Open resources

In DataMesh One, you can view 3D models, 2D resources, scenarios, and other content by opening resources.

Before opening resources, please make sure your device is connected to a stable network for fast downloading and loading of resources. In addition, it should be noted that larger 3D models may take longer time to load.

In MR viewing mode, resources can be placed anywhere in the real world. For example, you can place a virtual model on a table or on the floor. If you need to adjust the position of a resource that has already been placed, you can enter position mode to reset the position. For more information, please refer to Position mode.

In 3D viewing mode, resources will automatically appear in front of your view. You can rotate, zoom, and move the resources using gestures or joysticks to better observe and experience. If you need to edit the position, rotation angle, scale, or transparency of a resource, you can enter Edit mode to perform the operation. For more information, please refer to Edit mode.

3D models

Please follow the following steps to open 3D models from resources list:

1. In the Resources interface, click on the folder containing the 3D models to open the resources list under that folder.

2. You can perform a fuzzy search of resources by entering keywords in the search box.

3. Click on the 3D model file you want to view in the resources list.

4. Start downloading and loading resources.

    • In MR viewing mode, the model center is placed at (0, 0, 0) and you will enter position mode. Move your mobile device and click on the blank space in the screen to place the model.
    • In 3D viewing mode, the model will automatically appear in front of your view after it is loaded.

5. If you need to adjust the position of a model that has already been placed, you can enter position mode to reset the position. For more information, please refer to Position mode.

6. If you need to adjust the position, rotation angle, scale, or transparency of the model, you can enter Edit mode for editing. For more information, please refer to Edit mode.

2D resources

DataMesh One also supports opening 2D resources such as images, videos, and PDF files. The opening process is the same as for 3D models, and they will appear in front of the screen for convenient viewing and operation by the user. 


After opening an image, you can minimize, hide, and view the image in full screen.

: Minimize. Clicking on this option will minimize the resource and fix it in the upper right corner of the screen for convenient viewing at any time. 

:  Hide. Clicking on the Hide icon will hide the image. After hiding the image, a Show icon will appear. Clicking on the Show icon, the image will be displayed again.

:  View in full screen.

: Unminimize. Select the image in the minimized state in the upper right corner of the screen, and then click   to unminimize the image.


After selecting a video, you can use the control buttons to play, pause, fast forward, rewind, adjust the progress bar, and control the volume.

After clicking on the minimize icon, the video will minimize and be fixed to the upper right corner of the screen. You can click on the minimized video and use the control buttons to play, pause, fast forward, rewind, and adjust the video progress. You can also unminimize the video or watch the video in full screen.

PDF file

DataMesh One supports operations such as page turning, minimizing, and hiding PDF files.

Clicking  will minimize the PDF file and fix it to the upper right corner of the screen. You can click on the minimized PDF file and choose to turn pages, deselect minimize, or read in full screen mode.


Scenario playback is an important function in DataMesh One. Before opening a scenario, you need to select the scenario folder in the Resources interface. Then, you can click on the scenario file you want to play and open it in the scene.


1. Click on the folder where the scenario is in the Resources interface.

2. Click on the scenario you want to play and open it in the scene.

3. After opening the scenario, you can set the position and edit the models and other resources in it. For more information, please refer to Position mode and Edit mode.

4. Click on the Stage List button  to open the Stage List of the scenario. Clicking on the name of a scene in the list will play that scene on a separate page.

Scan the code to open models and scenarios

DataMesh One also supports opening models and scenarios through scanning the code. If you need to open models and scenarios through scanning the code, please follow these steps:

1. On FactVerse Services, go to the Resource page in the Digital Twin module, find the model or scenario file you want to view, and open the Resource details window.

2. Click on the bottom left corner of the Resource details window, and the window will display the link and QR code information of the resource.

3. In the main interface of DataMesh One, click on the scan button , scan the QR code of the resource in step 2, load and open the model or scenario.

Log in

Language:  You can switch the interface language to Simplified Chinese, English, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese.

Server: The server that the enterprise account belongs to.

:  Private deployment icon. When logging in with a private deployment server for an enterprise account, you need to set a private deployment exclusive service code. Users can click on this icon to set the private deployment exclusive service code.

Demo: It allows users to watch built-in models, scenarios, and events provided by DataMesh as a guest.

Scan the code to log in: For more details, please refer to Scan the code to log in.

Third-party login: For more details, please refer to Third-party login.

Regular login

On the login interface of DataMesh One, use your account and password to log in.


