DataMesh Director 7.0 Released: Introducing Training Mode & FAI for One-Click Multi-Language Scenarios!

We are thrilled to announce the release of DataMesh Director 7.0, a powerful 3D+XR process design tool that significantly enhances training and communication efficiency.

As a no-code platform, DataMesh Director enables non-professional content developers to swiftly create compelling 3D and mixed reality presentations. In industries like manufacturing and operations & maintenance, DataMesh Director allows frontline workers to receive clear and intuitive operational guidance through XR content, accelerating their learning curve and proficiency in equipment operations, reducing training time and equipment costs, while boosting overall efficiency. The recent launch of DataMesh Director for Vision Pro further expands possibilities for spatial computing content creation.

The new Training Mode in version 7.0 integrates seamlessly with the original DataMesh Learn solution, offering enterprises a more convenient and efficient training management system. The highly anticipated multi-language translation feature is now available, making your scenarios universally applicable across countries and regions. Additionally, version 7.0 enhances the user experience on Quest 3 and Vision Pro platforms.

Explore These Exciting Updates!

Enter Training Mode

Training Mode: More Efficient Training Management

DataMesh Director 7.0 introduces “Training Mode”, an upgrade from the previous DataMesh Learn solution. In manufacturing and maintenance scenarios with complex operational processes, effective skill training for frontline workers is essential for enhancing overall efficiency.

Many enterprises have successfully implemented mixed reality training with DataMesh Director, reducing the need for real equipment during training, lowering risks of equipment damage, and minimizing downtime. The drag-and-drop editing significantly reduces the complexity of XR training content production, resulting in substantial cost savings.

DataMesh Director 7.0 provides HR and training departments with a streamlined training management platform. Using the upgraded DataMesh FactVerse learning management module, trainers can easily create and manage training groups, customize courses, track trainee progress, and optimize plans based on learning data. Trainers can efficiently create, manage, and distribute 3D+XR training content, accumulating digital training resources. Cross-platform collaboration capabilities allow training materials to be shared and reused among multiple employees, enhancing cost-effectiveness.

Find your learning and exam tasks in DataMesh One – Training Mode

In the latest version, learners can select “Training Mode” in DataMesh One to find and complete their tasks, receiving real-time feedback.

Finish exam in DataMesh One

With MR presentation, complex operations can be broken down into simpler steps, abstract concepts can be simulated, and internal structures of products can be clearly displayed through model disassembly and cross-sections. Interactive features allow learners to practice in virtual environments, greatly reducing learning difficulties.

Easy Multi-Language Scenarios Switching

Communicating across languages and cultures is a major challenge for global enterprises. To cater to employees from diverse linguistic backgrounds, training courses often need to be produced in multiple languages, which entails extensive translation work and significant time and resource investments.

DataMesh Director 7.0 offers a better solution. FactVerse AI (FAI), a generative AI tool based on enterprise digital twin data, has been seamlessly integrated, enabling effortless generation of multi-language scenarios.

Edit multi-language scenarios in DataMesh Studio

When editing scenarios in DataMesh Studio, text content can be translated into Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English, and Japanese using the multilingual text translation feature. If your account has FAI permissions, text content can be translated with a single click. For accounts without FAI permissions, translations can be manually entered to automatically generate multi-language scenarios. When playing scenarios in DataMesh One, switching the app system language updates the scenario language automatically. Future updates will support additional languages, avoiding resource waste.

Switch language in DataMesh One

FactVerse AI supports various AIGC-related tasks, such as importing private enterprise and industry knowledge bases, intelligent search, text generation, multi-language translation, and speech synthesis. In the future, DataMesh Director will provide more convenient services, empowering your business. For example, during on-site assembly or maintenance, frontline workers can consult AI assistants for operational guidance, ensuring accurate and rapid task completion, enhancing on-site proficiency, and boosting production efficiency.

Optimized User Experience in AR/VR Glasses

DataMesh One for Vision Pro now supports object editing capabilities, allowing users to zoom in, zoom out, or disassemble models. DataMesh One for Quest now supports gesture control, allowing users to interact directly using gestures without the need for controllers.

Object editing in DataMesh One for Vision Pro
Gesture control in DataMesh One for Quest

We’ve also upgraded the rendering engine. With continuous improvements to DataMesh products and services, we aim to enhance user experiences across all platforms, making digital twin and XR technology more accessible to enterprises and frontline workers.

