Save button: Save the newly created or modified template. 

Save as
button: Clicking the “Save as” button allows you to save the current template as a new file.

Undo button: Undo the user’s previous action. 

Redo button: Restores the user’s previously undone action. 


The Resources pane in the Template Editor is in the left pane of the interface. You can resize the Resources pane by dragging the bottom or right edge of the pane. Additionally, clicking the title of the Resources pane allows you to expand or collapse it. 

The Resources pane is divided into two sections: “My Resources” and “Tools”: 

My Resources 

In the My Resources section, you can access all available 2D and 3D resources. These resources include various elements and components that you can use to design and customize your template. 

Below are the features and interface elements in My Resources

    • Search: You can use the search box in My Resources to perform a fuzzy search for resources based on their names. 
    • Filter: By selecting tags, you can filter the resources in My Resources to display only those that have the chosen tags. 
    • Storage Path: Shows the storage path of the resource. Clicking  allows you to return to the upper level in the path. 
    • Refresh: Clicking the refresh button  allows you to update the resource materials. After uploading new resources, click refresh to view them in My Resources. 

Resource Status: 

    • Not Cached: Cloud-based materials have not been cached locally, and the icon appears in gray. 
    • Downloading: When you click on a not cached material, the download process begins, and the download progress is displayed. 
    • Cached: The icon is lit up, indicating that the material has been fully downloaded and can be directly dragged and dropped into the scene for use. 


The Libraries section contains pre-set digital twin content provided by the system, including pre-defined basic elements such as source, conveyors, and AGVs (Automated Guided Vehicles). These pre-set basic elements can be used as templates to help users quickly create complex digital twin templates.

In addition, the Libraries section also includes built-in system utilities such as subtitles, components, and shapes. These utilities enable users to add additional functionality and visual effects to the digital twin during the template editing process, enhancing interactivity and visual appeal.

Digital Twin Template

The Digital Twin Template pane is located below the Resources pane and is used to display the metadata, resources, and behavior trees of the current template. It is an essential component of the Template Editor interface, providing comprehensive viewing and management capabilities for the digital twin template content.

Scene Area

The “Scene Area” in the Template Editor is in the central pane of the interface and serves as the primary workspace for editing digital twin templates. Here, you can drag and drop models or tool resources from the Resources pane to start creating your digital twin template. 

The Scene Area includes the following elements:

    • Added Resources: You can add various resources, such as models, to the Scene Area for layout and editing purposes. 
    • View cube : Located in the top right corner of the Scene Area, the 3D Scene Gizmo displays the current viewpoint direction. Clicking the scene gizmo allows you to switch between six views (Front, Back, Left, Right, Top, Bottom).  
    • Viewpoint reset button : Clicking the reset button will bring the viewpoint back to the initial perspective, making it easy for you to readjust the view.  
    • Projection switch button : By default, the perspective projection is used. You can switch to orthographic projection by clicking on the toggle button. 

Attribute Pane

The Attribute Pane of the Template Editor is in the right-side pane of the Template Editor interface. It is used to edit the attribute information of the current template and the attributes of resources in the scene. 

The “Attribute Pane” of the Template Editor has the following main functionalities:

    1. Edit Template Attributes: When you click on a blank area in the scene, the Attribute Pane will display the current template’s attribute information. Here, you can modify the template’s name, description, and thumbnail information. 
    2. Edit Resource Attributes: When you select a resource in the scene, the Attribute Pane will show the selected resource’s attributes. You can adjust and set attributes of the resource here, such as size, position, color, etc. 
    3. Data Binding: The Attribute Pane allows you to perform data binding, linking the attributes of resources to other data sources. Through data binding, you can achieve automatic updates and interactive effects for the attributes of digital twins. For example, you can use external data to drive rotations, movements, and other posture changes of the twin object, enabling more realistic and real-time simulation effects.

Scene Editor

By clicking the New button or the Open button of the Scene section on the homepage, you can enter the Scene Editor interface. In the Scene Editor, you can organize digital twins created from twin templates into a digital twin scene, which includes functions such as digital twin layout and connections between entrances and exits. 


The Menus in the Scene Editor contains common tools and commands that you may use when creating twin scenes. Here are the functionalities of each menu:

FileNew: Create a new scene. If the current scene has not been saved yet, it will prompt you to save it.

Open: Open an existing scene from the cloud. If the current scene has not been saved yet, it will prompt you to save it.

Save: Save the current scene.

Save As: Choose a location in the cloud directory to save the scene and save the current scene as a different one.

Export: Export the digital twin scene as a digpkg format file and save it.

Close: Close the current scene and return to the main page. If the current scene has not been saved yet, it will prompt you to save it.

Output: Exit DataMesh FactVerse Designer. If the current template has not been saved yet, it will prompt you to save it.
ToolsMove Gizmo: Used to enable or disable drag navigation, helping users to linearly drag roles in the scene.

Operating Parameter: Displays key data such as memory, Draw Calls, Batches, FPS, and other valuable information.
ViewLight: Show or hide lights in the scene.

Path: Show or hide paths in the scene.

Ground grid: Show or hide the grid for planes at a height of 0 in the scene.

View cube: Show or hide the view cube, viewpoint reset button, and projection switch button in the scene area.

Port connections: Show or hide ports and port connections in the scene.
SettingsLanguage: Used to switch languages. Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, Japanese.

User Account: Displays the currently logged-in user account.
Logout: Logs out the current user account.

Upload Log: Allows you to upload the latest seven logs to the DataMesh FactVerse Services platform.

Change rendering environment: Modify the rendering environment of the digital twin scene.

About: View the current application’s version number.


In the Scene Editor, the “Toolbar” contains the following commonly used commands as shown in the diagram below:

Icon Description 
Home button: Clicking the home button will navigate to the main page. If there are unsaved modifications to the current scene, it will prompt whether to save the current scene. 
Save button: Save the newly created or modified scene. 
Save as button: Clicking the “Save as” button allows you to save the current template as a new file.
Undo button: Undo the user’s previous action. 
Redo button: Restores the user’s previously undone action. 
Path map button. 


In the Scene Editor, the Resources pane is located on the left side of the interface. You can adjust the size of the Resources pane by dragging the bottom or right edge. Additionally, you can click on the title of the Resources pane to expand or collapse it.

The Resources pane consists of three sections: Digital Twin, My Resources, and Libraries.

    • Digital Twin: In the Digital Twin section of the Resources pane, you can use digital twin templates to create digital twins and use them in your scene.
    • My Resources: This section functions similarly to the “My Resources” in the Template Editor. It contains all the 2D and 3D resources available to you. You can search and filter to find the resources you need.
    • Libraries: The Libraries section includes system-preset digital twin templates and built-in tools such as subtitles, components, and shapes. These tools can help you quickly add additional functionality and effects to enrich your twin scenes.

Digital Twin

In the Scene Editor, the Digital Twin pane is located below the Resources pane and is used to display all the digital twins present in the current scene. By default, it includes two light sources. 

The Digital Twin pane in the Scene Editor provides the following functionalities:

1. Show or hide digital twins: When hovering over the digital twin’s name in the list, an eye icon appears to the left of the name. Clicking this icon allows you to toggle the visibility of the digital twin. 

    • : The digital twin is currently visible. Clicking the icon will hide the digital twin. 
    • : The digital twin is currently hidden. Clicking the icon will make the digital twin visible.

2. Select a digital twin: Clicking the digital twin’s name will select the digital twin for further editing or operations. 

3. Adjust the Digital Twin pane size: You can resize the Digital Twin pane by dragging the right edge of the pane. 

4. Collapse the pane: Clicking the title of the Digital Twin pane, hiding the digital twin list. 

Scene Area

The “Scene Area” is in the central pane of the Scene Editor interface and serves as the primary workspace for editing digital twin scenes. In this area, you can layout, organize, and edit digital twins, models, and tools to create your desired digital twin scenes. 

The main features of the Scene Area in the Scene Editor include:

    • Drag and Drop Resources: You can drag and drop digital twins, models, or tools from the Resources pane into the Scene Area, placing them in the desired positions to start building your digital twin scenes. 
    • Editing and organizing: In the Scene Area, you can edit and organize the added digital twins and models, adjusting their positions, sizes, rotation angles, and more to achieve the desired scene effects.
    • Multi-view Display: The scene area supports multi-view display. By clicking on the view cube in the top right corner of the scene area, you can quickly switch between six views (Front View, Back View, Left View, Right View, Top View, Bottom View). This allows you to better observe and edit the scene from different perspectives.
    • Viewpoint reset: Clicking the viewpoint reset button  in the Scene Area allows you to return to the initial view, making it convenient for you to adjust and perform operations during the editing process.
    • Projection switching: You can switch between perspective projection and orthographic projection in the Scene Area to meet different scene requirements.

Attribute Pane

The “Attribute pane” of the Scene Editor is located in the right-side pane of the interface and primarily supports the following functions:

Edit scene attributes and behavior tree: When you click on a blank space in the scene, the Attribute pane displays the scene’s attributes. You can view and edit scene attributes such as name, description, and thumbnail. Additionally, you can switch to the behavior tree tab, which displays the behavior tree for the current scene. By clicking on any behavior tree, you can enter the behavior tree editor interface for corresponding editing and adjustments.

Edit digital twin attributes and behavior tree: When you select a twin body in the scene, under the Attribute tab in the attribute pane, the information about the selected digital twin is displayed, including its position, main functions, ports, etc. This allows you to make precise settings and adjustments. You can switch to the behavior tree tab, which displays the behavior tree for the current scene. By clicking on any behavior tree, you can enter the behavior tree editor interface for corresponding editing and adjustments.

Edit model resource attributes: When you select a model resource in the scene, the attribute pane displays the selected model resource’s attribute information. Here, you can adjust and set the pose attributes of the model resource or its substructures. You can also set the model or its substructure as Backface culling.

When a selected model or its subcomponent is set as “Backface culling,” observing the model or subcomponent from the back will make it disappear. This feature is mainly applied to scene models. For example, if you have a virtual factory model and select “Backface culling” for the external walls, when observing the factory from the outside, the external walls will be hidden, displaying only the internal structure and facilities, improving the visibility of the internal environment.

Edit other tool resource attributes: When you select a tool resource in the scene, the attribute pane displays information about the tool, such as color, position, and associated data for charts. You can make precise settings and adjustments through the attribute pane.

FactVerse Designer provides an intuitive visual Behavior Tree Editor, eliminating the need for coding to create complex behavior logic for digital twins.

The Behavior Tree Editor interface consists of the following main components: Toolbar, Node Menu, Behavior Tree Editing Area, and Attribute Pane. Through the combination of the Node Menu, Behavior Tree Editing Area, and Attribute Pane, the Behavior Tree Editor offers a visual and interactive interface, enabling users to easily create, edit, and adjust the structure and behavior logic of behavior trees.


The Behavior Tree Editor’s toolbar contains a series of commonly used functional buttons for operating and managing the editor. Below are explanations of the toolbar buttons and their functions:

    1. Back: The “Back” button is used to close the current behavior tree editor and return to the template or scene editor interface. After clicking this button, the behavior tree editor will be closed, and there will be a prompt to save or save as before exiting.
    2. Behavior Tree Attributes: This button is used to open or access the settings for the behavior tree’s attributes.
    3. Save: The Save button is used to save the currently edited behavior tree to the FactVerse Services platform.
    4. Save As: The Save As button allows users to save the currently edited behavior tree with a different name or path.
    5. Zoom View: The Zoom View button allows users to adjust the zoom level of the behavior tree in the editor interface. By clicking the Zoom View button, users can zoom in or zoom out the view of the Behavior Tree Editor to better observe and edit the details of the behavior tree.
    6. Delete Nodes: The Delete nodes button is used to remove the selected node. When a user selects a node and clicks the Delete nodes button, the node will be removed from the behavior tree.