1. Open the Login interface of DataMesh One.

2. Select the Language and Server that the enterprise belongs to.

3. If your enterprise has deployed a private server, you must set an exclusive service code before logging in. The specific steps to set it up are as follows:

a. Click Private deployment icon .

b. In the Private Server dialog box, enter the enterprise’s private deployment exclusive service code.

c. Click Confirm to return to the login page. The server’s name on the login page will be displayed as the exclusive service code you have set.

4. Enter your Account and Password.

5. Click the Log in button.

a. If you belong to only one enterprise account, you will directly enter the main interface after successfully logging in.

b. If you have multiple enterprise accounts, a list of enterprise accounts will be displayed for you to choose from. Select the enterprise account you want to use, then click Confirm to complete the login.

Third-party login

DataMesh One supports using Third-party login methods for logging in, using Microsoft’s identity and access management service Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to enhance the security of users when using FactVerse Services.


1. Open the Login interface of DataMesh One.

2. Select the language and server that the enterprise belongs to.

3. If your enterprise has deployed a private server, you must set an exclusive service code before logging in. Please refer to Step 3 in the regular login process for specific setup steps.

4. Click on the third-party login icon , and click OK in the pop-up prompt window.

5. Enter Microsoft account and password for logging in.

Scan the code to log in

Using the Scan the code to log in feature provided by the FactVerse Services, quickly log in to your account on DataMesh One.


1. Open the Login interface of DataMesh One.

2. Select the Language and Server that the enterprise belongs to.

3. If your enterprise has deployed a private server, you must set an exclusive service code before logging in. Please refer to Step 3 in the regular login process for specific setup steps.

4. Click on the scan code icon , and a scanning frame will appear.

5. Log in to FactVerse Services, click on the username in the top navigation bar, and select Scan the code to log in in the account function menu.

6. The system will automatically generate a QR code that refreshes at intervals.

7. Use DataMesh One to scan the QR code generated on the FactVerse Services platform in Step 6. After successfully scanning, a prompt window will appear.

8. In the Scan the code to log in confirmation window on the FactVerse Services platform, click Confirm to complete the login.

User interface

Main interface

The main interface of DataMesh One includes two main modules by default: Resources and Event. Users can switch between them by clicking on the Resources and Event tabs. 


The Resources interface contains all the folder directories and resource files that the current account has access to. These resource files include 3D models, scenarios, images, PDF files, and more.

Following figure shows the toolbar of Resources:


The Event interface is the interface used to manage all the events that the current account has access to. In the Event interface, you can browse the event list, view event details, participant information, and scenarios. If you are the creator of the event, you can also edit the event.

Following figure shows the toolbar of the Event interface:


In DataMesh One, a scene refers to the scene files created by FactVerse Designer. When a user has the permissions for the scene function, that is, the user’s bound position has permissions for the scene function, they can see the scene interface in the main interface of DataMesh One. The scene interface contains all folder directories and scene files in the directory that the current account can access. 


After clicking the settings button on the Resources or Event interface, you can open the Settings interface. The settings interface includes general settings like account, language, watermark, cache, and features like uploading logs.

Language:  DataMesh One supports Simplified Chinese, English, Japanese and Traditional Chinese.

Button Position: You can choose to place the control button on the left or right side of the screen.

Rendering Quality: To adapt to different device performance, DataMesh One provides six different rendering quality options. Increasing the quality can optimize screen aliasing, ripple, and shadow effects.

Position Reference: Position Reference setting aligns the content displayed by DataMesh One in position mode with real-world target objects to achieve positioning accuracy.

    • Current: Using the current content being played in the scenario as a reference for positioning.
    • First Frame: Using the first frame of scenario’s first scene as a reference for positioning. For example, a user adds A in the scenario position mode of DataMesh Studio, it will be displayed for positioning under the initial positioning setting.

Watermark: DataMesh One supports turning on/off the watermark. Note: Trial users and demo mode do not support turning off the watermark feature.

MR: DataMesh One supports switching between MR and 3D viewing modes. When using DataMesh One on mobile devices, MR mode is enabled by default, and you can switch to 3D viewing mode by turning off the MR switch in the settings. When using DataMesh One on a PC, only 3D mode is supported, and MR mode is not supported.

Cache: You can choose to clean up all resources or infrequently used resources. Cleaning up infrequently used resource cache will only clear the resource cache that has not been used within 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks). When the system experiences slow performance or other issues, you can try cleaning up the cache to resolve the issue.

Logs: DataMesh One supports uploading the latest seven logs.

Log out: Click the Log out button to log out of the account and return to the login page.