DataMesh Director 7.0 is now available on supported app stores. Existing DataMesh SaaS subscribers can upgrade their applications directly. For product trials, subscriptions, and collaborations, please contact us via email at

The DataMesh Director 7.0 User Manual is now available online. Visit the DataMesh website’s Help & Support – Knowledge Base – User Manuals to browse the latest version online.

Please Note:

– DataMesh One 7.0 and subsequent versions will no longer update on the HoloLens platform. However, you can continue using DataMesh One 6.2.3 on the HoloLens platform.

– DataMesh One 6.2.3 can open and view scenarios edited in DataMesh Studio 7.0 on the HoloLens platform but will not support new features in 7.0 and subsequent versions.

DataMesh Simulator 2.2 Released for Enhanced Immersive Training

We are thrilled to announce the release of DataMesh Simulator 2.2! This latest version of our motion simulation platform now integrates with DataMesh Learn, combining the functionalities of both offerings to create a truly immersive, digital twin-based simulation training experience. Designed for manufacturers of heavy machinery, mining equipment, special vehicles, aircraft, and vocational institutions, DataMesh Simulator provides comprehensive solutions for courseware creation, training, and assessment.

All-in-One Solution for Custom Teaching

DataMesh Simulator offers an all-in-one solution for courseware creation, training, and assessment. With FactVerse Designer, users can easily create digital twins and use behavior trees and built-in tools to design, set up, and adjust the operational logic of various scene elements. The drag-and-drop interface allows users to create and develop course content without needing a professional technical background.

Digital Twin Creation
Behavior Tree Editing

Streamlined Teaching with Enhanced Training Performance

The platform enables data-driven, digital twin-based simulation training by linking equipment mechanism data with courseware content. Instructors can customize the models students use, manage training groups flexibly, and easily create, modify, and manage courseware, enhancing the specificity and flexibility of teaching.

Personalized Learning Paths and Performance Tracking

DataMesh Simulator provides modules for tracking both individual and overall performance, offering a comprehensive view of students’ learning journeys. Instructors can use data analysis to adjust training strategies and optimize learning paths for efficient learning outcomes.

New Features for Easier Learning

The new version includes mode selection and historical performance query functions, allowing students to choose their learning modes and check their progress in real-time, enabling them to adjust their learning strategies as needed.

Learning Mode Choosing

Enhanced Environmental Simulation for Better Skill Building

DataMesh Simulator introduces a weather system that allows instructors and students to switch between different conditions, including sunny (default), night, cloudy, foggy, overcast, rain, thunderstorms, snow, and sandstorms. This feature enhances trainees’ practical skills in various environments.

Weather Mode Selection

With this update, DataMesh Simulator enhances training immersion and interactivity, making training more efficient and accurate through data analysis and personalized learning paths. This significantly improves learning efficiency for students while reducing training costs for enterprises and educational institutions.

For product purchases or more information, please contact us at:

Create Your Apple Vision Pro Spatial Scenarios without Programming! DataMesh Director is Now Available on the AVP Store

– Are you a creator who feels envious of all kinds of cool apps on Apple Vision Pro, and wants to bring your own ideas to life, but finds programming is really a headache–?

– Are you a developer who is tired and dizzy with modifying the program written in Unity 3D or Swift due to the daily changing customer requirements of Apple Vision Pro app design?

– Are you a head of an innovation center who is frustrated with describing your spatial computing ideas in words, but your vendor just cannot understand? You want to immediately make a prototype and put it into his headset, and tell him: look, that’s what I mean.

Then you’ve come to the right place. Now explore DataMesh Director’s newly released Vision Pro version.

Just search DataMesh in your Vision Pro store and download the app DataMesh One, you can quickly design ideas with zero-code drag and drop in DataMesh Studio downloaded from PC and MAC stores, import your 3D materials, quickly design spatial scenarios, and publish them into your Apple Vision Pro with one click. No need to know Swift or Unity 3D, no need to go through the pitfalls of Vision Pro application development from scratch, you can easily realize your spatial computing ideas.

What Is DataMesh Director?

After six years of development, the award-winning DataMesh Director is now in version 6.2, which allows you to quickly design and create spatial scenarios without writing a single line of code. DataMesh Director’s spatial scenario is a kind of spatially based interactive storytelling, which has traditionally been used for teaching, training, marketing, and operational guidance. It allows you and your audience to experience different scenes in a shared mixed reality space. Now it’s also used by imaginative friends to edit funny plots and even design murder mystery games. If you’re already using Apple Vision Pro, why not try breaking the mold and pushing the limits?