Node Menu

The “Node Menu” is located on the left side of the Behavior Tree Editor interface. From the Node Menu, you can select the appropriate nodes and then drag them into the Behavior Tree Editing Area to create and edit the structure of the behavior tree.

Composite Nodes

Composite nodes consist of the following three types of nodes:

    • Parallel Node: All nodes under the parallel node are executed together, and if any one of them returns a failure, the parallel node returns a failure.
    • Selector Node: The child nodes under the selector node are executed from left to right. As long as one child node returns success, the entire selector node returns success, and the subsequent child nodes in the subtree will not be executed.
    • Sequence Node: The child nodes under the sequence node are executed from left to right. If any child node fails, the sequence node will fail, and the subsequent child nodes will not be executed. Only when all child nodes run successfully, the sequence node succeeds.

Action Nodes

In the “Node Menu” of the Behavior Tree Editor, all node types other than composite nodes belong to action nodes. Action nodes include the following types:

Digital Twin Nodes

    • Create Digital Twin: Creates a specified digital twin from the corresponding digital twin template with the specified pose (position and rotation angles).
    • Delete Digital Twin: Deletes the specified digital twin.
    • Set Attributes: Set the attributes of the digital twin or behavior tree.
    • Set Digital Twin Pose: Sets the position and rotation of the digital twin or roles within the digital twin.
    • Display or Hide Digital Twin: Shows or hides the digital twin or roles within the digital twin.

Path Nodes

    • Move Digital Twins Along a Path: Moves the digital twin along the configured path.
    • Set Digital Twin Moving Path: Configures the specified path to the digital twin’s attributes.
    • Move one step: Moves the target digital twin one step at the configured speed.
    • Generate Path: Modifies the digital twin’s movement path.

Role Nodes

    • Play Animation: Plays the specified animation for the designated role in the digital twin.

Storage Nodes

    • Outbound sorting: Moves the specified digital twin out of the designated storage area.
    • Inbound sorting: Places the specified digital twin into the designated storage area.

Port Nodes

    • Get digital twins from the input port: Retrieves digital twins from the specified ports and stores it in the designated attribute.
    • Remove digital twins from the input port: Removes digital twins from the ports.
    • Set Digital Twins to the Port: Places the target digital twin at the specified ports.

Behavior Tree Nodes

    • Add Behavior Tree: Attaches the specified Behavior Tree to the target digital twin, enabling it to execute the behaviors defined in the behavior tree.
    • Remove Behavior Tree: Detaches the specified Behavior Tree from the target digital twin, stopping it from executing the behaviors defined in the behavior tree.

Math Nodes

    • Random Number: Outputs a random number.
    • Addition: Performs addition operation on the target attribute’s value.
    • Subtraction: Performs subtraction operation on the target attribute’s value.
    • Orthostatic Distribution: Uses the input value to generate an output value following a normal distribution pattern.
    • Poisson Distribution: Uses the input value to generate an output value following a Poisson distribution pattern.
    • Sin Function: Converts the input value to its corresponding sine value and outputs the result.
    • Cos Function: Converts the input value to its corresponding cosine value and outputs the result.
    • Tan Function: Converts the input value to its corresponding tangent value and outputs the result.

Behavior Tree Editing Area

The “Behavior Tree Editing Area” is the primary workspace for creating and editing the structure and logic of the behavior tree. Users can drag nodes into the editing area, organizing them into a tree-like structure, and define the relationships and order between nodes. Users can adjust the positions of nodes and connect the lines between nodes. By working in the Behavior Tree Editing Area, users can intuitively build and modify the structure of the behavior tree.

Attribute Pane

The Attribute Pane is located on the right side of the Behavior Tree Editor interface and is used to set the attributes and execution conditions of behavior tree nodes. When a user selects a node, the Attribute pane displays the relevant attributes and conditional parameters of that node, which the user can set and adjust. The Attribute Pane also allows users to define the execution conditions of nodes, i.e., under what circumstances the node should be executed or skipped. By setting the execution conditions of nodes, users can control the behavior and execution logic of nodes based on specific conditions.

The Virtual Factory DLC is a digital twin content expansion package introduced by DataMesh, primarily targeting discrete manufacturing factories. By leveraging digital twin technology, it aims to improve the efficiency of execution in different business processes, including production planning, operation supervision, and layout planning, while also reducing overall manufacturing operational costs.

The Virtual Factory DLC includes common factory elements such as source, conveyor belts, converters, AGV carts, and operator. Subscribers to FactVerse Designer can use these preset factory elements directly when creating scenes or customize them based on this DLC to meet specific requirements.


The models in the Virtual Factory DLC serve as background and decorative elements in scenes, enhancing the realism of digital twin scenes. These models can also serve as the foundation for customized digital twin templates, allowing users to create specific types of digital twins, such as equipment and operators.

The Virtual Factory DLC includes several types of models:

    • Background models: These three-dimensional models serve a decorative or background role in scenes or environments, enhancing the realism and visual appeal of the setting without serving as the primary interactive elements. Examples include factory backgrounds, storage boxes, stacks, and operating stations.
    • Product models: Representing different types of products, each color and shape signifies a different product category. Examples include yellow balls, red cubes, and finished plastic boxes.
    • Production equipment models: These models represent various production and transport equipment, including conveyor belts, robot, AGV, etc., used to simulate and display the actual equipment used in factories.
    • Operator models: Used to simulate operators or personnel in a factory environment.

Digital twin templates

The Virtual Factory DLC provides various preset digital twin templates, including product templates and production equipment templates. These templates aim to simplify the process of creating virtual factory scenes for users and provide highly configurable simulation experiences.

    • Product templates: These can be attached to production equipment to simulate the actual production of products in the factory. Examples include templates for yellow ball products, blue cube products, etc.
    • Production equipment templates: These templates include robot, AGV, etc. Users can use these templates to create digital twins for various production equipment, allowing them to simulate the production processes in the factory, including automation, transportation, and material handling.
    • Operator templates: Operator templates cover preset settings for appearance, clothing, and actions, making it easy for users to add and configure operators in their virtual factory scenes.

Digital twin scenes

The Virtual Factory DLC includes four digital twin scenes, allowing users to simulate and learn basic production line operations and management.

    • Primary logistics line: This scene allows users to simulate and learn basic logistics line operations and management, including processes such as raw material generation and transport.
    • Conditional sorting scene: This scene focuses on simulating the conditional sorting process, enabling users to understand and optimize material sorting operations under specific conditions. Users can configure the behavior tree of the sorting equipment through drag-and-drop, understanding the ability to sort based on the coordination of the behavior tree and digital twin attributes.
    • Robot sorting scene: In this scene, users can delve into the operation of robot in the sorting process, including precise grasping and placing of materials. By dragging and dropping the behavior tree mechanism of the robot, users can understand the ability to express actual motion actions of the device through model animations.
    • Transparent factory: A digital twin transparent factory refers to the real-time monitoring, analysis, and visual representation of a factory’s production process, equipment status, product quality, etc., through digital technology. This comprehensive transparency enables the entire factory’s production and operations to be visualized. The foundation of a digital twin transparent factory lies in digital twin technology, which precisely corresponds the physical factory to a digital model, allowing for comprehensive simulation and optimization of the factory’s production.

The Virtual Factory DLC is stored in the “Public directory” folder and is visible to all users with FactVerse Designer permissions. Users can use the Virtual Factory DLC in FactVerse Designer for various purposes.

The primary use cases for the Virtual Factory DLC are as follows:

    • Viewing DLC content, including DLC directories and list contents, in the digital twin module of the FactVerse Services platform.
    • Referencing DLC scenes and digital twins in other functional modules of the FactVerse Services platform. Currently, the equipment inspection module can reference scenes, and the data fusion module can reference digital twins.
    • Viewing, saving, and editing DLC content in FactVerse Designer. Note: Content that supports saving as a new file includes templates, behavior trees, digital twins, and scenes; models in the DLC cannot be saved.

Edit templates in Virtual Factory DLC

If you need to edit templates in the Virtual Factory DLC and save changes, follow these steps:

    1. Click the “Open” button under the Digital Twin Template on the homepage of FactVerse Designer to open the resource window.
    2. In the resource directory, find and select the preset template in the Virtual Factory DLC that you want to edit. Click “Open” to open this preset template in the template editor.
    3. In the template editor’s toolbar, click  to save this preset template to another directory.
    4. Edit the template, such as adding model resources, adjusting the position and rotation angle of model resources, etc.
    5. After completing the editing, click to save your changes.

Edit behavior trees in Virtual Factory DLC

When you need to edit preset behavior trees in the Virtual Factory DLC and save changes, you should open the behavior tree in the template editor or scene editor and then edit after saving as a new file.

For editing preset behavior trees in a newly created template, follow these steps:

1. Click the New button under Digital Twin Template on the FactVerse Designer homepage to create a new template.

2. In the template editor’s Digital Twin Template pane, click ︙ next to Behavior Tree, then select Add Behavior Tree to open the behavior tree list.

3. In the behavior tree list, select the preset behavior tree in the Virtual Factory DLC that you want to edit. This behavior tree will be added to the template.

4. Double-click the behavior tree’s name to open it in the behavior tree editor.

5.In the behavior tree editor’s toolbar, click  to save this preset behavior tree to another directory.

6. Add behavior tree nodes, edit behavior tree.

7. After editing, click to save your changes.

Edit scenes in Virtual Factory DLC

When you wish to edit scenes in the Virtual Factory DLC and save changes, follow these steps:

1. Click the Open button under Scene on the FactVerse Designer homepage to open the resource window.

2. In the resource directory, find the Virtual Factory DLC scene you want to edit, click Open to load it in the scene editor.

3. In the scene editor’s toolbar, click  to open the Save As window.

When saving the scene, you can choose whether to save digital twin data within the scene:

    • Save As (Scene Only): If you only save the scene as a new file, modifying digital twins in the scene will affect the original digital twins in the scene. Note: For DLC scenes, it is only supported to modify content other than digital twins in the scene.
    • Save As (Scene and Digital Twins): If you choose to save both scene and digital twin as a new file, modifying digital twins will not affect the original digital twins in the DLC.

FactVerse Hands-on Lab is a training package created based on the content of the Virtual Factory DLC. It includes training videos and practical digital twin scene content. Through these training materials, you can gain a deep understanding of digital twin scene construction, experience rich materials and critical business instances to enhance your operational capabilities, and quickly optimize workflows.

Import the scene of Hands-on Lab

First, the enterprise tenant administrator needs to use the import function in FactVerse Designer to import the scene files (.digpkg files) of the Hands-on Lab:

1. Download the Hands-on Lab package to a local folder.

2. On the homepage, click the Import button.

3. In the Open Scene window, select the scene file to import and click Open.

4. After importing successfully, the directory of the imported scene remains consistent with the original scene file’s directory, and all users under the tenant can see this directory and scene.

Edit Hands-on Lab scenes

The specific steps for editing Hands-on Lab scene files are as follows:

1. Open and log in to FactVerse Designer.

2. On the homepage, click the Open button below the Scene to open the resource window.

3. In the resource directory, find the Hands-on Lab scene you want to edit, click Open to load the scene in the scene editor.

4. In the scene editor’s toolbar, click the Save As button  to save the scene separately. Recommendation: Check the option Save As (Scene and Digital twins).

5. Based on the Hands-on Lab video, use models, digital twins, etc. from the DLC to edit the scene, actively building your own production line.


FactVerse Designer is an industrial metaverse designer aimed at providing solutions for industries such as manufacturing, transportation, logistics, and more. It offers a spatial/system/scene simulation tool with the ability to create and edit, allowing users to easily design and simulate systems with complex logic.

Core Capabilities

FactVerse Designer possesses the following core capabilities:

    • Standardized Transformation and Digital Twin Scene Organization

FactVerse Designer efficiently converts enterprise 3D data into standardized digital twin scenes, allowing accurate simulation and visualization of real-world scenarios.