System requirements


Minimum configuration

Recommended configuration

Windows PC


•         Window10 or above

•         Direct3D 11.0 or above


•         Window10 or above

•         Direct3D 11.0 or above



CPU: Intel®Core™i5-6200U 2.30Ghz

CPU: Intel®Core™i7-11700 3.60Ghz





•     Android 10.0

•     Google ARCore


•     Android 11.0

•     Google ARCore

Chip: Qualcomm Snapdragon 865

Chip: Qualcomm Snapdragon 888



GPU: Qualcomm Adreno650

GPU: Qualcomm Adreno660


System: iOS 14

System: iOS 17

  RAM: 4GB


  Chip: A12

Chip: A16


System: iPadOS 14

System: iPadOS 16

  RAM: 3GB


  Chip: A12

Chip: M2


HoloLens 2

Note: MR mode only supports Android devices in the list of Google ARCore Supporting Device.


DataMesh One is an application that can be used in conjunction with DataMesh Studio and FactVerse Services platform. It can play immersive 3D data scenarios and display vivid scenes on virtual reality devices, smartphones, tablets, and other devices. In addition, multiple users can share the same 3D space simultaneously, making it convenient for collaborative learning and communication. Our application also provides convenient interactive operations, such as gestures and joysticks, which allows users to interact more organically with models in the 3D space.

Instructions for use

Steps to open local model are as follows:

1. Log in DataMesh Importer.

2. Click the File menu and select Open Local.

3. Select a local model and click Open in the local resources folder.

Steps to open a cloud model are as follows:

1. Click File menu and select Open Cloud.

The following figure is the Open Cloud File window:

2. After selecting a model, click Open to open and display the model in DataMesh Importer.

The material of a model refers to the attributes used to describe the surface characteristics of an object, such as color, reflection, transparency, etc. It determines the appearance and visual effects of the model.

In DataMesh Importer, you can easily modify the material attributes of a model.

1. Open the model and go to the material list in the attributes pane.

2. Click on the edit button of the material you want to modify.

3. You will open the material properties window, where we provide several commonly used material spheres, including metal, wood, plastics, glass, marble, glaze, and concrete. You can use these material spheres to replace the original material of the model.

In addition, you can use various adjustable properties, including color, transparency, metallicity, and smoothness. These properties can be adjusted separately or in combination, making it easy for you to achieve the desired effect.

Note: When saving the model, the model with modified material will be saved in GLB format to the cloud.

The steps to save a model are as follows:

1. After opening the model, select the nodes that need to be saved in the left structure directory.

2. In the model attributes area on the right, view the model’s name, platform availability, basic parameters, animation list, and other information. Adjust the model material according to your needs.

3. If the model has not been modified, the Save option in the file menu will be grayed out.

4. If the model has been modified, click File > Save Model or the Save button in the Menus to upload the modified model to the cloud. Note: The original model file in the cloud will be overwritten by the new file.

5. In the Save Model window, enter the model file name, select the target path, and click Confirm.

6. Wait for the model to finish uploading, and the page will prompt that “Resources successfully uploaded”.

In DataMesh Importer, you can save the imported model as a new file by following these steps:

1. Click the File menu and select the Save As option.

2. In the pop-up Save As window, choose the path and file name for saving the model.

Note: You should avoid using the same file name as the model file in the cloud. It is recommended to choose a different file name or select a different folder in the same path when saving the model.

3. Click Confirm to save as a new file.

Model file formats

    • FBX format (*.fbx): FBX format is a universal 3D model file that contains information such as animation, material properties, textures, skeletal animation, lighting, cameras, etc. FBX format supports Polygons, Curves, Surfaces, and Point Group Materials.

FBX format supports normal and texture coordinates. Textures and coordinate information can be stored in the FBX file, and no manual identification or adjustment of texture coordinates is required after the file is being imported.

Note: If the exported FBX model file has a corresponding texture, the texture should be embedded during the export process.

    • glTF format: glTF format has two formats: *.gltf and *.glb. DataMesh Importer does not support the *.gltf format, but it can be converted to the .glb format for use. Compared with FBX, glTF can store more material information and support more artistic effects. If the model has complex materials (such as reflection maps, metal texture maps, normal maps, etc.), it is recommended to convert them to glTF format for use.

DataMesh Importer also supports the following model formats, but due to the characteristics of the format itself, it may not include hierarchy structure and color materials.