Why Use DataMesh Director?

Here’re the benefits of using DataMesh Director:

Easy to use: you don’t need any programming skills, just drag, drop, place, edit and preview your spatial scenarios elements, including characters, props, sound effects, music, dialogue, actions, etc., in DataMesh Studio, just like creating a 3D PPT. Future versions will also support direct gesture editing in space, further liberating your creativity.

Rich and diverse: You can also import your own materials, such as images, videos, 3D models, etc., or select scenario materials from the resources and tools provided by DataMesh to make your spatial scenario more personalized and unique.

Efficient collaboration: You can collaborate with your team members to edit and produce the spatial scenario. You can also share and experience the spatial scenario with your audience in real time, and get their feedback and suggestions through the multiplayer mode to make your spatial scenario more perfect and exciting.

Cross-platform compatibility: You can use DataMesh Director on Apple Vision Pro, iPad, iPhone, ARCore-enabled Android phones, Snapdragon Spaces-enabled glasses. If you wish to make your own commercial application, you can also embed your scenario into your own app by DataMesh FactVerse SDK. Create your scenario once, play it anywhere, modify the content anytime, and never waste resources.

As we are still working hard to overcome the compatibility issues of different platforms and imperfections in the development toolchain, the following features are not yet available on the Vision Pro platform:

  • PDF files
  • Web tools
  • Advanced resources (SDK-based customization tools)
  • Special effects elements
  • Hot zones

Some known bugs – expected to be fixed in the coming months:

  • The virtual keyboard would sometimes fall to the ground
  • Some models have flickering issues
  • Transparent components of the model may appear unstable

Limitations & recommendations:

Due to the limited memory of Apple Vision Pro, it is recommended not to build too large scenarios (excessive model complexity), and the optimization service is still being adjusted.

How to Download and Use DataMesh Director?

DataMesh Director Vision Pro version is now available in the App Store. You can search for DataMesh One (client) in the Apple Vision Pro app store, and DataMesh Importer (resource import tool) and DataMesh Studio (design tool) in the PC/Mac app store to install, or just click to download: DataMesh Importer PC version; DataMesh Importer Mac version; DataMesh Studio PC version; DataMesh Studio Mac version.

You can apply for a trial account at To purchase, please contact Visit the official website of DataMesh for more information and support.

DataMesh FactVerse Updates Released for Industrial Digital Twin Innovation

DataMesh, a high-tech innovator focused on Digital Twin, has made significant updates to its FactVerse industrial metaverse platform, aimed at enhancing its suite of applications and services. These enhancements across the entire FactVerse ecosystem deliver better performance and experience for enterprise users in constructing digital twin scenarios, fostering symbiotic virtual and real environments, and seamlessly integrating with business applications.

FactVerse Designer

FactVerse Designer 1.1 brings a user experience more tailored to common business environments and introduces standard business workflows. New features include adjustable scene playback speed and support for recording scene runs under different configurations, providing comprehensive equipment operation details for decision-making. Integrated with FactVerse Data Fusion Services, it offers practical assistance and value to frontline personnel in fields like production simulation in factories. Additionally, the reengineered intuitive interface and drag-and-drop experience provide better overall performance stability and user experience.

A scenario being played at an accelerated speed
Recording a scene

FactVerse Data Fusion Services (DFS)

The FactVerse Data Fusion Services have been publicly released. DFS serves as a fusion engine connecting and processing data from various industrial systems, playing a critical role in creating and managing digital twin scenarios on the FactVerse platform. It establishes digital twin mapping standards based on traditional data acquisition interfaces and data warehouses, breaking down barriers between data acquisition platforms, simulation platforms, and analysis platforms. DFS addresses two major challenges in the application of digital twins: efficient and stable integration of various types of enterprise business system data and rapid standardization of enterprise business data processing, meeting the rendering and computing needs of XR interactions and the application of digital twins. DFS is currently offered both cloud-hosted and on-premises deployment.

DataMesh Director

DataMesh Director 6.2.0’s artistic effects and user experience of interacting with scenarios are optimized, with new selection options for rendering environment. DataMesh One has been compatible with Apple Vision Pro, Meta Quest 3, Lenovo ThinkReality VRX, and A3. Users can download the respective glasses version applications from the app store of each platform and easily design training content using DataMesh Studio, publishing it to XR headsets and tablets across platforms for an enhanced experience in business scenarios such as training.