    • Data-Driven and Operational Logic

FactVerse Designer supports data driven and operational logic features. Users can connect with business systems to edit and drive scene operations based on real scenario data. Additionally, it is possible to design, control, and adjust the operational logic of various elements within the scene in a drag-and-drop manner based on the behavior tree tool.

    • Real-Time Optimization and Adjustment Based on Scene Execution

Driven by digital twin data and behavior tree, the scene operation is simulated based on a timeline. Users can observe the actual appearance and effects of the scene operation. They can adjust and optimize the scene layout based on real-time data feedback, quickly identifying and resolving issues in layout, business logic settings, and upstream and downstream connections in the target real scene.

    • Scene Editing Tools and Effect Components

FactVerse Designer provides a wealth of scene editing tools and effect components, empowering users to freely create and edit various scenes, achieving a more realistic and detailed simulation effect.

Application scenarios

FactVerse Designer will assist enterprises in improving efficiency, optimizing operations, and enhancing industrial and manufacturing processes. Its primary application scenarios are outlined below:

Training: Through the digital twin/3D instructions of equipment and XR guidance, FactVerse Designer can rapidly enhance the operational and facility maintenance skills of frontline workers, thereby increasing productivity.

Experience: Leveraging various XR devices, FactVerse Designer provides immersive digital twin scene experiences, allowing visitors and learners to quickly enhance their understanding of unfamiliar objects without disrupting production order.

Monitor and control: Based on the digital twins of facilities and equipment, FactVerse Designer supports facility and equipment maintenance, status checks, and operational supervision to ensure the normal operation of facilities and equipment.

Simulation: FactVerse Designer, based on the digital twins of facilities and equipment, can simulate and replicate the real operation and operational logic of facilities and equipment. This is particularly useful in scenarios involving extensive planning, training, prediction, and management.

Open scene files

When you have the necessary permissions for the scene function in your enterprise, you can open scene files accessible to you in DataMesh One using the following steps in MR mode:

1. On the main interface, click the Scene tab to enter the scene interface.

2. In the scene interface, browse and open the folder containing the target scene file. Scroll through the folder’s contents with the drop-down scroll bar, find the scene file you want to play, and click to open it.

3. After opening the scene file, enter the position mode. Move the camera (field of view) and click in the blank space of the screen to place resources. For more information about position mode, please refer to the relevant instructions for Position mode.

4. After the resources are placed, click  to enter the scene playback mode.

Enterprise management

DataMesh FactVerse provides a series of enterprise management functions to manage and configure users, roles, departments, and other related settings within the enterprise.

User permission management is an important function in DataMesh FactVerse. It is associated with the user’s enterprise organizational structure, controlling different user operation permissions through setting permissions on the user’s department and position.

User permission management in DataMesh FactVerse includes two parts: license allocation and functional permissions of FactVerse.

    • License Allocation: Used to allocate the licenses to use the DataMesh FactVerse platform and DataMesh client applications. Administrators with management rights can configure licenses for users in Enterprise Management > User Management > User Details > License Assignment or configure in Enterprise Management > License Management.
    • FactVerse function permissions: The use of each functional module in DataMesh FactVerse requires enabling the corresponding use permissions. Administrators with management rights can enable the use permissions of the corresponding functional modules according to the position requirements. When adding a user, the position assigned to the user will determine the user’s functional permissions.

To provide users with the correct access and use permissions, when adding users for an enterprise, enterprise administrators or users with enterprise management rights need to set user permissions according to the following steps:

1. Create a new department. Refer to Enterprise Management > Department Management.

2. Create a new position. Refer to Enterprise Management > Role Management.

3. Add a user. Refer to Enterprise Management > User Management > Add a new user.

4. Assign License: Grant permissions to users, allowing them to access FactVerse and use DataMesh client products. Refer to Enterprise Management > User Management > Assign License.

User Management

You can choose Enterprise Management > User Management in the function module navigation bar to enter the User Management page.

The User Management page displays all users in the enterprise and supports viewing account details, creating, enabling, or disabling accounts, managing account permissions, filtering, searching for accounts, etc.

    • Add a new user: Click the New button to start to add a new user.
    • Search for an account: Search for user accounts in the search bar.
    • Disable an account: Click the disable button to disable an account.
    • Enable an account: Click the enable button to enable an account.
    • Notes:

      • After reactivating the account, the administrator needs to ensure that a license is promptly reassigned to the account.
      • During the period when the account is deactivated, any folders created by the account will be transferred to the administrator for management. When reactivating the account, the administrator can decide whether to return ownership of the folders to the original account user.
    • Delete an account: Users possessing user deletion permission can delete an account on the user management page.
    • View user details: Click the details button corresponding to the user to open that user’s details page.

Add a new user

The steps to add a user to the enterprise are as follows: 

1. Click the New button on the User Management page to open the New window. 

2. In the New window, enter the user’s account information. 

i. If the account has not been registered on FactVerse, you need to set a password, name, and role for the newly added user. 

ii. ii If the account has already been registered in FactVerse but has not yet been added to the current enterprise account, there is no need to set a password.

Assign License

Administrators can enable the use permissions of FactVerse and applications for users in the License Assignment column on the User Details page.

Note: The number of assignable users in the DataMesh FactVerse and client depends on the maximum number of FactVerse users in the enterprise’s current valid license and the number of client subscriptions.

License allocation rules:

    • FactVerse: All accounts. As FactVerse provides basic support, any available account needs to be allocated with the FactVerse License.
    • Studio, One, Checklist, and other DataMesh client products: Allocated according to the actual requirement of the account.

Reset password

The administrator can reset the user’s password by clicking the Password button in the Basic Information section of the User Details page.

Disable and enable accounts

Disable an account

1. Access the User Management page:

Select Enterprise Management > User Management from the functional module navigation bar to enter the user management page.

2. Select the account to deactivate:

Find the user account you want to deactivate in the user list. You can use the search function to quickly locate the user.

3. Click the disable button:

Click the “Disable” button  next to the selected account. The system will display a confirmation window asking you to confirm the deactivation.

4. Confirm deactivation:

In the confirmation window, click the Yes button. The system will deactivate the user account, which will no longer be able to log in or access platform resources.


During the deactivation period, any folders created by the account will be transferred to the administrator for management. When reactivating the account, the administrator can decide whether to return ownership of the folders to the original account user.

Enable an account

1. Access the User Management page:

Select Enterprise Management > User Management from the functional module navigation bar to enter the user management page.

2. Select the account to reactivate:

Find the user account you want to reactivate in the user list. You can use the search function to quickly locate the user.

3. Click the enable button:

After reactivating the account, the system will prompt you to decide whether to return ownership of the account’s folders.

4. Reassign the License

Once the account is reactivated, the administrator needs to ensure that a license is promptly reassigned to the account.

Department Management

You can choose Enterprise Management > Department Management in the function navigation bar to enter the Department Management page. This page displays all departments within the enterprise, supporting operations such as creating and deleting departments.

On the Department Management page, you can click on the detail button of the department to open the Department Details page. You can modify department information, and add, or remove users from the department on this page.

Role Management

You can choose Enterprise Management > Role Management in the function module navigation bar to enter the Role Management page. This page displays all roles in the company, supporting operations such as viewing role details, creating, searching, and deleting roles.

The steps to create a role are as follows:

1. Click the New button on the Role Management page to open the New window.

2. In the New window, select a department and fill in the role name.

3. Click the Next button, then select role permissions. You can set functional permissions based on the actual needs of the role. Users added to this role will inherit all the functional permissions of the role.

4. After completing the settings, click the Confirm button.

License Management

Select Enterprise Management > License Management in the function module navigation bar to enter the License Management page. This page displays basic company information, current License information, company’s subscription records, and License assignment information.

Basic information

The Basic information card on the License Management page displays the current license information of the company. Users can view the current subscription content.

Long-term event:

    • For Licenses that have enabled long-term event permissions, events can be valid for a long time or 1-7 days.
    • For Licenses that have not enabled long-term event permissions, the events can be valid for 1-7 days.

Maximum online participants for an event: The maximum number of accounts that can participate in an event.

Concurrent devices: The number of devices a single account can be logged into simultaneously for the same DataMesh client application.

Custom features: Customized features for the account. For example, scene import and export functionality (used to configure permissions for FactVerse Designer’s import and export features).

Usage information

Usage information card displays all usage information of the current License subscription for the enterprise.

Maximum number of DataMesh Studio users: Refers to the maximum number of DataMesh Studio users that can be allocated under the current license.

Maximum number of DataMesh One users: Refers to the maximum number of DataMesh One users that can be allocated under the current license.

Maximum number of FactVerse users: Refers to the maximum number of FactVerse users that can be allocated under the current license.

Storage Space: Usage information of the enterprise storage space utilized by digital assets, AI knowledge base files, etc

Text Tokens: Information on the number of tokens consumed for uploading AI knowledge base files.

Conversation Tokens: Information on the number of tokens consumed for text input during interactions with the AI assistant.

License Assignment

After adding users, administrators need to assign permissions for them to use the FactVerse platform and DataMesh client applications. The License Management page within the Enterprise Management provides a centralized way to manage licenses for all users within the organization. Within the License Assignment card, you can click the switch button in the top right corner to switch between product view and list view:

    • Product View: Displays various products subscribed to by the organization and their current usage status. By selecting specific products, you can view users by role and department and perform batch license allocation.
    • List View: Provides a comprehensive view of all users and product subscriptions within the organization. You can use it to enable or disable product licenses for individual users.

Note: The number of Licenses that can be allocated is limited, that is, the limit set in the currently effective company License.

License allocation rules:

    • FactVerse: All accounts. As FactVerse provides basic support, any available account needs to be allocated with the FactVerse License.
    • Studio, One, Checklist, and other DataMesh client products: Allocated according to the actual requirement of the account.

License subscription records

The License Management page also supports viewing the current status of all subscriptions for the enterprise.

Example: Adding an administrator


Add user B and assign him/her management permissions to collaboratively manage the company with other staff.


1. User A is an administrator who has Enterprise management permissions in DataMesh FactVerse, such as a company administrator. User A should have the following permissions:

    • FactVerse
    • User Management
    • License Management
    • Department Management
    • Role Management

2. User B does not register in the FactVerse platform.

3. Ensure that the “Technology Department” department and “Administrator” role do not exist in the enterprise.

User A conducts the following operations:

1. Create a new department.

i. Navigate to the Department Management page by selecting Enterprise Management > Department Management in the function navigation bar.

ii. On the Department Management page, locate and click the New button to open the New window.

iii. In the New window, enter “Technology Department” in the Department Name field.

iv. Once you have entered the department name, click the Confirm button to finalize the creation of the department.

2. Create a new role for the administrator.

i. Navigate to the Role Management page by selecting Enterprise Management > Role Management in the function navigation bar.

ii. On the Role Management page, locate and click the New button to open the New window.

iii. In the New window, select the department as “Technology Department” from the department dropdown menu, and enter “Administrator” in the Role Name field.

iv. Click Next to proceed to select the desired position permissions for the administrator. In this case, select User Management, Department Management, Role Management, and License Management permissions under Enterprise Management.

v. Once you have selected the appropriate permissions, click Confirm to finalize the addition of the administrator role.

3. Add a new account “” and set the account as the administrator of the technology department.

i. Navigate to the User Management page by selecting Business Management > User Management in the function navigation bar.

ii. On the User Management page, locate and click the New button to open the New window.

iii. In the New window, enter the relevant account information. Specify the department as “Technology Department” and assign the role of “Administrator” to the user.

iv. Click the Confirm button to complete the addition of User B.

4. Assign licenses to  User B.

i. Navigate to the User Management page by selecting Business Management > User Management in the function navigation bar.

ii. On the User Management page, click the detail button of User B to open the User Details page.

iii. In the License Assignment section of the User Details page, enable FactVerse permissions for “”.