    • OBJ format (*.obj): The textures and materials in the OBJ format are stored externally, and only the index is stored in the main file. Therefore, importing the OBJ format into DataMesh Importer will lose color and texture.
    • STL format (*.stl): STL format is a simple format for 3D printing, which only includes the shape of the three-dimensional object surface and does not include material information such as color and texture. Therefore, there is no color and texture after importing the STL file into DataMesh Importer. The STL format also does not include sub-objects, so the models in the STL format do not have sub-objects after importing.
    • 3MF format (*.3mf): 3MF format is also a format for 3D printing, but it is more advanced than STL. It can include color information and sub-objects but does not have texture. Because it is a 3D printing format, the transparency in the color information of 3MF is meaningless and cannot represent transparent objects. In some 3MF formats, in addition to setting colors for sub-objects, colors are also set for each point. DataMesh Importer currently does not support setting colors for each point and will ignore this part of the data.
    • PLY format (*.ply): PLY format is a data file used to describe 3D scanning results. It usually does not include color but may have texture. Like OBJ, the texture is external, and only the information used for texture is stored in the main file. Therefore, importing the PLY format will lose texture. The PLY format also cannot include sub-objects.
ParameterHigh performance equipmentMid performance equipmentLow performance equipment
Polycount (Unit: 10k Polys)1,00030050
Single model specification recommendation

High performance equipment: This specifically refers to mid-to-high-end PC hosts, top-tier iOS devices, and high-end Android models.

Examples of high-end Android models include:

    • CPU: Snapdragon 8+ Gen1, Dimensity 9000
    • RAM: 12G/16G

Mid performance equipment: Common PC hosts, mid-to-high-end iOS devices, and mid-range Android models;

Examples of mid-range Android models include:

    • CPU: Snapdragon 778G
    • RAM: 8G

Low performance equipment: Common iOS devices, HoloLens2 and Android low-end models.

The data in the table is recommended as reference values, representing typical values under normal circumstances. It does not guarantee applicability in any environment. The final display effect is influenced by numerous factors, and the actual operating effect shall be subject to the critical value of any item.

User interface

The layout of DataMesh Importer user interface are as follows:


The Menus includes functions such as File, Settings, and Information Panel. You can perform operations such as opening local models, opening cloud models, and saving models.

File menu

    • Open Local: Open a locally saved model file.
    • Open Cloud: Open a model file from the FactVerse Services resource library.
    • Save Model: Upload the currently imported model to the FactVerse Services resource library.
    • Save As: Perform a Save As operation on the current model and specify a new name for it.


It is the same as the Save Model function in the File menu. It saves the model resource to the FactVerse Services resource library.


    • Language: You can switch to different languages.
    • Account > User account: Display current login user account.
    • Account > Log out: Exit current user account.
    • Upload log: You can upload the latest seven log files to FactVerse Services.
    • Operating Parameters: Display the application’s Memory, FPS, DrawCall, Batches, Triangular Faces, Vertices, and other key data.
    • About: View the current application version number.
    • Quit: Close the application.

Information Panel

Display attributes information of model.

Node structure directory

The Node structure directory is a feature in DataMesh Importer that displays the hierarchical structure and node relationships of the imported 3D models. The Node structure directory can help you better manage and control the structure of the imported 3D model. You can select, deselect, and merge nodes as needed to flexibly adjust the model’s hierarchical structure. This can improve the model’s operability and flexibility, making it easier for you to perform subsequent model editing and scene creation work.

In the Node structure directory, you can perform the following operations:  

    • Smart Select All: With Smart Select All, you can quickly select or deselect all nodes for batch operations.
    • Single node selection: Each node has a checkbox that you can click to select or deselect the node. Through the checkbox, you can selectively control the components of the model. When you upload the model, the selected nodes will be uploaded as separate objects, while the unselected nodes will be merged into other nodes.
    • Fast select same level Nodes: By double-clicking the checkbox of a node, you can quickly select or deselect all nodes at the same level. This feature makes it convenient for you to perform mass selection or deselection operations on nodes at the same level.

Note: When the number of nodes exceeds 500, you need to manually select the nodes.

Scene area

The Scene area can load and display imported 3D models. Users can import various format model files (such as FBX, GLTF, OBJ, etc.) and present them as realistic 3D objects in the Scene area. Users can freely browse and observe the model in the Scene area.

When loading and displaying imported 3D models in the Scene area, users can use the following methods to adjust the scene perspective:

    • Rotate the scene: Hold down the right mouse button at any position in the scene and move the mouse horizontally to rotate the scene in all directions for a comprehensive view of the model.
    • Pan the scene: To move the scene to the left, right, forward, or backward in the scene, click on a blank area in the scene, hold down the left mouse button, and drag the mouse to the left, right, or up and down on the screen. You can also hold down the mouse wheel and drag the mouse in the direction you want to pan.
    • Zoom the scene: To zoom in and out of the scene, you can use the scroll wheel on the mouse. Scroll up to zoom in and scroll down to zoom out.
    • Raise and lower the scene: To raise and lower the scene, hold down the Shift key and the left mouse button, and move up and down on the blank area of the scene. Move up to lower the scene and move down to raise the scene.