Rendering effects are optimized
Using DataMesh One on Apple Vision Pro
Using DataMesh One on Apple Vision Pro
Using DataMesh One on Apple Vision Pro
Using DataMesh One on Apple Vision Pro

DataMesh Inspector

DataMesh Inspector 1.1.2 UX optimization, particularly improves the display efficiency of large spatial scenes with optimization from BIM model layers level, enabling frontline personnel such as construction teams and supervisors to efficiently carry out operations such as mixed reality (MR) content comparison with CAD drawings and 3D model-to-real-space alignment.

Dynamic loading of large spatial scenes

FactVerse AI

Starting from April, the FactVerse AI International Edition has been using the latest GPT-4-Turbo as the backend for large language models. Users enjoy enhanced conversational/text generation capabilities for their private knowledge bases within the FactVerse platform, without any additional action required.

FactVerse Express

The FactVerse Express Apple Vision OS 1.0 version is available. Users can quickly experience the features of FactVerse Apps such as DataMesh Director, Checklist, and more provided in the Apple Vision Pro without downloading these Apps. The initial experiences cover scenarios such as automotive production lines, aviation engines, coffee machines, and shield machines.

FactVerse Platform Support Updates

The FactVerse platform has undergone various optimizations focusing on functional logic and interactions, introducing better interaction in batch upload, unified digital twin operations, optimized user management, and layout optimization for various module pages, improving the user experience in managing digital twin resources. In terms of IoT connectivity, FactVerse now offers Brick Schema-based relational structure import and export, further enhancing compliance with Singapore’s building green standard specifications.

What is Brick?

Brick is an open-source project aimed at providing standardized semantic descriptions of the physical, logical, and virtual assets within buildings, as well as the relationships between them. Brick includes an extensible dictionary containing terms and concepts found within and around buildings, a set of relationships for linking and combining these concepts, and a flexible data model that allows seamless integration with existing tools and databases. Leveraging powerful semantic web technologies, Brick enables consistent descriptions of various specialized and custom features, assets, and subsystems throughout entire building complexes.

Using Brick as a typical description for buildings enables the following functionalities:

  • Brick reduces the costs associated with deploying analytics, energy-saving measures, and intelligent controls within buildings.
  • Brick facilitates integrated descriptions of numerous subsystems found in modern buildings, such as HVAC, lighting, fire protection, and security, across various vendors.
  • Brick streamlines the development process of intelligent analysis and control applications.
  • Brick diminishes dependence on proprietary, non-standard, and unstructured labels specific to building management systems.
Dynamic loading of large scale scenes

FactVerse SDK

DataMesh FactVerse SDK has evolved into version 6.2, enabling developers to easily adopt and integrate more digital twin capabilities of the FactVerse into their own applications/software. The current version includes FactVerse platform general operations, resource library, scenario playback of DataMesh Director, digital twin body invocation, etc.

FactVerse Hands-on-Lab

Furthermore, FactVerse Hands-on-Lab, open to users and content creators, has recently released a series of efficient learning resources to help users quickly obtain skills in using frontline products of FactVerse, including proficiently acquiring digital twin content creation skills.

FactVerse is committed to providing users with simple and user-friendly digital twin products and solutions with instant ROI. The platform’s great flexibility and scalability, combined with different data sources and capabilities such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, empower enterprises to innovate through industrial digital twins, accelerating business transformation, and ensuring frontline personnel benefit from digitization.

FactVerse Express Opens for Global Creators to Innovate in XR Amid Spatial Computing Trend

Today, DataMesh unveils its cutting-edge spatial computing innovation – FactVerse Express, a powerful and user-friendly content creation tool designed for global users to effortlessly and joyfully immerse themselves in the world of XR.

Incorporating the core advantages of the enterprise-level Digital Twin and XR content creation tool – DataMesh Director, FactVerse Express also includes a 3D asset library, providing abundant resources to inspire users of all skill levels to easily craft unique XR content using an intuitive interface, tapping into their creativity to the fullest.

FactVerse Express is compatible with Apple Vision Pro, ready to empower users across platforms with an exceptional spatial computing experience upon the imminent availability of Apple Vision Pro, in addition to its existing support for various devices, including Meta Quest 3, iPhone, and iPad.