Tags are used to categorize resources, events, and scenes.

You can select Enterprise Management > Tag Management in the function navigation bar to enter the Tag Management page.

The Tag Management page includes the following tag information:

    • Name
    • Number of References: The number of times resources, activities, scenes, etc. use tags.
    • Creator

The page supports the following operations:

    • Create new tags
    • Rename: Click  to rename the tag.
    • Delete: Click  to delete the tag.
    • Search for tags

The acceleration service for uploading resource files (scenarios and models) is supported by the Unity Accelerator. Accelerated files (usually 3D models) have faster loading speeds and fewer nodes without changing the model structure, etc. Unaccelerated files can still be used, but the loading speed depends on the complexity of the model, potentially resulting in slow loading and lag during use.

The steps to set up the acceleration service are as follows:

1. Click on Enterprise Management > Acceleration Service Settings in the function navigation bar to open the Acceleration Service Settings page.

2Check the acceleration platform and click the Apply button to complete the setup of the acceleration platform.

Storage configuration

Click the Add button  to open the Storage Configuration window.

Two types of storage configuration:

Developer Configuration

The developer configuration feature supports managing Access Key for accessing the enterprise. Developers can use the Access Key to call the login API and access this enterprise.

Collaboration Service Configuration

Collaboration Service Configuration supports configuring the MQTT message server responsible for receiving collaborative events messages.

Click the Enable switch, then set the collaboration server address, port, and protocol.

IP Whitelist

You can control access to the FactVerse service by setting up a whitelist. This allows only certain IP addresses, a group of IP addresses, or IP addresses within a specified range using subnet masks to access the service.

BIM 360 Configuration

The FactVerse platform supports importing files from Autodesk BIM 360. Enterprise administrators can follow these steps:

1. The enterprise administrator sends a developer invitation email to DataMesh.

2. DataMesh completes the Forge Client ID, App Name, App Logo, and App Description to obtain access to users’ Autodesk BIM 360 accounts.

3. The enterprise administrator logs into the FactVerse platform and fills in the Account ID and Account key in the BIM360 configuration section on the Enterprise Settings page.

For specific instructions on obtaining Autodesk BIM 360 account access, please refer to: Manage API Access to BIM 360 Docs | BIM 360 API | Autodesk Platform Services

AI assistant model selection

On the FactVerse platform, users can choose between two different AI assistant content generation models: Azure OpenAI and OpenAI.

Each model has its advantages:

    • Azure OpenAI: Easier integration with Azure cloud services, suitable for users already within the Azure ecosystem.
    • OpenAI: Faster response times, ideal for users with higher performance requirements.

Login security

Enterprise administrators can configure the security authentication method for user logins. There are two following two options:

    • Password Verification: Use FactVerse account credentials for regular login.
    • Account, Password, and SMS Code Verification: If this option is enabled, when enterprise users log into the FactVerse platform and its client applications must enter their username and password correctly, obtain a verification code sent to their mobile phone, and complete online authentication to log in.


The Collaboration module in FactVerse includes event management features, enabling users to conveniently view and manage the progress of collaboration events. 

Event management

An event represents an independent collaborative behavior, like the “meeting room” concept in a conference system. Users with corresponding permissions can join events for collaboration through DataMesh One. 

You can select Collaboration > Event Management in the functional module navigation bar to enter the Event Management page. The event management page displays all timely events in the enterprise, supports users to view event details, create new events, delete events, filter, and search for events, etc. 

The status of the event:

    • Inactive: No user is currently participating in the event. In this state, you can edit the event name, tag, description and thumbnail information.
    • Pending: Users are preparing to enter the event.
    • Occupied: Users have started to play the scenario in the event.

View event details

In the Event Management page, click the detail button   of the event you want to view, and enter the Event Details page.

The Event Details page contains the following information:

    • Basic Information: Basic information such as event name, type, event validity, and creation time.
    • Scenario Information: Scenarios associated with the event.

    • Member Information: The current members participating in the event are displayed in real time in the member list. The creator of this event can switch member roles in the member list and kick out members. Members who are kicked out can still rejoin the event, and the creator can kick them out again.

Create an event

The steps to create an event are as follows:

1. Click the New button on the Event Management page.

2. Fill in the relevant information of the event in the newevent window and click Confirm to complete the creation.

Event information explanation:

    • Name (Required): The name of the event.
    • Event type:
      • Scenario event (corresponds to the collaborative behavior of scenarios made by DataMesh Studio).
    • Event validity (Day) (Required): The validity period of the event, 1 day = 24 hours. When the event reaches its validity, the event ends. 
    • Tag: Add event tags for classification. The Tag Management module in Enterprise Management provides tag management functions. 
    • Thumbnail: The cover image of the event. 
    • Description: Relevant description information of the event. 

Add a scenario

A newly created event does not have an associated scenario. To play this event, you need to associate a scenario with it. 

Note: By default, an event can only be associated with one scenario. 


1. Open the Event Details page of the event. 

2. Click the Add a scenario button on the Event Details page. 

3. Select the scenario you want to add in the opened resource selection window.

Note: You can edit the scenario with DataMesh Studio and upload it to FactVerse.

4. Click Confirm to complete the addition of the scenario.

After adding the scenario, you can replace the scenario by clicking the “Replace” button or delete the scenario by clicking the “Delete” button .

Digital Assets

The module of digital assets covers Resources, Digital Twins, and BIM Data.

In the Digital Assets module, the directory is a key tool for managing digital twin assets and resources. The directory bar displays all the directories that users can access, making it convenient for users to manage digital twin assets, resources, etc.

The directory provides rich management functions:

    • Create a new directory: Users can create new directories as needed and define who is visible to these directories.
    • Delete directories: Users who possess deletion permission can delete customized public directories to better organize and manage digital assets.
    • Directory sorting: Provides sorting functions by modification date, creation date, name, etc., supporting both ascending and descending order.

Directory type

The digital asset directory is divided into the following four types:



Department directory

With the creation of departments, the system will automatically establish corresponding directories for the unified organization and management of departmental data and resources. Department directories will be automatically deleted when departments are deleted.

User private directory

Personal storage space, named “My Space”, accessible and viewable only by the user themselves.

Public directories created by users

They are established by users with the permission to create new primary directories and are suitable for resource sharing and collaboration.

DLC resource directory

Public Directory and its subdirectories store digital twin resources launched by DataMesh. In the Resources, the DLC resource directory contains DLC model resources; in the Digital Twins, the DLC resource directory contains digital twin templates, digital twins, scenes, and attribute groups.

User permission

Explanation of permissions in the chart:

    • : Granted permission
    • ❌: No permission

Department directory permission


Regular User


View directory

Create subdirectories

Resources management

✅ (View, upload, download, edit, move)

✅ (View, upload, download, edit, move)

Create department directory

✅ (Automatically create via the creation of department)

Delete department directory

✅ (Automatically delete via the deletion of department)

DLC resource directory permission


All users

View directory and resources

Use resources (eg. Use models in the DLC to edit scenario)

Delete resources

Delete directories

User private directory permission


Individual users

View directory and resources

Create subdirectories

Manage resources

Permission for public directories created by users



Users visible to the directory

Company administrator

View directories

Edit visibility

Add subdirectories

Delete directories

Manage resources

Note: Deleting a directory will automatically delete its subdirectories.

The Resources includes documents, images, videos, audio files, models uploaded by users, as well as scenario files created by DataMesh Studio. Users can load and use files from the Resources in DataMesh client products.

You can select Digital Assets > Resources in the functional module navigation bar to enter the resources page. The resources page supports operations such as uploading and downloading resource files.

Below are the operation instructions for the Resources page:

    • Upload resources: On the Resources page, you can click the upload button to upload your resource files. For more information about uploading resources, please refer to Upload Resources.
    • Filter resources: Click to filter resources by tags and types.
        • After selecting a tag, the resource list will display all resources with that tag.
        • You can view resources by type, including scenario, model, and document.
    • Resource search: You can use the search box to search for resources, and the search location option before the search box allows you to choose whether to conduct a global search or a search in the current directory.
    • Resource operations: After selecting a resource file, you can choose to download, delete, or move the resource file. Note: When the user does not have operation permission, the operation option button is grayed out.
    • View resource details: Click the resource details button  to view resource file details.
    • Rename resource files: Click the resource’s edit button , you can rename the resource.

Upload resources

You can upload different types of files to the DataMesh FactVerse platform, each with its respective size limit.

File Type

File Extension

Size limit





.mp4, .mov



.mp3, .ogg



.png, .jpg


3D model

glb, fbx, 3mf, obj, ply, stl, rvt


Simulation data script file



Customizable resources



Upload customizable resources

Customizable resources include advanced resources, widgets, and personalized scenes, which usually require DataMesh to provide corresponding development support to achieve the desired customization functions and effects.

The ZIP file of customized resources needs to be uploaded to the FactVerse platform through DataMesh Importer, and the accelerated model files will be displayed as files with the extension “.dmasset”.

Upload documents, videos, audio, images, 3D models, data script files

Users can upload documents, videos, audio, pictures, 3D models, and data script files as needed.


The steps for uploading resources are as follows:

1. Select the directory where you want to store the resource on the Resources page, and then click the Upload button.

2. Click or drag files to the upload window. You can upload up to 10 files at a time.

3. Click the Upload button to start uploading files.

4. Click the Upload details button on the top navigation bar to view upload details of the files.

If a file being uploaded has the same name as a file in the directory, it will result in an upload failure. You can rename the file in the Upload details window and then upload it again.

5. After finishing uploading the resource, the server will accelerate the model files except for .rvt files. The acceleration service is supported by Unity Accelerator. Company administrators can configure the acceleration platform on the Acceleration Service Settings module of Enterprise Settings.

The icon for “Accelerating” is , and the icon for “Acceleration completed” is . Additionally, you can check the acceleration status information of models in the message center.

Manually accelerate model files

FactVerse offers model acceleration services that automatically optimize uploaded models to improve loading and rendering performance on various platforms. Additionally, users can manually trigger acceleration tasks by clicking the Refresh button on the acceleration status after the model upload is complete.

Manual acceleration tasks will enter the acceleration service’s queue. Since acceleration services are shared among multiple users, task completion time is influenced by the number of queued tasks and the size of the model.

If there are many queued tasks or the uploaded model is large, the acceleration task completion time may be longer. Conversely, if there are fewer queued tasks or the uploaded model is smaller, the acceleration task completion time may be faster.

Acceleration status is indicated by:

    • Green dot: Acceleration successfully completed.
    • Red dot: Acceleration failed.
    • Black dot: Waiting for acceleration.

Import files from BIM 360

The DataMesh FactVerse platform supports importing files from Autodesk BIM 360.

Prerequisites: The administrator has configured the Autodesk BIM 360 account in the enterprise settings.

Steps for importing files from BIM360:

1. Select the directory in the Resources page to store the resources, then click the Import from BIM 360 button.

2. In the Hub window, select the BIM360 account, then click Confirm.

3. In the Project window, select the project and click Confirm.

4. In the Folder window, select the folder, then click Confirm.

5. In the project window, select the .rvt file to upload, then click Confirm to complete the file import.

RVT file conversion

You can convert RVT files to FBX models on the DataMesh FactVerse platform. The converted files can be used directly as model resources in DataMesh Studio or FactVerse Designer.


  • License Requirements: The enterprise subscription license must include the file conversion service for users to be able to use the RVT file conversion feature.
  • Service Dependencies: Our file conversion service relies on Autodesk APS (Autodesk Platform Services). Although we closely monitor their service updates, certain unforeseen upgrades may potentially impact our service. We are actively taking steps to minimize or avoid these effects.

