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Pay Monthly

from $59/mo

seat (s)

Pay Annually (Save 15%)

from $599/yr

seat (s)

Order Summary

Product: DataMesh Inspector
License Type: 1 viewer account(s)
Billing Cycle: Monthly / Annually

Estimated Total: USD 59.00

Plan Details:

Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of each billing cycle. You may cancel anytime to avoid future charges.


DataMesh Inspector

DataMesh Inspector enhances maintenance operations by integrating BIM and facility BMS data through FactVerse, enabling comprehensive inspections of both equipment and facility systems. 

Download Inspector

Download DataMesh Inspector from the App Store by clicking here or scanning the QR code:


What should I do if I don’t receive my registration email?

Check your spam or junk folder. If it’s still missing, please reach out to us at

Licenses are valid for the duration of the subscription period. You can renew or cancel at any time.

We manage your data according to our Data Processing Agreement (DPA). For questions, please contact

You will be notified in advance when your subscription is due for renewal. Follow the provided instructions to renew easily.

Usually, your subscription renews automatically one day before it expires. If auto-renewal is canceled, you can manually renew it in the “My Subscription” section.

You can manage auto-renewal settings from your account dashboard. And you can cancel auto-renewal in the “My Subscription” section.

Subscriptions are generally non-refundable, except in rare cases. For questions, please contact

If you have any other questions or encounter issues while using DataMesh Inspector, please contact us, or refer to our Knowledge Base for the user manual.

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