The key strengths of FactVerse Express lie in its industry-leading cross-platform compatibility and user-friendly design. Whether you’re a professional user or a beginner entering the XR field, getting started with the tool to create content is quick and easy.

Moreover, FactVerse Express is more than just for individual creators, making XR more accessible and is an ideal choice for enterprise users looking to optimize operations and efficiency. The professional version – DataMesh Director – has been widely adopted in various business scenarios, such as education and training, operational guidance, remote collaboration & monitoring, maintenance & inspections, effectively improving productivity for hundreds of customers across continents.

FactVerse Express is currently available on the Apple App Store for free download and use without registration.

Download Now

With the surging interest in spatial computing thanks to the advent of Apple Vision Pro, we are proud to be among the first movers, now opening a disruptive new spatial content creation platform powered by FactVerse Express for existing and new users to explore the fun and creativity in XR, especially when the Apple Vision Pro arrives at their door!

For any inquiries about Express or enterprise-level digital twins and the industrial metaverse, please feel free to reach out at

DataMesh Reshapes Tower Crane Training Experience with Simulator 2.1

Today, DataMesh Simulator 2.1 is released, introducing simulation-based training and assessment tailored for tower crane operations. This innovative motion simulation platform focuses on providing trainees with an authentic learning experience while operating tower cranes, through upgraded operational scenarios that faithfully replicate real equipment models, construction environments, and operational procedures.

1:1 Digital Twin of Construction Environment

Construction machinery models, including tower cranes and others within the Simulator, are meticulously crafted to mirror selected reference machines in appearance, movement, status, and characteristics.

Models undergo meticulous treatments in color, material, texture, lighting, and background to achieve a heightened sense of realism.

Real-time rendering of tower cranes and collaborating construction machinery models ensures seamless immersion in the virtual environment without visual or auditory delays, fostering an unparalleled sense of participation for users.

Rigorous collision detection, interference verification, and motion synchronization ensure the authenticity and integrity of the tower crane and other construction machinery models involved.

Authentic Operational Procedure Replication

Operational procedures are designed based on insights from experienced tower crane operators, integrating text, voice, signal commands, dynamic UI elements, and instructional videos at each training step. The crane hook offers multiple operational perspectives, including front and rear views, external views, and cabin views, enhance the training experience.

The system interface provides real-time monitoring of machine parameters, such as wind speed, rotation angle, lifting weight, trolley position, and hook distance from the ground.

The comprehensive curriculum resources bridge the gap between training and real-world operations, allowing trainees to familiarize themselves with common terminology and signal gestures used in actual construction scenarios. This immersive training approach facilitates practical application and offers tangible hands-on training benefits.

Immersive Learning Experience

Integrated with the DataMesh Learn system, the Simulator platform streamlines the management, sharing, storage, and analysis of various mechanical equipment simulation training materials and assessment results. Instructors can autonomously customize and distribute training and assessment tasks to enhance teaching effectiveness, making it the preferred choice for engineering machinery professionals. The tower crane simulator comprises the DataMesh Simulator system software and hardware platforms, offering features such as course play, operational training, assessment, personnel management, and learning management. Hardware options include six degrees of freedom motion platforms, three degrees of freedom motion platforms, and a basic non-motion platform, catering to diverse user needs.

DataMesh Simulator revolutionizes industrial training by providing an immersive and lifelike learning environment that significantly improves trainee engagement and learning outcomes. By enabling trainees to understand equipment operations safely and effectively, it mitigates safety risks and boosts training efficiency. For purchasing inquiries or further product information, please contact

Learn more about the DataMesh Simulator platform by watching this video:

DataMesh Inspector 1.1 Releases, Enhancing Collaboration and MR Experience in AEC

Today, DataMesh released Inspector 1.1, introducing innovative features to deliver outstanding mixed reality experiences for the AEC (Architecture, Engineering, and Construction) sector. Focused on streamlining and optimizing visualization, on-site collaboration, and resource management, Inspector empowers construction and engineering professionals to achieve higher project execution efficiency throughout the AEC lifecycle.

Inspector, a cutting-edge inspection and maintenance toolkit powered by digital twin and mixed reality, can overlay large-scale BIM models and other real-time data onto the work site through augmented reality (AR). It visualizes digital twin data in the real world and enables fast inspection throughout the entire lifecycle of buildings and facilities. As a gateway to the industrial metaverse FactVerse, Inspector efficiently conveys business knowledge to frontline workers through immersive interactive methods.