Specifications for the file format conversion feature:

    • Supported file format: RVT files (Revit 2021 – Revit 2023).
    • Conversion to: FBX files (3ds Max 2023).
    • Reduction rate: 10%, 20%, 30%.
    • File size: Currently we only support online conversion and processing of BIM models smaller than 100MB. For conversion and processing requirements of larger models, please contact


1. On the DataMesh FactVerse platform, go to Digital Assets > Resources page.

2. Click the Upload button to upload files or click the Import from BIM 360 button to import files from BIM 360.

3. Click the corresponding conversion icon  for the RVT file to be converted.

4. In the pop-up Model conversion window, select the Convert to, Polygon reduction rate, and Merge rules.

Convert to: FBX format

Polygon reduction rate: When converting RVT files to FBX format, you can choose an appropriate reduction rate according to specific needs to balance the quality and performance of the model. On the basis of maintaining the original model structure, reduce the total number of polygons of the converted model by the selected percentage to simplify the model, save space, and enhance performance when viewing in the architectural scene.

Merge rules: Use this drop-down list to choose the way in which Revit objects are combined. Combining objects can reduce the number of objects in your 3ds Max scene and improve performance. Merge rules include the following options:

    • Do not combine components: Imports each Revit object as a single 3ds Max object.
    • Combine by category: Revit objects in the same category become a single 3ds Max object. The object has the name of the category and is placed on a layer with the same name.
    • Combine by family type: Revit objects belonging to the same Family Type become a single 3ds Max object. The object has the name of the family type and is placed on a layer with the same name.
    • Combine by material: Revit objects with the same material specification are consolidated into a single 3ds Max object. This object shares the same name as the material and is placed on a layer with a matching name. Revit metadata (series and category) does not appear in the 3ds Max Scene Explorer, and multi-dimensional/sub-object material information is lost.

The choice of merging method depends on your application scenario and requirements. If you are concerned about material organization, you can choose “Combine by material.” If you need to retain the original structure and details of the RVT file, you can choose “Do not combine components.”

5. Click the Confirm button to start the conversion process.

When the conversion status of the file shows “Processing completed,” the file is processed into the corresponding format of the model file and stored in the same directory as the original RVT file.

Delete resources

You can delete one or more resource files at once. Here are the steps to delete a resource:

1. Select the directory where the resource is located on the Resources page, and then check the checkbox in front of the resource file you want to delete.

2. Click the delete button .

3. Click Confirm in the pop-up prompt window to complete the resource deletion.

Note: Deleted files cannot be recovered and will cause scenarios that use these files to be unable to play. Therefore, please make sure that you no longer need these resource files before deleting them.

Download resources

To download resources to your local device:

1. Select the directory where the resource is on the Resources page and check the checkbox in front of the resource file you want to download.

2. Click the Download button .

3. When the browser prompts you to download multiple files, you need to click Allow to complete the download of multiple resources.

Move resources

To move one or more resource files to another storage directory:

1. Select the directory where the resource is on the Resources page and check the checkbox in front of the resource file you want to move. If you want to move multiple files, you can select multiple checkboxes.

2. Click the Move button .

3. In the pop-up window for selecting the directory, select the target folder directory where you want to move the resource.

4. Click the Confirm button to confirm your selection, and the system will move the selected resource files to the target folder.

View resource details

Here are the specific steps:

1. Select the directory where the resource is located on the Resource page, and then click the details button  of the resource file you want to view.

The details of this resource are shown in the following figure:

The Resource Details page displays the following information about the resource:

    • File Name: Resource filename.
    • Directory: Resource storage directory.
    • Size: File size.
    • Number of position QR codes: The number of position QR codes included in the scenario file.
    • Creation time: Resource upload date.
    • Modification time: Resource modification date.
    • Creator: The username of the user who uploaded the resource.
    • Acceleration State: When viewing the details of a model file, the Resource Details page displays the accelerated state information of the model, indicating the progress of utilizing acceleration services on various platforms. The states are as follows: Pending acceleration, Accelerating, Acceleration completed, Acceleration failed (in this state, manual re-acceleration is possible). Note: When manually accelerating, the resource’s acceleration task will enter the acceleration service queue because the service is shared with other users within the organization. The completion time of the acceleration task depends on the number of queued tasks and the size of the model.
    • Tags: Tags are used for the classification of resources, events, and scene projects.
    • Resource QR Code: Clicking on the thumbnail of the QR code in the upper right corner of the general information column opens the QR code for the resource. Users with access permission to the corresponding directory within the same tenant can scan this QR code using DataMesh One to quickly view and access the resource.

Rename resource files

To rename a resource file:

1. Select the directory where the resource is located on the Resources page.

2. Click the edit button  of the resource.

3. Modify the resource name.

4. Click the Finish button   to complete the resource renaming.

You can navigate to the Digital Assets > Digital Twins in the function module navigation bar to access the Digital Twins page.

On the Digital Twins page, users can create and manage digital twin templates, attribute groups, digital twins, resources, behavior trees, scenes, etc., to manage the digital twin content of the virtual world. This provides comprehensive support for enterprises, including training, guidance, experience, monitoring, control, simulation, and other functions.

Here are the operation instructions for the Digital Twins page:

    • Create digital twin content: On the Digital Twins page, you can click the New button to create new templates, digital twins, scenes, or attribute groups.
    • Filter digital twin content: Click the filter button to filter digital twin content by tags or types.
      • After selecting a tag, the resource list will display all digital twin content with that tag.
      • After selecting a type you can view resources by type, including templates, digital twins, scenes, behavior trees, and attribute groups.
    • Search: You can use the search box to search for digital twin content, and you can choose to perform a global search or a search within the current directory.
    • Operations on digital twin content: After checking the checkbox in front of the digital twin content, you can choose to delete or move that digital twin content.
    • View digital twin content details: Click the detail button  of the digital twin content to view its details.


A digital twin template defines a category of digital twins, a template for describing a category of digital twins. Each template contains metadata, behavior trees, and models for a category of digital twins, supporting the creation of similar digital twins.

Create a new template

On the Digital Twins page, you can create a blank template to start defining your digital twin.

Here are the steps to create a new template:

1. Select the storage directory for the template on the Digital Twins page.

2. Click the New button.

3. In the New digital twin window, select the Template section.

4. In the New Template window, fill in the template information and click the Confirm button.

    • Name (required): The name of the twin template. It must start with Chinese, Japanese, English, or numbers, and up to 30 characters.
    • Tags: Users can customize tags for template classification.
    • Description: Template description.
    • Thumbnail: Template cover image.

View template details

To view the template details, follow these steps:

1. Select the storage directory for the template on the Digital Twins page.

2. Click the details button  of the template to open the Template Details page.

3. On the Template Details page, you can view the detailed information of the template, and add attribute groups, behavior trees, resources, sub-templates and the associated digital twins (i.e., digital twins created based on this template).

Add a private attribute group

In the Template Details page, you can add a private attribute group to a template to customize the template attributes.

Here are the steps:

1. Select the storage directory for the template on the Digital Twins page.

2. Click the detail button  of the template you want to edit to enter the Template Details page.

3. Click the New button under the attribute column.

4. Fill in the Attribute Group Name (required) in the New Private Attribute Group window and click Confirm to display the new attribute group in the attribute column.

5. Click the add button  of the attribute group.

6. Fill in the attribute information such as Name (required), Data Type, Value Range (required), and Step Size (required) in the New Attribute window.

Name: It must start with Chinese, Japanese, English, or numbers, and up to 30 characters.

Data Type: Please refer to the Data types of attributes.

7. Click Confirm to complete the creation of the attribute.

8. You can repeat Step 5 to Step 7 to create more attributes.

Reference the public attribute group

In the Template Details page, you can reference existing public attribute groups for a template. Please note the following:

1. Pre-create public attribute groups: Make sure that the public attribute groups you want to leverage have been created in advance, either by yourself or by other users. For more information on creating public attribute groups, please refer to Create a public attribute group.

2. Have access rights: Ensure that you have the necessary access rights to the directory where the attribute group belongs.

Here are the steps to leverage a public attribute group for a template:

1. Select the storage directory for the template on the Digital Twins page.

2. Click the detail button  of the template you want to edit to enter the template details page.

3. Below the attribute column, click the Reference button.

4. In the Reference window, fill in the Attribute Group Name, select the directory where the public attribute group to be referenced is located, and select the public attribute group in that directory. Note: A public attribute group has already been created before the operation.

5. Click Confirm, and the referenced attribute group (✩attribute group name) will be displayed in the attribute group list.

Add sub-templates

In the Template Details page, you have the option to add sub-templates to a template, which helps define a specific part of the template’s structure. For example, in a template for an autonomous vehicle, you can add a sub-template for tires to define the tire component of the vehicle.

Here are the steps to add a sub-template:

1. Select the storage directory for the template on the Digital Twins page.

2. Click the details button  of the template you want to edit to enter the Template Details page.

3. Below the Sub-template column, click the Select button.

4. In the Select window, select the desired sub-template.

5. Click Confirm to complete the addition of the sub-template.

Delete a template

You can delete unnecessary templates by following these steps:

1. Select the storage directory for the template on the Digital Twins page.

2. Click the delete button  of the template you want to delete.

3. In the prompt window, click Confirm.

Attribute Groups

An attribute group is a collection of common attributes used to describe a digital twin, which usually correspond to the functionality, characteristics, or information of the digital twin.

You can manage public attribute groups in the Digital Twins page and reference these attribute groups in templates when needed to quickly add attribute groups and improve their reusability and maintainability.

Data types of attributes

Attributes are used to describe the properties or characteristics of a digital twin, which usually correspond to the functionality, characteristics, or information of the digital twin.

The following table shows the data types of attributes used in FactVerse:



Definable attributes


Integer type, used to describe integer physical quantities, such as 1, 2, 5.

•         Value range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647

•         Step size: Add a specified value (i.e., step size) in each operation and repeat the operation.

•         Unit: the measurement unit of attribute data, such as meters, centimeters.

Quantity, frequency, speed, etc.


Describes physical quantities in floating-point format, with 8-byte precision, such as 1.2, 2.5, 3.0. It can be used to represent attributes that require precise numerical representation, such as “time”, “percentage”, and “exchange rate”.

•         Value range: -2147483648 ~ 2147483647

•         Step size:  Add a specified value (i.e., step size) in each operation and repeat the operation

•         The measurement unit of attribute data, in string type. For example, meters, centimeters.

Temperature, humidity, power consumption, balance, mass, area, etc.


Also known as a text type, used to input text.

•         Data length: The default set value is 10240 bytes.

ID, model, etc.


Also known as the Boolean type, it is a judgment type used for logical judgment.

The value of a bool type attribute is either true (1) or false (0).

Operational status, check status, execution results, etc.


Used to describe physical quantities of three-dimensional space information, such as coordinates, rotation angles, scaling, and other attributes.

•         Application: Position, rotation.

•         Unit: The measurement unit of attribute data, in string type. For example, degrees, cm.

•         Attribute value: In the format of x, y, z.

Placement position, placement angle, path positions, etc.


Color format: The format is R, G, B, A. The first three numbers represent the RGB color values, and the fourth number represents the transparency value.
Value range: Each number is an integer between 0 and 255. For example, 255, 87, 51, 128.

Appearance colors, status colors, etc.


0:x,y,z or 1:x,y,z,  where 0 represents a straight line and 1 represents a curve. The coordinates of two points are separated by the “|” symbol.

For example, 0:0,1,0|0:5,1,0 represents a straight path between the points (0,1,0) and (5,1,0).

Moving paths, transfer paths, transport paths, etc.


Date format: YYYY-MM-DD, for example, 2024-08-09

Production date, maintenance date, etc.


Time format: HH:MM:SS, for example, 14:30:00

Start time, landing time, stop time, etc.


Enum type format: A predefined list of values, for example: [01, 02, 03].

Error codes and error types, product codes and product categories, etc.


Object array format: Used to store an ordered collection of elements, where each element can be of any type but must be of the same type. For example: [1, 2, 3], [“a”, “b”, “c”].