Attributes area (Model attributes pane)

The Model Attributes pane displays the current model’s performance on various platforms and its basic attribute information. At the same time, the attributes pane provides material editing functions that allow users to adjust and modify the model’s materials. Users can choose the type of material ball for the model (such as metal, wood, plastic, etc.), or customize the color, glossiness, roughness, and other attributes of the material to achieve the desired visual effect.

    • Available Platforms: The platform availability indicates the availability of models on different platforms. The size and complexity of the model’s structure can affect its performance on different platforms. When using DataMesh Importer to open a model, we will prompt you to see whether the DataMesh application on three platforms supports the model’s normal operation.
    • Triangular Faces: The Triangular Faces refers to the number of triangular faces in the model. It is an important indicator for measuring model complexity and detail level. Higher face counts usually mean more details and more refined appearance but may also lead to performance burdens. In DataMesh Importer, when the face count of the model is too large, it may affect the use of the application and give corresponding prompts.
    • Vertices: The model vertices refer to the total number of vertices in the model. Vertices are the basic building blocks of the model, forming faces and polygons by connecting vertices, thus forming the entire model. The vertices are related to the detail and complexity of the model. A high vertex may increase rendering and computational burdens. Therefore, when using DataMesh Importer, if the vertices of the model are too large, prompts may be given.
    • Textures: The texture count refers to the number of texture images applied to the model. Textures can give the model visual effects such as color, texture, and reflection. Increasing the number of textures may increase memory usage and render burdens. In DataMesh Importer, the textures can provide an evaluation of the model’s texture usage, allowing users to understand the details of the model.
    • Materials: The materials represent the number of materials used in the model. Materials define the characteristics of the model’s surface, such as color, transparency, metallicity, and smoothness. In DataMesh Importer, users can edit and adjust each material, including modifying properties such as color, transparency, metallicity, and smoothness. Understanding the number of materials in the model can help users understand the changes in appearance and detail control of the model.
    • Animation: When the model has built-in animation, users can click the Play button to play it.


After opening DataMesh Importer, click on the settings button in the toolbar, and select Account > Account Login from the drop-down menu to open the login page.

Following figure is the login interface:

The login interface supports the following configuration:

    • Language: DataMesh Importer supports Simplified Chinese, English, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese languages.
    • Server List: You can switch to different servers, including China Mainland, Japan, and Singapore.
    • Private Deployment: If an enterprise has deployed a private server, users need to enter the exclusive service code for the private deployment when logging in.
    • Third-party Login: For more information about third-party login, please refer to the specific section on Third-party login in the user manual.

To log in to DataMesh Importer, use your FactVerse account and password on the login interface.

1. Open the login interface of DataMesh Importer.

2. Select the desired language and server.

3. If your organization has a private server, follow these directions below. Otherwise, skip to step 4.

a. Click the private deployment icon .

b. In the popup, enter the private server’s code, for example: “dtcs-sg”.

c. Click Confirm to return to the login page.

4. Enter your account and password of FactVerse.

5. Click Sign in.

a). If you have only one account, you will be directly logged in.

b). If you have multiple accounts, select the correct one from a list and you will be logged in.

DataMesh Importer supports using Third-party login methods for logging in, using Microsoft Entra ID, an identity and access management service, in order to enhance user security.

1. Open the login interface of DataMesh Importer.

2. Select the correct language and server.

3. (Optional) Private server deployment. If your company has deployed a private server, you need to configure the private server settings before logging in.

4. Click Microsoft third-party login icon, and then enter third-party account and password to log in.

System configuration requirements

Minimum configuration Recommended configuration 
Window 10 or above 
Direct3D 11.0 or above 

CPU: Intel®Core™i5-6200U 2.30Ghz 
Window10 or above 
Direct3D 11.0 or above 

CPU: Intel®Core™i7-11700 3.60Ghz 
RAM: 16GB 
Table 1 PC configuration requirements
Minimum configurationRecommended configuration
Monterey 12.0.1 

CPU: Intel Core i7 
GPU: Intel Iris Plus Graphics 640 
Monterey 12.0.1 

Chip: Apple M1 
RAM: 16GB 
Table 2 MacOS configuration requirements

Before using DataMesh Importer, you need to request permission from your company administrator. The company administrator will add your user account, associate it with a department and position, and provide access to DataMesh Importer and other required features on the FactVerse service platform.