Dynamically loads large-scale BIM data onto the site, empowering engineering acceptance with AR to verify planning and actual construction

Streamlining On-site Collaboration with Enhanced Annotations

Inspector 1.1 introduces enhanced collaborative annotation, allowing users to instantly view annotations like issue markers, inspection results, technical communications, and action plans added by team members during inspections or project walkthroughs. This feature significantly improves communication efficiency and provides robust process management tools for general contractors and subcontractors during the inspection of divisions and sections of projects.

View annotations within the building scene in browsing mode powered by mixed reality

With the upgraded collaborative annotation feature in Inspector 1.1, users can instantly view annotations added by other team members during the inspection process, such as issue markings, inspection results, technical communications, and action plans. This significantly improves communication efficiency, providing powerful process management tools for general contractors and various specialty contractors in the acceptance of subprojects.

Moreover, users can toggle between work scenarios with a single click by enabling/disabling browsing mode: In browsing mode, all annotation information is presented as pop-ups in the building scene. Users can review the information within the scene, visually inspect annotation descriptions and on-site photos, compare them with the standard practices represented by the BIM model, and engage in business communication through annotation messaging; When browsing mode is turned off, users can control a joystick to freely inspect component engineering information. They can overlay the BIM model onto the actual site for comparative viewing based on augmented reality (AR) mode.

Seamless Cloud Resource Integration for Enhanced On-site Work

Furthermore, Inspector 1.1 optimizes resource viewing strategies, enabling users to easily access 2D/3D resources from the cloud anytime, anywhere, enhancing the user experience. Users can showcase reference resources to specified locations or 3D models in the scene without the cumbersome process of file searching. This addresses the needs of construction sites for reviewing and presenting relevant reference resources during design reviews, design briefings, and acceptance processes.

Users can also associate annotation tasks with corresponding building scenes in FactVerse Services, facilitating rapid viewing and management of annotation entries and exporting annotations in chart format. This module also supports exporting structured data from the processes of building acceptance and construction communication, meeting the Common Data Environment (CDE) requirements in various regions. The comprehensively optimized component operation panel provides a more intuitive view of BIM data information, enabling users to clearly annotate specific components during the acceptance process. The newly added messaging feature allows teams to provide timely feedback on annotations.

Connecting 2D/3D resources from the cloud to the scene projected on-site
Connecting 2D/3D resources from the cloud to the scene projected on-site

Advancing Cloud Resource Processing and Data Access Optimization

Concurrently, FactVerse has upgraded its ability to process building scene resource files. Users can now effortlessly convert original BIM resource files into Inspector-compatible format files with a single click in the cloud, streamlining processes like resource matching, file processing, large-scale model simplification, and scene construction, significantly reducing the complexity of the original toolchain and user operational costs. The newly added universal data format conversion capability allows users to apply BIM file format building scenes to the entire DataMesh product family. Users can also convert imported model resources into formats such as FBX over the cloud, with configurable model optimization available during the process for maximum resource utilization.

Additionally, FactVerse Services now supports data connectivity between the FactVerse platform and Autodesk BIM 360, enabling users to quickly import cloud resources from BIM 360 into the FactVerse resource library and apply them to the DataMesh platform. The integration of FactVerse with other engineering industry cloud platforms facilitates data interoperability, helping a range of users reduce operational costs and fully capitalize on their own cloud assets.

As a gateway to the industrial metaverse platform FactVerse, DataMesh Inspector is committed to enhancing the efficiency and MR experience of construction operations and maintenance in the fields of architecture, engineering, and construction. It achieves this through an innovative 3D+MR visualization of the entire building process, enabling cloud-enabled data in the engineering industry and empowering the entire building lifecycle.

DataMesh Inspector 1.1 is now available on the Apple App Store. Feel free to install and experience it today. For any queries, please contact

DataMesh Director 6.1 Released, Now Supporting Lenovo ThinkReality VRX

We are thrilled to introduce the latest version of our flagship product, DataMesh Director 6.1. As we continue to push the boundaries of 3D+XR process design and corporate training, an important milestone accompanies this release – DataMesh Director is now compatible with Lenovo ThinkReality VRX through the Snapdragon Spaces XR developer platform.

The Lenovo ThinkReality VRX headset delivers exceptional versatility to meet today’s enterprise VR/mixed reality (MR) use cases and expand as new applications like the metaverse evolve with 6DoF experiences and full-color, high-resolution pass-through capabilities, ensuring that users receive a cutting-edge mixed reality experience when using DataMesh Director.