Suitable for storing ordered collections of elements, such as sensor lists, device lists, path points collection, etc.


Key-value pair collection format: {key: value}, where each element can be of any type but must be of the same type. For example: {“ID”: “123”, “Status”: “Normal”}.

Suitable for storing data in a key-value pair structure, suitable for situations where quick lookup, addition, or modification of values based on unique keys is needed. Examples include usernames and their corresponding passwords, configuration options and their values, etc.

Create a public attribute group

The following are the steps to create a new public attribute group:

1. On the Digital Twins page, select the directory for the attribute group.

2. Click the New button.

3. In the New digital twin window, click Attribute group section.

4. In the New public attribute groups window, enter the Attribute Group Name (required), and then click the Confirm button. The newly created attribute group will be displayed on the Digital Twins page.

Note: The attribute group name must start with Chinese, Japanese, English or numbers, and does not support special characters.

5. Click the details button of attribute group to open attribute group details page.

6. Click the New button to add attributes for the attribute group.

7. In the New Attribute window, fill in the attribute information. For example, you can create an attribute for rotation angle:

Name (required): must start with Chinese, Japanese, English or numbers, and not exceed 30 characters.

Data Type: please refer to Data types of attributes.

8. Click Confirm and the newly added attribute will be displayed in the attribute list of the Attribute group details page. You can click the delete button  or edit button  to delete or edit the attributes as needed.

9. You can repeat steps 6-8 to add multiple attributes to the attribute group.

By following the above steps, you can create a new public attribute group and add attributes to it. When creating a digital twin template, you can easily reference the public attribute group and use its attributes to describe the digital twin.

To delete a public attribute group, you can click the delete button  for the attribute group and click Confirm in the prompt window to complete the deletion of the public attribute group.

To edit the name of a public attribute group, you can click the edit button  for the attribute group on the attribute group details page, modify the Attribute group name in the Edit attribute group window, and then click Confirm to complete the editing of the attribute group name.

Digital twin

A digital twin is an equivalent mapping of a physical entity in the digital world. Each digital twin is a specific instance of a digital twin template.

You can create, edit, delete, or view digital twins on the digital twins page.

Create a digital twin

Creating a digital twin means creating a digital twin based on a digital twin template, which can inherit metadata attributes, behavior trees, resources, sub-templates, and associated digital twins from the template.


1. Select the storage directory for the digital twin on the Digital Twin page.

2. Click the New button.

3. In the New digital twin window, select the digital twin section.

4. In the pop-up window, fill in the information for the digital twin.

Name (required): The name of the digital twin.

Template (required): The digital twin template.

Create a Sub Digital Twin: When a template A contains a sub template B, if this configuration is selected when creating a digital twin using template A, the system will create two independent digital twins for template A and sub template B at the same time.

Data Source: The data source of the digital twin can be divided into three types: HTTP, HTTPS, and TCP.

Data Source Address: It can be a real data interface or a simulated data script.

    • Real data interface: Fill in the IP address specified in the MQTT server access information.
    • Simulated data script: The script needs to be uploaded to DataMesh FactVerse, and the storage path should be filled in the data source address. Format specification: SimulationFile:/storage path/filename.iotsim.

5. Click Confirm to complete the creation of the digital twin.

Behavior Tree

The behavior tree is a hierarchical node tree that controls the decision-making process of the digital twin, forming a series of decision logic to realize the operating mechanism of the digital twin. Note: you can create and edit the behavior tree in the FactVerse Designer and delete and move the behavior tree on FactVerse.


The Digital Twins page provides scene management functions that can be used in conjunction with FactVerse Designer.

The scene operation instructions are as follows:

    • Create a new scene project: On the Digital Twins page, you can click the New button to create a new blank scene project. You can then open and edit the scene project using FactVerse Designer.
    • Delete a scene project: Click the delete button corresponding to the scene project to delete it.
    • View scene project details: Click the detail button corresponding to the scene project to open the Scene Details page and view the scene project details.

Creating a new scene


1. On the Digital Twins page, select the storage directory for the scene and click the New button.

2. In the New digital twin window, select the Scene section.

3. In the New Scene window, fill in the information for the scene project.

4. Click Confirm to complete the scene creation.

Viewing scene project details

On the Digital Twins page, click the detail button  corresponding to the scene you want to view to open the Scene Details page.

The Scene Details page displays basic information about the scene, including the scene name, tags, creator, creation time, and description. The bottom of the page includes the functions corresponding to the Digital twin list, Position list, Behavior tree list, and Task List.

Digital twin list

In the Digital twin list section on the Scene Details page, you can perform the following operations:

    • Reference digital twins: You can click the Reference button to reference a digital twin.
    • Delete digital twins’ reference: To remove the reference to a digital twin from the scene project, click the Delete button corresponding to the digital twin.
    • Assign workstation to a referenced digital twin: Click the Assign Workstation button  corresponding to the digital twin to select a pre-built workstation for that digital twin. A digital twin can be bound to one workstation.

The BIM Data service mainly supports the use of DataMesh Inspector. Through BIM Data service, users can create, manage, and browse architectural scene projects, and view and manipulate them in DataMesh Inspector.

To access BIM data, select Digital Assets in the function module navigation bar, then click on BIM Data, and you will enter the BIM Data page. This page shows a list of all architectural scene projects created and publicly displayed under the current directory. You can create new projects, delete and search for building scenes, and view detailed information about them.

Create new architectural scenes:

1. Log into the DataMesh FactVerse platform. In the function module navigation bar, select Digital Assets > BIM Data to enter the BIM Data page.

2. On the BIM Data page, click the New button to open the New window.

In the New window, you need to fill in the following information about the architectural scene:

    • Name (required): The name of the architectural scene.
    • Directory (required): The storage directory for architectural scenes. After you create an architectural scene, the system will create a hidden folder named after the scene within this directory to store the built files and the digital twins of the devices. For example, after the architectural scene “DM Office” is successfully created, a hidden folder named “DM Office” will be automatically created in its directory.
    • Description: You can add some text to describe or characterize the architectural scene.
    • Cover: You can select a standard format image from your local device as the cover of the scene. Choosing the right cover image can enhance the recognizability of the architectural scene.

3. After filling in the architectural scene information, click the Confirm button.

Import scene resources

Scene resources are model resources that constitute scenes, namely RVT files or zip files generated after processing RVT files (including component FBX files and Excel files containing component position rotation information and BIM information).

Note: Before importing scene resources, ensure that you have created the target architectural scene to correctly associate resources with the corresponding scene.

In the DataMesh FactVerse platform, you can import scene resources in two ways:

Method 1: Directly importing architectural scenes from resources

1. In the function module navigation bar, select Digital Assets, then click on Resources to enter the Resources page.

2. On the Resources page, click the import button corresponding to the RVT file you want to import to open the Import into the architectural scene window.

3. In the Import into the architectural scene window, select the architectural scene to import to, then click the Confirm button.

4. In the function module navigation bar, select Digital Assets > BIM Data to enter the BIM data page.

5. Click on the details button  corresponding to the architectural scene to enter the Architectural Scene Details page.

6. On the Architectural Scene Details page, check the latest status of the file. When the file upload is complete, the file status changes from “Local uploading” to “Pending processing.”

Method 2: Importing resources from the architectural scene details page

1. In the architectural scene details page, click the Import button to open the Select resource window.

2. In the Select resource window, choose the required resource (RVT file or zip format file containing component FBX files and related information), then click the Confirm button to import the resource to the architectural scene.

3. Refresh the page and check the latest status of the file. When the file status changes from “Local uploading” to “Pending processing,” it indicates that the file has been successfully uploaded.

Through the above methods, you can successfully import scene resources into the specified architectural scene.

Process scene resources

The process of processing scene resources mainly involves format conversion and model building:

Format conversion

You need to convert the imported Revit (.rvt) file into a format suitable for DataMesh Inspector at first, which is a zip file containing component FBX files and zip files containing component position, rotation information, and BIM information.

The specifications of the file format conversion function are as follows:

    • Supported file format: RVT files (Revit 2021 – Revit 2023).
    • Converted to: FBX files.
    • Average conversion time:
      • 1-200M: Within 3 minutes.
      • 200M-500M: Within 5 minutes.
      • 500M-1G: Within 10 minutes.
      • 1G-3G: Within 30 minutes.


    • License Requirements: The enterprise subscription license must include the file conversion service for users to be able to use the RVT file conversion feature.
    • Service Dependencies: Our file conversion service relies on Autodesk APS (Autodesk Platform Services). Although we closely monitor their service updates, certain unforeseen upgrades may potentially impact our service. We are actively taking steps to minimize or avoid these effects.

To convert RVT files to zip files, you can follow these steps:

1. On the Architectural Scene Details page, select the RVT file to be processed (the file status is “Pending processing”).

2. Click the Process button and confirm in the prompt box for file processing instruction to start the format conversion.

3. During the waiting period, you can manually refresh the page to check the latest file status.

The processing time may vary depending on the file size. When the file status displays “processing completed,” it indicates that the scene resource format conversion has been completed.

Model building

Once the scene resources are converted to a format suitable for DataMesh Inspector, the next step is to accelerate the model. This process mainly optimizes the model data in the scene, and the accelerated files (usually 3D models) have faster loading speeds to ensure smooth display of large-scale spatial scenes on mobile devices.

1. On the Architectural Scene Details page, select the model (zip) file to be built, you can choose one or more, then click the “Build” button to accelerate the file.

2. Refresh the page and check the latest status of the file. When the acceleration process is completed, the status will display as “Accelerated.”

After completing these processing steps, you can use DataMesh Inspector to open this architectural scene.

Manage equipment digital twins

Create equipment digital twins

Create equipment digital twins within the architectural scene.

1. Create digital twin template: Use the FactVerse platform or FactVerse Designer to create a digital twin template for the target equipment based on actual business needs. If using preset templates from the Virtual Factory DLC, this step can be skipped.

2. Export Template: Export the Excel template from the architectural scene, which includes sample data.

3. Fill in the Excel template: Refer to the equipment business relationships in your equipment management system (such as Building Management System) to fill in the following information in the template:

    • Digital Twin information:
      • Digital Twin (Required): The name of the digital twin to be created. The created digital twin will be automatically saved in the hidden folder of the architectural scene.
      • Floor: The floor where the equipment is located.
      • System Ownership: The system to which the equipment belongs.
    • Equipment Business Relationships: After adding business relationships, you can view the relationships between equipment in the DataMesh Inspector in conjunction with the real environment.
      • Target digital twin: The digital twin of the equipment that has a business relationship with this equipment.
      • Business Relationship Description: A description of the business logic relationship for the created digital twin.
      • Relationship Type: Relationship types defined based on Brick Schema, with 4 options provided by the system:
        • feeds: Indicates that one device provides services, resources, or data to another device or system. For example, a chiller provides cooling water to an air handling unit.
        • hasPart: Indicates that a device is part of another device or system. For example, an air handling unit may include components like fans and filters.
        • hasPoint: Indicates the relationship between a device and its measurement or control points. For example, an HVAC system may have multiple temperature sensors to monitor temperatures in different areas.
        • hasLocation: Indicates the relationship between a device and its location. For example, a temperature sensor is installed in a specific room to monitor the temperature of that room.
      • Information Required for Creating Digital Twins:
        • Digital Twin Template (Required): The name of the digital twin template used for the equipment, such as a generic cabinet template.
        • Digital Twin Template External ID: If a template with the same name exists in the current tenant’s digital asset catalog, use the External ID to help the system accurately locate the template when creating the digital twin.
      • BIM Component Information: Information about the BIM components that match the digital twin of the equipment.
        • BIM Component Attribute Name (Required): An attribute from the BIM component, such as Element ID or Name, used to bind the digital twin created from this row of information.
        • BIM Component Attribute Value (Required): The attribute value of the BIM component used to bind the digital twin created from this row of information.


    • The two rows highlighted in yellow in the template are example data. To avoid accidental edits, these cells are locked for protection; please start filling in from row 5.
    • Ensure all required information is correctly filled out and check that the format of the template complies with system requirements before importing.

4. Import Excel template: On the Architectural Scene Details page, import the completed Excel template.

The system will generate digital twins for each piece of equipment based on the imported information and associate them with BIM components in the scene. The generated digital twins will appear in the digital twin list in the Equipment relationship panel, and the relationships can be displayed in both relationship diagram and table formats.

View business relationships between digital twins

You can view the business relationships between equipment digital twins to understand their relationships in practical scenarios. Follow these steps to view the business relationships between digital twins:

1. Access the Architectural Scene Details page.

2. Click the Equipment Relationship tab.

3. View business relationship:

    • Relationship Diagram: Click the “Relationship Diagram” icon , and the system will display the connections between the selected digital twin and other digital twins in a graphical format. Through the graphical interface, you can intuitively understand the upstream and downstream relationships, control relationships, etc., between the equipment.
    • Relationship Table: Click the “Relationship Table” icon , and the system will list detailed information about all relevant digital twins in a tabular format, including relationship types, target digital twins, business relationship descriptions, etc.

Edit equipment business relationships

You can edit the business relationships between equipment digital twins to ensure they reflect the actual business logic. The following steps will guide you through editing these relationships:

1. Access the Architectural Scene Details page.

2. Click the Equipment Relationship tab.

3. Click the “Relationship Table” icon to open the relationship table for the digital twins.

4. Edit equipment business relationships:

    • Add relationship:
    1. On the equipment relationship list page for the architectural scene, click the New button to open the creation window.
    2. Select the Target digital twins and Relationship type.
    3. (Optional) Enter a description of the business relationship.
    4. Click Confirm to save the new relationship.
    • Modify relationship:
    1. Locate the relationship entry you want to modify in the relationship table.
    2. Click the edit button to open the Edit window
    3. Update the target digital twin, relationship type, or business relationship description.
    4. Click Confirm to save the changes.
    • Delete relationship:
    1. Find the relationship entry you want to delete in the relationship table.
    2. Click the delete button , and the system will prompt you to confirm the deletion.
    3. Upon confirmation, the relationship will be removed from the list, and the association will no longer be valid.

Edit equipment digital twins

You can edit the basic information of an equipment digital twin to ensure it accurately reflects the actual equipment information. Follow these steps to edit an equipment digital twin:

1. Access the Architectural Scene Details page.

2. Click the Equipment Relationship tab.

3. Click on the detail icon of the digital twin to open the Digital Twin Details page.

4. Click the edit button to modify the name, data source, identifier, or description.

5. After making the changes, click Confirm.

Introduction to DataMesh FactVerse

DataMesh FactVerse is a SaaS service platform for enterprises with big data and mixed reality technology, designed to help enterprises process big data and apply it to mixed reality scenarios. It provides a series of core service functions, including digital twins, data fusion, model acceleration, and collaborative services, etc.

Service scope and application scenarios

DataMesh FactVerse can support the application of DataMesh client products in various business scenarios such as training, inspection, planning, supervision, etc., providing enterprises with multiple solutions covering the needs of various fields including conference collaboration, training materials, engineering acceptance, learning assessment, factory simulation, etc.

Functional modules

    • Core services: The DataMesh FactVerse platform covers core service modules such as Digital Assets, Collaboration, Equipment Inspection, Learning Management, etc. Users can use different functions within the FactVerse platform to support their work, in conjunction with DataMesh client applications, according to the needs of different application scenarios. Depending on user permissions and license settings, users can see and access different functional modules. For more information about each function, please refer to the relevant chapters.
    • Enterprise Management: Enterprise administrators can use the enterprise management module for User Management, Position Management, License management, Acceleration Service Management, Enterprise Configuration, etc.

Note: Administrators need to customize the access and operation permissions of users according to their roles and needs, to ensure data security and management flexibility. For more information, please refer to the Enterprise management > User permission management.

DataMesh FactVerse login address:


Official Server Domain




The login address for private deployment is determined by the address of the enterprise’s private deployment server.

The login interface supports following functions:

    • Language switch: DataMesh FactVerse supports switching the interface language to Simplified Chinese, English, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese by clicking  on the top right corner.
    • Password reset: Click Forgot Password to reset password.
    • Third-party login: Click on the Microsoft icon to log in to the FactVerse platform using your Microsoft account credentials.

Regular login

You can log in to Data Mesh FactVerse using your FactVerse credentials.


1. Open the FactVerse login page.

2. Select the interface language.

3. In the login dialog box, enter your account and password.

4. Click Sign in.

a). If you belong to only one enterprise account, you will be directly taken to the homepage upon successful login.

b). If you have multiple enterprise accounts, a list of enterprise accounts will be displayed for you to choose from. Select the enterprise account you want to log in to, then click Confirm to proceed to the homepage.

SMS verification login

When an enterprise activates the dual verification feature for FactVerse accounts using both password and SMS, users need to undergo the SMS verification process when logging into both the DataMesh client and the FactVerse service platform.

First-time binding

The steps for first-time binding a phone number are as follows:

1. Open the FactVerse login page.

2. Select the interface language.

3. In the login dialog box, enter your FactVerse account and password.

4. Click Sign in.

a. If you belong to only one enterprise account, the homepage will be displayed directly.

b. If you have multiple enterprise accounts, a list of enterprise accounts will be displayed for you to choose from. Select the enterprise account you want to log in to, then click Confirm to proceed to the homepage.

5. The page will prompt you to bind your phone number. Enter your phone number and then click Get Verification Code.

6. In the verification code input box, enter the verification code you received on your phone, then click the Submit button to complete the binding.

Note: After binding your phone number, you can change it in the User information.


When you log in, the mobile phone you bound will receive a login verification code, valid for 5 minutes.

Third-party login is a custom option for enterprises that utilizes Microsoft’s identity and access management service, Microsoft Entra ID, to ensure users have enhanced security when accessing FactVerse.


1. Open the FactVerse login page.

2. Select the interface language.

3. Click on the Microsoft icon for third-party login, then follow the prompts to enter the Microsoft account and password to log in.


The homepage displays information about the user’s company, department and role, event records, assets chart, and more.

Quick navigation: Users can set commonly used modules for quick access.

Event records: Display the latest events created by the user in the function module, making it easy for the user to find the latest work project or event.

Task list: View task reminders and understand pending tasks.

Recently visited: Quickly access the most recently used function modules through the list of recently visited functions.

Assets: Provide an overview of the quantity and usage of company digital assets, assisting users in tracking and managing these digital assets.

Function navigation bar

The left-side function navigation bar allows users to quickly access various function modules. Depending on the user’s permissions and license settings, users can see and access different function modules. Certain function modules may be invisible or inaccessible to users. Administrators can customize function access and operation permissions based on the roles and needs of different users to ensure data security and management flexibility. For more information, please refer to Enterprise management > User permission management.

Menu bar

The menu bar on the top of the page is as shown in the figure:

The functions of the menu bar from left to right are as follows:

Upload details

You can view upload details of digital assets and AI knowledge base and deal with upload error.

AI assistant

AI assistant can engage in real-time conversations with users and provide intelligent replies. Users can click on the To speech button below the reply, select the desired language and storage location, and generate the corresponding voice resource. The generated voice resource will be saved in the Resources of the FactVerse platform, and users can download and use it at any time. Additionally, users can also edit and manage the generated audio resources, such as setting the audio file name, tags, descriptions, and other attributes, making it easier to use and manage later.


Users can switch the page language, including Simplified Chinese, English, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese.


After clicking the icon , the entire message list will be displayed, allowing you to view all resource processing notification messages.

Account function menu

After clicking the username, the account function menu is displayed.

The account function menu includes the following function options:

Switch enterprise: If you have multiple enterprise accounts, you can click on the username in the menu bar, select the Switch enterprise option in the drop-down menu, and then select the company account you need to use from the displayed enterprise list. If you only have one enterprise account, this option will not be displayed by default.

QR code login: QR code login function provided by FactVerse can quickly log in to the account on DataMesh One, which is convenient for login on mobile devices. Click on the username in the menu bar, select the QR code login in the drop-down menu, and the system will automatically generate a QR code that refreshes every minute. Open the DataMesh One application and scan the QR code to quickly log in to the account on the mobile end.

My logs: The content of my logs is the log content uploaded by various clients. The cause of the problem can be quickly found through the uploaded logs. Currently, each application can upload the last seven logs to FactVerse.

Change the password: Change the login password of the currently logged-in account. After clicking change the password, fill in the login password, new password, and confirm the new password on the change the password page, and click Confirm to complete the modification of the login password.

User Information: After the user clicks the User Information option, you can view and modify your avatar and name.

Log Out: Click log out, and the user can log out of the currently logged account and jump to the login page.


How to understand 3D coordinates in the scene

For a 3D coordinate system, the scene’s origin is at (0,0,0). We can represent the position of any role as a certain number of units to the left or right of the origin, a certain number of units above or below the origin, and a certain number of units in front of or behind the origin. These three dimensions are known as the X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis.

These three numbers provide the 3D coordinates of a point in space. For example, a point located 7 units to the right of the origin (X-axis), 3 units above the origin (Y-axis), and 4 units in front of the origin (Z-axis) has the (x, y, z) coordinates of (7,3,4). To specify a point in the opposite direction of the origin, we should use negative numbers. For instance, a point located at (-5, -2, -1) is 5 units to the left of the origin, 2 units belove the origin, and 1 unit behind the origin.

Customize spatial positioning methods 

When playing a scenario edited in DataMesh Studio using DataMesh One, it integrates with real-world spatial positioning. Generally, the model from the first page of the scenario is used as a reference for spatial positioning.

Furthermore, DataMesh Studio provides two additional custom spatial positioning methods: Reference model positioning and QR code positioning.

Reference model positioning

Reference model positioning refers to using one or more reference models to assist in scenario editing and spatial positioning.

Detailed steps to use reference model positioning are as follows:

1. Click the Scenario menu in the menus and select Modify Scenario Positioning from the drop-down menu to enter positioning mode.

2. In the Resources pane, locate the model you want to use as a reference background.

3. Click and drag the model from the Resources pane to the scene area.

4. Click the Quit button to exit the positioning mode and use the reference model to help position other models in the scenario.

5. Play the scenario in DataMesh One and perform positioning in position mode.

Note: The Position Reference settings need to be set to First Frame, aligning with the first frame of the first scene in the script for positioning.

QR code positioning

QR code positioning refers to spatial positioning by scanning the locating code in the scenario during playback.

Note: DataMesh FactVerse Services does not support downloading positioning codes from scenarios created using versions of DataMesh Studio prior to 5.5. To download the positioning codes, you need to open the scenario using DataMesh Studio 5.5 or above, re-upload the scenario, and then you will be able to download the included positioning codes from the FactVerse Service platform.

The steps for using QR code positioning are as follows:

1. Click the Scenario menu in the menus and select Modify Scenario Positioning from the drop-down menu to enter positioning mode.

2. Select the QR code (QR Code_ <number>) that needs to be positioned from the Roles pane and drag it to the desired location.

3. Click a blank space in the scene area to deselect the QR code. Then, in the attributes pane, click the Add Marker button under the Stage Attributes section to add a new marker.

You can add 100 markers at most. The No.1 to No.10 marker is compatible with the markers in the version of DataMesh Studio before 5.5.

4. Click the Quit button to exit the positioning mode, edit the scenario and save it.

5. Log in DataMesh FactVerse Services, find the scenario and download the positioning code in the detail page of the scenario file.

6. Print the downloaded positioning code.

7. In the MR mode of DataMesh One, scan the QR code printed in step 6 and then the model will appear above the QR code.


Actions are the basis of scenario expression and interactive capability.