DataMesh Director 6.1 Studio Interface

In collaboration with the Snapdragon Spaces XR developer platform, DataMesh Director has achieved noteworthy improvements in performance and compatibility over the last several months. This includes expanded support for various smart AR glasses, such as the previously announced compatibility with Lenovo ThinkReality A3 and now extending to ThinkReality VRX.

Using DataMesh Director on ThinkReality VRX

Based on the Snapdragon Spaces SDK, DataMesh Director aims to address challenges and achieve compatibility with a broader range of XR devices, and is dedicated to empowering content creators and developers worldwide to transcend the limits of augmented reality, connecting the digital and real worlds, easily bringing their imaginative creations to life.

Snapdragon Spaces is a trademark or registered trademark of Qualcomm Incorporated. Snapdragon Spaces is a product of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.

New Features of DataMesh Director 6.1

The newly released version optimizes existing features and introduces new functionalities to enhance the user experience:

DataMesh One

  • Newly added interactive guidance features.
  • New theme options (black and white) for users to personalize their interface.
  • Sorting options for resource lists and activity lists.

DataMesh Studio

  • Expanded shortcut functionalities.

DataMesh FactVerse Services

  • Layout optimization for the “Details” page of scenarios.
  • Improvement in resource list sorting.

DataMesh Director 6.1 is now available on various app stores. Existing DataMesh SaaS subscribers can upgrade their applications directly. For product trials or partnerships in industrial metaverse building, please contact us via email at

DataMesh Learn Launches to Simplify and Redefine Corporate Training

Today, the comprehensive training solution, DataMesh Learn, has been officially released, aiming to meet the diverse needs of enterprises in the fields of training and learning while optimizing the digital training experience. This solution establishes an integrated and standardized training platform to assist frontline workers in rapidly enhancing their skills, offering businesses efficient, flexible, and cost-effective training options.

In the TEMS (Training, Experience, Monitor & Control, and Simulation) motivations for enterprises, training is considered a crucial aspect for enhancing efficiency and productivity. DataMesh Learn provides a comprehensive solution for the entire training lifecycle, including training resource development, learner performance assessment, and performance tracking and analysis. It especially supports pre-job training, on-the-job skill training, and production line simulation-based training for the discrete manufacturing industry, and simulation-based training of assembly manufacturing equipment, contributing to quantifiable, short-term measurable returns on training investments (ROI) and scalable cost-benefit enhancements.

Content Creation Made Easy: Drag-and-Drop, Data-Driven, & Intuitive Interface

DataMesh Learn offers robust support for various corporate stakeholders, especially the HR department, training development divisions, and frontline personnel. For educators, like trainers, lecturers, and HR managers, this solution covers the entire training process, from content creation to task publishing, online instruction, feedback on results, and data tracking and analysis.

Compared to traditional teaching methods, 3D and XR instructional training presents content more vividly and enhances interactivity, making it more engaging for learners. Historically, digital course creation was complex and had high technical requirements. However, DataMesh is dedicated to democratizing digital twinning through streamlined content creation processes, making it widely accessible. Additionally, it offers more functions and streamlined resource management, aiding businesses in tapping into the potential value of data.

Key features include:

  • Content Creation: Even those without a programming background can easily create and edit 3D content using drag-and-drop, zero-code tools, much like using PowerPoint.
  • Content Management: Easily manage various content types and accumulate digital training assets in FactVerse.
  • Training Categorization: Customize groups based on training scenarios and staff roles to address varied training needs.
  • Task Management: Create tasks and effectively track task performances to enhance training efficiency.
  • Data Analysis: Statistically track and monitor learners and team performances, supporting single score, error tracking, and long-term performance analysis.
  • xAPI Support: Export all types of learning data in xAPI format, seamlessly integrating into different existing learning management systems.

Additionally, DataMesh Learn offers various task templates, allowing trainers to quickly set tasks by merely filling in parameters. Customizable time and scoring mechanisms ensure standardized, quality, and accurate evaluations, realizing personalized configurations. The solution will also encompass abundant pre-set resources and generative AI features, simplifying the 3D content creation process.

Immersive Learning Experience: Realistic, Interactive, & Self-assessable

For learners, DataMesh Learn crafts a premium learning environment, presenting knowledge in a more vivid and intuitive manner, offering rich interactivity, making learning easier.