After selecting a role, click the button in the upper right corner of the attributes pane. A menu for adding actions will appear. Clicking the action option in the menu to add the corresponding action to the role. Depending on the type of the role and its current state, the available action options may vary. Model roles can generally add six types of actions: Pose Adjustment, Scatter, Section, Disappear, Link and Color Changes. When the model comes with animations, there will be an Configure Animation action. Attachment and tool roles only have Pose Adjustment and Disappear actions.

Action List: Multiple actions can be added to a role in the same scene, and the action list of all actions for that role will be displayed in sequence above the role’s attribute pane.


Appear is the initial configuration option of all roles, allowing you to define the position, rotation, and scale of a role when it appears in the scene, as well as the duration of the appearance.

When you add a role to the scene, you can drag and rotate it to adjust its position and rotation. Additionally, you can make precise parameter adjustments to the Appear action properties of the role to further customize its appearance.

You can use the Position and Rotation settings to adjust the initial pose of a role. The Position setting determines the location of the role’s center in the scene’s coordinate system. For more information on position coordinates, please refer to How to understand 3D coordinates in the scene

Reset All: The Reset All button allows you to restore the positions of all child objects of the model relative to the parent object.

Scale: The Scale setting is used to adjust the size of the model in the scene. You can still modify this configuration by using pose adjustment action in subsequent scenes.

Appear type: The default Appear type setting is Zoom, which means that the model will appear by gradually scaling up from the center point during playback. If set to Left or Right, the model will move a short distance in the corresponding direction and then stop at the designated appearance position.

Duration: The default duration is 1 second, which represents the length of time it takes for the Appear action to complete, from the start to the end.

Pose Adjustment

When you select Add Pose in the action menu, it adds a Pose Adjustment action. The Pose Adjustment action allows roles in the scene to move along a straight or curved path and change their position, rotation angle, and size through translation, rotation, and scaling.

With the Pose Adjustment action, you can create dynamic effects for roles, including smooth acceleration, deceleration, and uniform motion.

Straight path

The Pose Adjustment action enables a role to move along a straight path.

Here are the steps to add and set the Pose Adjustment action for a role to move along a straight path:

1. Click on the role name in the role list to select the role you want to add pose for.

2. Click the button  next to the role name and select the Add Pose option.

3. Move the role in the scene area to change its position or fine-tune the pose adjustment parameter values in the attribute area, and then set the Duration of the pose adjustment action.

4. By selecting the Transform Type, set the transformation speed of the pose adjustment action.

    • Uniform: The transformation speed of the pose adjustment action remains constant.
    • Accelerate: The pose adjustment action accelerates from a stationary state to uniform motion.
    • Decelerate: The pose adjustment action decelerates from uniform motion to a stationary state.
    • Smooth All: The pose adjustment action first accelerates to maximum speed and then gradually decelerates to a stationary state, making the action change smoother and more natural. This transform type is the default setting for the pose adjustment action.

Curved path

You can also use the Pose Adjustment action to make a role move along a curved path.

Use Curved Path: By enabling the Use Curved Path option, you can create a pose adjustment action for a role along a curved path. This option is disabled by default.

Rotate Along Path: When the Rotate Along Path option is enabled, the orientation of the role will always align with the direction of the path.

Waypoint: Waypoints are the intermediate points along the path. By adding waypoints, you can determine the curvature and direction of the curve, resulting in a smoother curved path. The starting point of the path represents the initial position of the role (from the previous action or the previous scene), while the end point of the path represents the final position of the role in the current scene.

The following are steps to add and configure roles to move along curved path in the pose adjustment action:

1. Click on the role name in the role list to select the role.

2. Click the button next to the role name and select the Add Pose option.

3. Check the Use Curved Path option.

4. Adjust model position, rotation, scale and click Create a Waypoint at Current Location.

5. Repeat step 4 to create other waypoints for the curved path.

6. Adjust the position and curvature of the waypoint to make the curved path smoother.

7. Configure Duration and Transform Type of the pose adjustment.

8. Click the Play button to preview the effect of the pose adjustment action.

9. Fine-tune the settings of the pose adjustment action for the curved path as needed.


The Animation action refers to a pre-defined action within a model. When a model contains animation, we can configure the animation of the model role in DataMesh Studio, such as setting the playback mode and duration of the animation. 

Here are the steps to configure the animation of a model role: 

1. Select the model role in the Roles pane.

2. Click the button in the attributes pane and select the Configure Animation option.

3. In the attributes pane, you can see all the animation names that the model contains.

4. You can select the animation you want to configure, set its playback mode to Play Once or Play Loop, and modify the Duration of the animation.


You can add a Scatter action to any role that contains sub-roles. By default, the Scatter action will expand all primary sub-roles under the role. You can set the scatter effect for all sub-roles in a Scatter action, or you can continue to add Scatter actions for sub-roles that contain lower-level sub-roles, thereby achieving an outward-to-inward sequential expansion effect.

Add a Scatter action

To add a Scatter action for a selected role or child role, click the button next to the role name in the attributes pane. Then, in the action menu, select Add Scatter. This will add a Scatter action to the role or child role, allowing you to configure the scattering effect.

In the Scatter action setting pane, you can choose between two types of scatter effects: Exploded and Axial.

    • Exploded: The exploded scatter effect disperses sub-roles from the center of the model to the surrounding area. By adjusting the Range slider or numerical value, you can modify the magnitude of the explosion. Larger values will scatter sub-roles farther away, while smaller values will scatter them closer.
    • Axial: The axial scatter effect arranges sub-roles in a single direction. By adjusting the Distance slider or numerical value, you can control the spacing between sub-roles. Larger values increase the spacing, while smaller values decrease it. The scatter Direction refers to the direction in which the sub-roles are arranged. Because sub-roles cannot scatter below the desktop, the option to scatter in the downward direction is not available.

Example 1

To achieve the scattering configuration for a monster model and one of its arms within a Scatter action, you can follow these steps:

1. Select the monster model in the scene.

2. In the attributes pane, click the button next to the name of the monster model, and select Add Scatter in the action menu.

3. Configure Scatter Type, Range or Distance and Duration.

4. In the scene area, click to select the right arm of the monster model.

5. In the attributes area, Enable the scatter action for the arm, and set Scatter Type, Range or Distance and Duration.

6. Select the monster model again in the scene area, you can see there is only one scatter action in the action list.

Example 2

To add a scatter the monster model and its right arm in separate scatter actions, you can follow these steps:

1. Select the monster model in the scene.

2. In the attributes pane, click the button next to the name of the monster model, and select Add Scatter in the action menu.

3. Configure Scatter Type, Range or Distance and Duration.

4. In the scene area, click to select the right arm of the monster model.

5. In the attributes pane, click the button and select Add Scatter in the action menu.

6. Configure Scatter Type, Range or Distance and Duration.

7. Reselect the monster model in the scene area, and you will notice that the action list in the attributes area now displays two scatter actions. The first scatter action pertains to the scattering of the entire monster model, while the second scatter action specifically applies to the arm.

Remove the Scatter action

Removing the Scatter action means removing the scatter effect that has been applied to the model, thereby restoring it to its original state.

You can follow these steps to remove the Scatter action:

1. Select the scattered model in the scene area.

2. In the attributes pane, click the button next to the model’s name and select Add Scatter in the action menu.

3. Check the Reset option.

4. After removing the Scatter action, the sub-objects of the model will be restored to their original positions and states.


The Section action allows you to add virtual sections to a model. By adding a section, you can simulate a real cutting operation on the model, which is useful for design and presentation purposes. You can add a section to any node of the model. Additionally, you can configure section effects for other nodes within this section action, including defining the section direction and applying section animation.

Add a section

To add a section to a model, follow these steps:

1. Select the model that you want to add a section to.

2. Click the button next to the role’s name in the attributes pane and select the Add Section option.

3. In the scene area, a draggable and rotatable section body will appear, consisting of three infinitely extended surfaces. You can adjust the position of the section body by dragging it. Any part of the model that the section body passes through will be cut off.

4. Configure the section in the attributes pane.

You can configure section as follows:

Section Animation: Three types of Section Animation are available for selection, including Along X Axis cut in/cut out, Along Y Axis cut in/cut out, and Along Z Axis cut in/cut out.

Section Point: The position of the point where the three faces of the section body intersect.

Section Part: The direction in which the section body rotates along the three axes.

Preset: To quickly select the section direction, you can choose Preset. The eight blue cubes in the Preset represent the model, and the yellow part represents the cut-out position. The cubes in the Preset are associated with the model. When you adjust the angle or rotate the model, the cubes in the Preset will also rotate accordingly.

5. Click the Preview button to check the section action effect and adjust according to the effect.

When adding a section action to a role, all its child roles will be affected by the section. If you want to preserve the shape of the child role, you can remove the section action from the child role to avoid being affected by the section action of the parent role.

The steps are as follows:

1. Select the child role from which you want to remove the section effect.

2. Open the Enable option in the Adjust Section settings, then check the Reset option and select None in the Section Animation settings.

Remove a section

To remove the section action and restore the role to its initial state before the section, follow these steps:

1. Select the role or the child role containing the section action.

2. Click the button next to the role’s name in the attributes pane and select Add Section from the action menu.

3. In the Adjust Section settings in the attributes pane, check the Reset option.

4. Configure the Section action throught the settings of Section Animation, Section Point, Section Part, Preset and Duration.

5. Click the play button to preview the effect of removing the section and make section adjustments as needed.


When previewing a scenario or playing it in DataMesh One, you can easily navigate to the target scene by clicking on a model or sub-object that has a Link action associated with it. 

Note: If the target scene is deleted, the Link action will be invalid. 

To add a Link action to a model or sub-object, follow these steps: 

1. Select the model or sub-object that needs to add a Link action.

2. Click the button next to the role’s name in the attributes pane and select the Add Link option.

3. In the Link Settings in the attributes pane, uncheck the No jump option, and then select the Link scene in the Link Settings.

4. The model or sub-object selected in the scene area will have a hot zone box, which can be dragged to set the interactive range.

The hot zone is an area in which a mouse click allows for navigation or interaction. When an object is selected, the scene area displays a default hot zone box around the selected object, encompassing it. The hot zone box is in the shape of a rectangular prism, and each of its six faces has a cone-shaped handle at its center. These cone-shaped handles can be dragged to adjust the size of the hot zone.


The Disappear action refers to the animation effect of a role disappearing in a scenario. By adding a Disappear action, the role can achieve the effect of disappearing in a specific scene of the scenario.

The steps to add a Disappear action to a role are as follows:

1. Select the role that needs to add a disappear action.

2. Click the button next to the role’s name in the attributes pane and select the Add Disappear option. At this point, the role in the scene area will be in a semi-transparent state, indicating that it has disappeared.

3. In the Adjust Disappear setting in the attributes pane, select the Disappear Type. You can choose from four styles: None, Zoom, Right, and Left.

Color Changes

The Color Changes action is an animation effect that enables a role to change colors during the animation. It can be applied to any node of a model, whether it’s the entire model or specific sub-objects. When you add the Color Changes action to the entire model, the color changes will be applied to the currently selected model role and all its sub-objects, allowing for dynamic and visually appealing color transformations.

Here are the steps to add a Color Changes action:

1. Select the role to add the color changes action to.

2. Click the button next to the role’s name in the attributes pane and select the Color Changes option.

3. In the Color Changes settings in the attributes pane, set Color, Transform Type, and other parameters.

Transform Type

None: The color of the role will directly change to the specified color without any special animation effect. 

Gradient: The color will gradually transition over a period of time, creating a smooth and gradual change in color. 

Flash: The color will rapidly alternate between the original color and the specified color within a certain time frame, creating a blinking or flashing effect.

After adding the Color Changes action, during the scenario playback, when the role performs the action, its color will change according to the settings.