Through the interactive operation functionality, trainers can design challenging tasks that help learners deeply understand and quickly master complex skills. For instance, in MR mode, learners can operate 3D models using gestures in an interactive manner, such as rotating switch turntable valves, assembling and adjusting the positions and angles of stepper motor components. This flexible exploration and operation method not only enhances the learning experience but also improves learners’ understanding.

Multi-device XR support allows learners to experience training content in a mixed-reality environment. With interactive gesture features, they can immerse themselves in learning, smoothly operating virtual training equipment, attaining a more intuitive and profound understanding and experience. At the same time, they can practice and simulate in a virtual environment, delving deep into learning content. Combined with gesture interaction capabilities, learners can interact and operate training content more naturally, further enhancing learning outcomes.

Furthermore, DataMesh Learn supports score previews, exam time limits, and demonstration features, allowing learners to self-assess their learning progress and providing trainers with data on learner performance and results.

DataMesh Learn, in aligning with the TEMS principle, aids enterprises in more effectively achieving their training objectives, pushing the boundaries in employee capacity building and development, innovation, and efficiency.

DataMesh Learn integrates the extensive expertise and technical advantages in the corporate training sector, with a focus on manufacturing and AEC industries. Moving forward, this solution will facilitate enterprises from across industries to design and implement a variety of innovative digital training programs, heralding a new chapter in corporate education and training.

DataMesh FactVerse AI Officially Launches

Driving Creation and Management Efficiency through Digital Twin-Based Generative AI

Aug 17, Beijing — DataMesh is proud to unveil FactVerse AI. This groundbreaking tool is the newest innovation from FactVerse, DataMesh’s enterprise metaverse platform, designed to democratize digital twins. By harnessing the power of generative AI tools and GPT technology, FactVerse AI seeks to significantly enhance the efficiency of digital twin content creation. This empowers businesses to operate and manage more intelligently, delivering an unparalleled digital twin experience.

FactVerse AI, an AIGC tool built in FactVerse, addresses AIGC-related tasks tailored for enterprise-level needs, facilitating organizations in rapidly developing digital twins and comprehensive enterprise metaverse environments.

Considering the widespread appeal of ChatGPT, the role of generative AI technology in influencing digital twin innovations is clear. In this context, the multi-modal functionalities powered by LLM emerge as foundational engines for constructing the enterprise metaverse. FactVerse AI incorporates three core components: LLM (the foundational language model), Modifier (fine-tuning the LLM for specific industries or applications), and Agent (FactVerse’s multi-modal interactive interface). Collectively, these capabilities of FactVerse AI provide a solution that amplifies business operations and management.

Key Features Include:

  • Knowledge Base Integration: Enables businesses to seamlessly integrate various types of corporate knowledge documents and data into FactVerse AI’s knowledge hub, granting the AI model instant access to real-time, proprietary corporate data.
Easily deploying a knowledge base with up-to-date data
  • Smart Search and Content Creation: Offers sophisticated search capabilities within the corporate knowledge base. Combined with its content generation capabilities, it ensures rapid access to essential data and subsequent content production.
  • Adaptable Chatbot Frameworks: Pre-embedded Conversational AI/Virtual Agent/Chatbot templates allow for the customization of AI assistants, aligning them with varied operational roles, fostering efficient collaboration.
Using AI Assistant Template to deploy a virtual assistant based on different role needs
  • Industry-Specific Knowledge: FactVerse AI support implement of GPT-like AI models to provide customized content creation and processing tools, tailored to capture the intricacies of specific industries or user profiles.
  • Translation and Voice Capabilities: Offers extensive multi-language translation tools and voice synthesis, enhancing cross-lingual communication and content generation.
  • Real-time Data Access: Enables instant interfacing with existing corporate data systems, drawing real-time data (such as production data or monitoring data) into digital twin scenarios for enhanced monitoring and management.

In its current iteration, FactVerse AI has been seamlessly integrated into the DataMesh FactVerse cloud platform, making it readily available for enterprises. Organizations are now equipped to leverage this product for the development of proprietary corporate knowledge bases and the strategic deployment of AI assistants. The versatility to introduce a range of AI assistants tailored for varied tasks – from data analytics and market research to bid document drafting – redefines the landscape of operational efficiency. Furthermore, the one-click voice generation capability, complemented by robust multilingual support, sets a new benchmark for modern content creation efficiency.

For more information about FactVerse AI and product trials, please reach out to us at